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Wind Chaser

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  1. @*Testarossa said to be a racecar, but I'm stuck in New York City. I can be an MCI D4500. Big, bad, and not in service!

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    2. Wind Chaser

      Wind Chaser

      I was just going into full-on Honda-bashing mode trying to play up a rivalry between those of you with cars and the rest of us working-class city folk who take the bus. It's nothing serious. I have respect for every type of car, I just prefer not to associate with certain manufacturers. I actually use my parents' '03 Suzuki XL-7, which was unfortunately abused by my cousins and has 180K+ miles and a different issue every week. We unfortunately cannot afford anything better and the...

    3. Wind Chaser

      Wind Chaser

      ...bus is the only other option. Here in NYC, you go through high school taking the bus or the train because the driving age is 18, unless you have rich parents who will pay for your drivers' ed and get you a car so you can drive at 17. Taxes and rent are high and the job market sucks, so I deal with it by embracing our public transit.

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