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About inactive_user

  • Birthday November 26

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  1. *sigh*... So now instead of allowing me the normal two and a half weeks to do this... I now have to not only somehow create and write 16 pages due in only 24 hours... All because of me being ignored the first time I asked........ Meh... I'm not really surprised, welcome to my life... Anyway, time to get cracking on this I suppose...... Only to come up short tomorrow, and fail...... Again... Not a big surprise... -_-

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    2. inactive_user


      It's for honors band stuff in school, which apparently I signed up for and no-one bothered to actually let me know of the pre-requisites until just now... *sigh*... I'm so done...


      Anyway...... The first one is for a personal reflection on my All-County Audition (sucked...), the second... On my All-District Audition (flawed beyond expression) the third, a reflection on a previously attended concert... (I wasn't actually paying attention to "musical" stuff in the...

    3. inactive_user


      the only one I went to out of curriculum, because it was supposed to be a fun, "chill" experience with my parents... -_-) And then there is the 10-page assignment on just anything regarding music really...


      Basically... I'm screwed either way if I actually complete these all or not.

    4. Phoenix Flam

      Phoenix Flam

      :( Nick. I wish I could help you. If i had attended any of your concerts I could speak of your achievements and the only concert I have ever been to was a My Chemical Romance concert and taht was because My two sisters took me and Wolf.
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