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About inactive_user

  • Birthday November 26

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  1. Wow... In only the short 4 hours I was out... I have 58 notifications... O_O Anyway... Dinner out with my parents: Meh... Add in our neighbors who I barely know... Well ummm... Okay... Add one intimidating waiter with a deep, carrying voice: Okay, where is my personal cloaking device?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. inactive_user


      I mean... It's not that I mind it really, it's just... I am waaaaayyyyy to awkward and eventually anxious in situations such as this... :/

    3. Phoenix Flam

      Phoenix Flam

      If you were in England I would say have a drink and calm your nerves but as you are in america and the legal age is 21 all I can say is take a deep breath and try your best to do what you can. No more and no less.


      If they ask a question answer with a smile but try not to leave the question open to extended communication. Try and take control and just turn the conversation around so you don't have to talk instead turn it to your skill of listening. If they are busy talking then...

    4. inactive_user


      That is what I try to do primarily...... And yes, while it is true my actual social skills are severely lacking, I make one of the best listeners and emotional supporters that you have ever seen. :) *As I am told by some of my friends IRL*

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