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Fantasma Phantasm

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Everything posted by Fantasma Phantasm

  1. Hi everypony!!! So i'm trying to make a theme for Mr. Green's first coming to Ponyville (Not sure I spelled it right.....) Its beta name is 'Mr.Green's 'greening' theme untill further notice.(PUNS!!!) Lyrics so far are: (Depending on circumstances) "Welcome to my humble abode! I'm sure you'll find a whole load! (Of plants! Of plants, and nothing but that!) So keep your eyes open!" "So who exactly are you anyway? Whats your name?" "Dear me! How rude of me! Allow me to introduce myself!" (Song starts up again!) "You may call me, young mare, the greatest planter everywhere! (Mr.Green! Mr.Green, hes nothing but keen!) To see a new face here!" So that is what I have so far as of lyrics. The beat of the song, though..... I mean don't get me wrong I have a proper beat for it, but lack of proper tech limits from showing it to you ponies... So sorry! I'd appreciate it if I got some lyric ideas though! And if it comes through I'll credit everypony! Keep on going for life everypony!!
  2. You got it man! I totally understand how you are feeling. I want you to stay positive to though. I mean, its that I don't feel bad for them, its just that, is it really necessary to spread it amongst those who are trying fun on these forums? I think not. Which is also what pushes me to help people in general.. So that it doesn't have to be that way anymore...Keep on going for life dude!!
  3. Dats da gud questirn... A recent examination shows that I have a a strong immune system but a weak liver,(Don't ask how that works! XD) But thats besides the point. The point i'm trying to make is that I haven't been sick in a while, so I guess I would walk around a little to get the blood pumping, drink some water, and play some stuff. Or draw random jazz like I always do, or go on the interwebs! Sounds pretty basic. I only get sick on December though to....
  4. I honestly wish I knew how to put gifs on stuff... It'd make the Interwebs a lot funner for me!

  5. I'd switch to Geico and save 15% more on car insurance. Is the The God of Destruction able to stand a chance?
  6. I wouldn't know. They both can't use the Shoryuken to stand a chance. King Sombra or Mario?
  7. Booya!! using Shoryuken is easy!

  8. I can only imagine hearing a HIGH pitched sound and orange and yellow background appear after I win something!
  9. Weekend is here! So hows everypony?!

    1. Sweet Pen

      Sweet Pen



    2. Fantasma Phantasm
  10. I totally need help! Love of my life thinks that i'm to nice her and that she doesn't deserve me...Help!

  11. I don't know.... I mean I understand what everyone means by the 'Context its said by' but....Its so confusing......I mean I avoid the words altogether simply to avoid conflict. And they may be harmless, sure -If used right that is- but the vulgarity of how it sounds...how it feels to say, makes one feel uncomfortable.. A specific mindset to be precise. Due to those words being rejected all these years, it psychologically changes the meaning to make it sound horrible. Thus why others get mad. I, in all honesty, don't like using them... And I never do... (Hopefully I didn't offend anypony. But there you go. )
  12. I'm playing chess! On a forums!

  13. I am a Christian!!!! Its good to know other Christians here! I've seen to much hate against the big guy though.... Raised a Christian though! Same here! I just thought it help me be a better person for the big guy in the sky (God!) And for my own agenda.
  14. I'm like in love!!! It feels good!!!

  15. My electricity went out for awhile... its okay though.

  16. Now, Before thy goes into slumber thoust must listen to a good song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGsQuFVXGNk

  18. Guys....I think i'm dead....My heart was stolen today by special somepony at my school.... Don't know how long I can last...Whew...Amber...Why are you so....Amber?...

  19. Before ay hit the hay, best song eva!

  20. My is finally off the negative stuff i've been reading on here! But I mean for real though! geeze...

  21. eating hamburgers, watching MLP, Drinking coolaide...Ideal dinner right there!

    1. Bojo


      I approve your dinner, hope you enjoy it!

  22. "Ooo I like a good game of chess.." A smile grew into devious one,"Ready to be outsmarted?"
  23. "Ugh....Idiot... gotta be the better stallion..." He said to himself. "But i'm not mean..." He lamented. "You have a doctorates degree! You are FREAKING DOCTOR FOR CELESTIA'S SAKE!" He raged. ".......But i'm not mean."he continued. "Or strict..." He took a breath in of his nature smelling office... and relaxed.... "Whose next..."
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