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Status Updates posted by Allen

  1. Spoilers showed up today that the episodes for the 8th season has been leaked, but the new season is not here yet until late March.

    1. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      So the 2nd half of ONCE Upon a Time Season 7 starts before FiM Season 8. :confused:

      Oh, well. I'm so excited for both. There are the two t.v. shows I don't want to miss an episode on!:pinkie:

  2. Allen

    Oh, Happy Birthday, old friend! :D ~Allen

  3. Excellent news! I have snow in my neighborhood! :D ~Allen

    1. Miss


      How I would post this:

      Terrible news. I have snow in my neighborhood.

  4. I have a concert today this evening at my school, so I'm performing.

    1. Miss


      Oooo what are you doing?

  5. There's a spammer :O, so how can I report that spammer?

    1. Snow


      There is almost no need, the staff already get hundreds of notifications from other members, It will be dealt with as soon as one comes online, unfortunately there are no administrators or moderators that are usually awake during this timezone so it may be a little wait.

  6. Good evening, bronies—and I enjoyed the phenomenal performance today! :D

  7. First day of December, guys—so winter is here! ~Allen

  8. Happy Black Friday, every-pony! Because I have a DJ stuff on my phone to mix up my own music!

  9. Happy Thanksgiving, every-pony–because I'm focusing on modeling my new house as well as DJ stuff.

  10. I'm off the whole week on Thanksgiving, so I get to be here with you guys everyday! But the thing is I will mainly focus on schoolwork and take the SAT to improve my SAT score to get ready for college.

  11. Hey y'all, set all the clocks back 1 hour today because the Daylight Saving Time ends today and get an extra hour of sleep.

    1. Scrubbed user

      Scrubbed user

      All my clocks are set by the internet, so I don't have to do anything. :P

    2. Allen
  12. Oh, Happy Birthday, dear administrator Dark Horse! :D

    1. Dark Horse

      Dark Horse

      Thank you, dearest Allen! ^-^

  13. Happy Halloween, bronies! I give out a few candies to those who came to my house today.

    1. ChB


      Happy Nightmare Night, Allen!

  14. I got straight A's because I keep working hard in school!

  15. I have to re-watch previous episodes in this season and post to episode topics that I did not post on the episode topics while I was busy. I'm looking forward for the 7th season finale next week.

  16. The Homecoming Dance at my school in the cafeteria was excellent! :D But the thing is I forgot to put on tuxedo clothing as I'm coming to the homecoming dance for the first time. The next dance is the high school prom that is for all seniors, I will wear the tuxedo clothing as a reminder of the upcoming prom. ~Allen

  17. The UIL region contest went successful and I almost made a perfection in state etude cuts! I'm coming to the Homecoming Dance at my school tonight! ~Allen

  18. Friday the 13th: Lucky or Unlucky? I will say it's lucky.

  19. I'm going for the region contest this Saturday, so I'm prepared. I will also go to the Homecoming Dance this Saturday as well in the evening at my school.

  20. I have test tomorrow.

    1. Prospekt


      Me too. It's a college midterm exam in my statistics class.

      Me too. It's a college midterm exam in my statistics class.

      Why did that post twice? Ugh.

    2. Allen


      I take the ASVAB test that is a career test because I'm a senior for this school year. Are you a senior as well?

    3. Prospekt


      No, I am a sophomore in college.

  21. I almost make straight A's, because I worked hard and continue my studies in school.

  22. The official pony movie was excellent! But tomorrow I have school as my school district will only make it up a school day on Columbus Day. ~Allen

  23. Here we go with the movie today! ~Allen

  24. College Night is good.

  25. My cousin has officially got married today! :D

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