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Wind Chaser

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Status Updates posted by Wind Chaser

  1. Noticed a Spike episode marathon on The Hub today, is it some kind of special occasion or are they trying to tell us that they care, too?

  2. When the Cup's on the line, all you need is a Swede. LET'S GO RANGERS!

  3. I thought these Google ads were smart, now they're telling me to switch to FiOS, which I already have!

  4. LOL that's a funny banner, one of the best I've seen on this site.

    1. Shift


      Thank youuu!

  5. I'm now on iRacing if anyone's interested, PM me, there are certain things I would have to tell you first.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Magic Twinkle

      Magic Twinkle

      I know you meant me ;P

    3. Wind Chaser

      Wind Chaser

      Sorry, I thought you were. What sim do you use for leagues?

    4. Magic Twinkle

      Magic Twinkle

      Well simracing isn't all for me so I don't do a lot of leagues...only one major one on rFactor 2.

  6. I'm Jimmie Johnson. Boom! Confetti! http://i.imgur.com/SDQmrRM.gif

  7. DOVER!

    1. Karma Lightwing

      Karma Lightwing

      What is a Dover?

    2. Zenit


      an english town near france.

    3. Wind Chaser

      Wind Chaser

      It's also a speedway in Dover, Delaware.

  8. Hope my parents don't think I'm breaking the mouse...I'm working on another good one for DeviantArt.

  9. There seems to have been a trend towards reviving old posts in the Show Discussion lately.

  10. Finally, they proved not only that Discord wasn't fully reformed and that Twilight is the princess of friendship (obviously), but they also confirmed nopony wants to remember Rainbow Falls.

  11. Dogecar. Wow. Such power. Much fast. Best racecar.


    1. Moost



    2. Wind Chaser

      Wind Chaser

      Get behind me, those who will not accept Josh Wise as your savior!

  13. I didn't get to see the whole episode on the livestream, but damn did that moral hit home.

  14. School is life. Work is life. Death is freedom.

    1. Sugar Pea

      Sugar Pea

      Nah, I say retirement. xD

    2. Wind Chaser

      Wind Chaser


      If you can afford it, or if you live to see it.

  15. Isn't it interesting that an episode with Spike comes out on the same day as the St. George Day festival here where I live? Dragons. Dragons everywhere.

  16. Are you going to do a blog on "Trade Ya"? I originally wanted to do one until I found that our opinions on that episode were mostly the same.

  17. *Finds out I've spent 7 days in total time on this site since February* Dammit, I need a life.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Hawk Moth

      Hawk Moth

      I love your profile picture. Happy Gilda is best Gilda.

    3. DryGuy84 (Inactive)
    4. Wind Chaser

      Wind Chaser

      Enjoy it while it lasts, it won't be around long. (I will be uploading it to Deviantart, though.)

  18. 211 brohoofs is an excellent milestone for me to start making changes to my profile.

  19. There are three things I'm now wary of: Episodes set in Rainbow Falls, episodes written by Scott Sonneborn, and episodes set in Rainbow Falls written by Scott Sonneborn.

  20. ermahgerd that avatar!

  21. Finally back from Williamsburg, full posting ability.

    1. DubWolf


      It must be Friday in New York..lol bad joke! Welcome back.

  22. I will be AFK in Williamsburg for the next week, my posting will be limited, meanwhile, here's a thing I'd like somepony to work on: http://tinyurl.com/phdfms4 *he said as if somepony cared*

    1. Karma Lightwing

      Karma Lightwing

      Maybe ill do some art this weekend, if i only could put diablo away xD I havent stopped playing since release.

  23. Just saw the Bob's Burgers episode on the Bronies, now I have a weird desire to French a pony toy.

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