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Status Updates posted by Allen

  1. What about the pep rally in your school, ponies?

  2. I'm counting for another pep rally in my school tomorrow.

  3. Oh, Happy Birthday, Apple Bloom! :D

  4. I'm trying to memorize the harder songs from my cello as a solo including "The Sound of Christmas", "A Christmas Festival", and "Sleigh Ride"

  5. I can try the horse sound on the trumpet when playing "Sleigh Ride".

  6. I felt an impact from Hurricane Matthew in Florida, so that's horrible news I've heard! :( I hope we can give them a relief for the victims and rebuild their homes.

  7. The Sound of Christmas. I can play that on my cello for my winter concert! :) However, "A Christmas Festival" by Leroy Anderson is my favorite full honor orchestra song I'm going to play.

  8. I loved the orchestra performance today! :D I'll try to perform with them at the Full Honor Orchestra Concert in January, all of the orchestra students from all high schools.

  9. Here we go, Legend of Everfree movie is up earlier before this Saturday.

  10. I can't believe that the Legend of Everfree movie is airing in Brazil earlier than the United States, however it's in Portuguese version first before the English version next week.

  11. What a great Friday! "Welcome to the world, let's go, let's go; and then you're ready to go..."

  12. So, how's the new pony episode yesterday? I enjoyed it with a key to mission success for both Applejack and Fluttershy in Las Pegasus!

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      I enjoyed it a lot for sure. A tad predictable but they made it work.

    2. Zachary


      Did not see it Because I need to Catch up with Season 6, Sorry.

  13. What a great Friday today! Tomorrow's the pony episode focus for both Applejack and Fluttershy in Las Pegasus.

  14. I'm prepared for the pep rally tomorrow very early morning!

  15. Good morning, every-pony! I dreamed about the school district full honor orchestra concert, and that's a great dream of my orchestra friends there! :)

  16. A great Friday today! Tomorrow's the pony episode. :D

    1. Prospekt


      Yay! I might actually miss that episode because I will be busy with family, but I will try to find it on YouTube before the end of the day! :)

  17. The pony episode for today is great, with more exercises and win the game between Ponyville and Appleloosa!

  18. My day's going good, so off for Labor Day.

  19. My dream is a travel to Equestria by airplane.

    1. Prospekt


      I highly recommend Equestrian Airlines. Somebody actually made a website for it! http://www.equestrianairlines.com

  20. I'm in public school once again and it's good to be back there! :)

  21. School year begins tomorrow, high school start earlier.

  22. Here we go with the episode, an alliance with a friendly changeling "Thorax".

  23. My school starts on Monday, so I still have time to sign up in school today.

  24. I'm back in Houston, so I (still) have time before the school starts on Monday! Singapore's the best choice I've visited.

    1. Allen


      I took Singapore Airlines on my way back to Houston from a Vietnam vacation.

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