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Wind Chaser

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Status Updates posted by Wind Chaser

  1. I will be in Williamsburg and AFK for the next week or so, in the meantime, here's a thing I want somepony to work on http://mlpforums.com/topic/94558-my-oc-in-some-kind-of-revolutionary-war-era-punishment/

  2. @*Testarossa said to be a racecar, but I'm stuck in New York City. I can be an MCI D4500. Big, bad, and not in service!

  3. If you ever go with a boarding pass that says SUX -> PNS one day, don't say I didn't warn you.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wind Chaser

      Wind Chaser



      You have to connect in ORD, hence SUX -> ORD -> PNS, which may suggest you are doing the unspeakable to Ord from Dragon Tales.

    3. Wind Chaser

      Wind Chaser

      You could also fly private on that route. (No pun intended)

    4. DubWolf


      Mother of Celestia o.O...Ord!!


      Haha, pun!

  4. Whatever you do, NEVER book a flight from Sioux City to Pensacola.

  5. I love it when the smell of BBQ and the sound of jets fill the air.

    1. Wind Chaser

      Wind Chaser

      You'd probably think this is an airshow, but it's actually right outside my window.

  6. I guess flying in straight lines is exclusively an Airbus thing.

  7. MCI D4500 is best bus. If only that "sold" sticker was for me. http://busesandmore.com/images/2001-MCI-D4500/D4500-left-side-rear.jpg

  8. Rapper Pinkie was O.G. I can't wait for the fanart, I'll try to work on something this week.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Skullbuster


      she was more of a cross between MC Hammer and Run DMC

    3. Acoustic Cloud

      Acoustic Cloud

      I'm aware of that, I just said I want her with vanilla ice?

    4. Skullbuster


      the way it was posted seemed like you were drawing her as vanilla ice, my apology

  9. This NWS race is shit. Harvick and Busch leading as usual.

  10. Browsing FluttershyxButterscotch stuff because Rule 63. My reaction:

    1. Wind Chaser

      Wind Chaser


    2. Karma Lightwing

      Karma Lightwing

      I'm never gonna search that. I don't even know what rule 63 is

  11. I feel a lot less horny today.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wind Chaser

      Wind Chaser

      I guess none of you were here yesterday to know what I'm talking about.



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CloudSeeker


      argh... why is my link unclickable?


    3. Wind Chaser

      Wind Chaser

      All those extra wings are overrated. How can you even fly like that?!

    4. CloudSeeker


      idk. these wings are made for walking. or something like that.

      maybe helicoptertwilight? :D

      i think the more wings an alicorn has, the higher in the hierarchy

      of getting her flank served by a villian she is. i suppose..


  14. What I thought I'd do was, I'd pretend I was an alicorn and troll ponies.

  15. Open this image http://tinyurl.com/b8tmkaf and listen to this song

    at the same time. Thank me later.
  16. Tonight's episode of American Dad showed me why I stopped watching Seth MacFarlane cartoons. I could practically feel the PTC's panties whirling around into a fine 540 degree twist (no dirty joke intended).

  17. When they asked everypony where they wanted to be in the future at school, the other Pegasi either wanted to be working the weather, or flying with the Wonderbolts, things like that. You know what I said? "Alive."

    1. yayayayayala


      Hey...that's actually really cool! Is that a quote from something, or did you make that up? (If you didn't, can I use it as a line in a medieval-style MLP fic? :D)

    2. Wind Chaser

      Wind Chaser

      My father used it in a semi-racist joke he probably heard somewhere, I just ponified it. Use it if you want, please point me to it when you do.

    3. yayayayayala


      LOL ok! :D Thanks! I've only written a few lines of the prologue, so it'll be a bit before you get to see it. :D

  18. 100 brohoofs as of 11:30 AM, March 23

    1. Karma Lightwing

      Karma Lightwing

      I only have 37 :3

  19. 99 brohoofs on the wall...

  20. We've got a Sweetie Belle/Crusaders episode today, I'm starting to like those Crusaders even more now in Season 4.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Karma Lightwing

      Karma Lightwing

      IT is up, i just found it and finished the episode. Such a sweet episode :D

    3. Wind Chaser

      Wind Chaser

      I was actually watching it in my living room while my parents were out, but I missed the last two minutes.

    4. Karma Lightwing
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