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Obsidian Sky

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Everything posted by Obsidian Sky

  1. Well, Photo Finish did not chose Fluttershy because she is more beautiful than Rarity, but because of the way she moves... At least i got it that way. We have some stallions that fawned over Rarity though, those three guys in Sonic Rainboom, that nerdpony in Putting your Hoof down, her three neighbors in Best Night Ever, arguably Thunderlane, he seemed pretty happy to catch her, and Spike of course. But i think of course she should be fawned upon more, never enough Rarity fawning. I could watch a episode where just a ton of stallions stand around Wawity and just tell her how beautiful she is... What i really DON'T like is when fan fiction authors portray Rares like she is only beautiful with her makeup and styled mane. I read often things like: "Raritys beauty is artifical, Fluttershy has natural beauty." Stuff like that makes me way more grumpy than it should... It is canon that Rares is the most beautiful mare in Ponyville, in my headcanon she is the most beautiful mare in Equestria.
  2. What the hay is this...? Well, at least i have a reason to post drunk-butterfly-alicorn-Rarity...
  3. *yawn* Good morning, everypony. *reads thread* So ghosty will be away for a while, thats a shame... But we will hold our ground and defend our goddess as long as he is gone, not that it will be hard a task for me... Im used to that. Luckily the fandom seems to be rather fond of her at the moment. But if hate shows its ugly head... well...
  4. Well, if you go by the medival stories most of this is not really correct. For example, you could see Unicorns just fine, even if you where not a female virgin, which where the only ones capable of taming them. If you where NOT an female virgin, you could in fact see them rather well, as they would pin you to the next tree with their horns... They where said to be rather aggressive. In legends virgins where used to bait Unicorns, then the hunters would kill it and then their horn could be used as a chalice. Every poisoned drink that was consumed from a hollow unicorn horn lost its deadly potency. You could also put just a piece of the horn into your drink.
  5. Mood a little somber. But i found something pretty cute.
  6. I actually wanted to draw a comic about something like that... but never did. It starts with Sweetie waking up in the morning. She goes down the stairs and finds Rarity in the kitchen making the breakfast. Rarity asks Sweetie if she can fetch the post, so she goes to the door, and Wawity says something like "Sweetie, dear, you do remember what day it is, don't you?" and Sweetie is like: "Yeah, it is Friday, isn't it?". Before Rares has the time to answer, Sweetie opens the door and gets buried by a giant avalance of letters, she digs herself out of it and remembers: "Oh yeah... It is Heart and Hooves day." Then the pont of view changes so that you can see the botique from outside, and there is a giat heap of letters, with hearts and tiny Rarity pictures on them, blocking the door, but one can also see Spike. Who has a kinda grumpy expression and a tiny shovel, and with this shovel he scoops letters on a tiny campfire to burn them all... END ... Hey i just said i wanted to draw it some time ago... Not that it would be funny. Im german, im incapable of being funny...
  7. Spike and/or ghosty and/or me burn them before she wakes up.
  8. Well, she stole mine too... I guess she has quite the collection of them... I doubt she can even leave home without beeing bombarded by those things... Quite messy, i say.
  9. Ermagerd! I forgot about that scene! She was so cute! I need to find a video or gif of that!
  10. Sooo... I wondered. You know guys, it is known that many people often come up with the whole fire ruby scene as proof that Rares is evil and/or greedy and/or selfish and/or whatever. I know it's not true, i know you guys know that it is not true. Hell, SolarFox even debunked it in his analysis. But did you know that there are tweets from Larson about that scene? If you guys DID know, sorry about peaching to the choir, but if you guys did not know: here is it. I found it on ze internet, but it seems pretty legit.
  11. I... actually have no clue. Not the slightest idea.
  12. Good morning Rarity fan club. Everypony in a good mood? No? Then look at this! o3o
  13. They nerfed mah Sherman! =C

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Obsidian Sky

      Obsidian Sky

      The dpm with the 76mm (which is what i used) is now 1400, thats quite pathetic... =C

    3. Cstriker


      Any change to the Tiger IE?

    4. Obsidian Sky

      Obsidian Sky

      The Tiger(h)? Well it got a shiny hd model, but no nerfs in this patch, but they already said they will nerf it a bit in a future patch.

  14. You think so? I also have to mention something. I guess some will be offended because of the painted birds and butterflies. But i can say that Rares only used paint precessed from natural substances, no chemicals where involved. So there is no need for concern: Both butterflies and birds are still edible and safe for consumption!
  15. Rares mailed me a picture of the dress she is going to wear on our date. She borrowed the birds and butterflies from Fluttershy. She had to paint them though... their colours where clashing with the fabric... Wow, i have way too much fun fantasizing about that date-with-Rares-stuff.
  16. Huh... good question. Im bad at this... I would probably cook something nice myself for a candlelight dinner. Pizza comes to mind. Completely from scratch, Dough and all. It's not that hard and tastes great... Without meat of course, i doubt she would like meat... Hmmm... Candlelight dinner on a beautiful spring evening sounds nice. We could then do a little walk around town, it's quite quaint here. We even have a castle and when it's dark and the streetlights get ignited, to walk then through the park and the castle grounds... sounds plenty romantic to me... We could talk, maybe snuggle a bit if she wants to... Maybe even kiss under the full moon? Who knows?
  17. She can pull everything off, cute, sexy... She is just that good...
  18. Am i the only one who thinks that... Oh god... I hope no flutterfans read this, they are going to flay me... That Flutters holds no candle compared to Wawity in the cuteness department? I mean, sorry Flutts, you are quite cute and stuff... but...
  19. Why do you do this to me? Im sure they cost a bazillion dollars! Hnnnnng, i want them so badly! Wait... Even more? But the day only has 24 hours...
  20. Yeah, i googled the artists name, it's one of these commission thingies on Deviantart, these guys are usually so expensive... But i want that SO bad!
  21. Sweet Celestia... I want that SO bad... How much $ is that, where do i get it?
  22. Why, good morning! Have some tea! (I hope thats small enough to not spoiler it... )
  23. Congrats! Honestly, the Sunbutt is great, but the Diamondbutt just has no competition! Also, i approve of Steampunk Wawity.
  24. I really like that one, shows once again how badass and intelligent Rares really is. God... she does have everything one could ask for... I also found another magazine cover, hope it was not posted already.
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