My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Twilight Sparkle How did you find MLP Forums?: Was searching for a Brony community site on Google, found this, and liked what I saw!
How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: I saw that MLP: FiM had a HUGE dude fan following, which sparked curiosity. I checked out some YouTube videos after that, then became more curious. Finally, I found some episodes on YouTube, watched them, and loved what I saw. I saw that the show, despite being geared towards a younger female age group, had *gasp!* ACTUAL EFFORT PUT INTO IT!I loved how the show was genuinely funny, has great lessons, great characters, and a great art style. Most important of all, however, is that the show doesn't talk down to kids (a common problem in kid shows), making it appealing to everybody. As you can see, I really like the show for the same reasons as everyone else, but hey, they're good reasons!
First off, just want to say, please go easy on me if I get something wrong about the show. I haven't been able to watch the full series yet (I watched a few episodes on YouTube, as said before, but those got taken down VERY quickly). I ordered the complete season 1 DVD and am eagerly awaiting it's arrival, but until then, you guys are stuck with "Newbie NerdySurfer" . Now with that out of the way, let me tell you a little bit about me (I'll try not to be so wordy lolz)
* As you can see, I have a bad habit of being very wordy (I can't help it, I just have a lot of things to say!)
* I love (aside from MLP: FiM of course lol) anime, video-games, Star Wars, and Monster energy drinks
* My favorite anime shows are Angel Beats, Attack on Titan, Another, Shiki, Hell Girl, and Accel Word (I have others but they won't all fit here). My favorite video-games are probably Halo: CE, Fallout 3, Skyrim, Deadrising 2, Darksiders 2, and TimeSplitters: Future Perfect.
* The green Monster is my favorite lol. I tried Assault and some others, but I think I'll always prefer the green one.
* I have many strong opinions about the video-game industry (the business practices, trends, games in general, etc), so if you guys ever want to chat about that, I'd love to share my thoughts and see what you guys think!
* favorite superheroes are Deadpool and Batman
I'm really excited about joining this community and the herd, and I hope you guys will like having me!