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Posts posted by Jeric

  1. @@ghostfacekiller39,


    I don't think Rarity would like most RPG's.  In fact those with custom avatars generally have ugly ones.  Those without she'd probably be more like "Fighting's not my style"


    But if her avatar is glamorous, then she might go for it.


    I could see her playing to collect a fashionable set of clothes.


    She may actually love Castlevania: Symphony of the Night based on it's aesthetic qualities and orchestration. One of the best PS/Saturn games ever made.


    And Ghostie ... no rush ... that game has been around for a while and it isn't going anywhere. I have a hard time picking it or Chrono Trigger as my favorite 16 bit era game though. Both were that good.

    • Brohoof 4
  2. Sombra is one facet that was explored, I guess. I'm having a hard time seeing his death as having much impact simply because of the sheer galaxy sized number of villains that died only to be resurrected later on. While that isn't expected to happen in MLP, I swear by the time I was eight comics and other media had already proved to me that death of the big bad is rarely permanent.


    I think it's time to make another distinction here. We keep talking about the difficulty of addressing death. We are not talking about a current character passing, like Granny. This is not about addressing the immediacy of death. Killing off a current character would be bold for any cartoon with an all ages tone. That is not what would be done here. AJ's parents have been dead for years. This is about lingering loss and sadness, about not forgetting those who left before us. For Applebloom it would be about the melancholy that comes from being spared the emotional blunt force of the loss, but also having no memories of love and joy. Those are the themes that get tackled. Not saying goodbye. Goodbyes were said long ago.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. Anyway, I've been playing Mount & Blade: Warband almost nonstop the past few days (thanks again, Obsidian! :D ) and of course, I've thought to myself several times "Would Rarity like this game?"


    Personally, I think she'd like RPGs, even if she'd find them a bit dorky at first. Once she got a grasp of how to play it, I think she'd really like the customization that RPGs allow the player :D




    So, do you think Rarity would like RPGs? Why or why not?




    You know my feelings on the JRPG's. I think I even found what would be one of her favorite moments. The classic Celes Opera scene in FFVI




    • Brohoof 4
  4. I have a few horror stories selling and buying on eBay. I refuse to even browse there anymore. I was a huge Star Wars collector at one point. I ran across a listing for a rare foreign Revenge of the Jedi carded figure, bid and won. What came was some comic books. The goober mixed up the shipment. I got comics and some guy got my freaking figure. Seller wouldn't refund the money when he could get the guy to return the figure to him or me.


    Long story short ... I did end up getting my money back from pay pal after a bit of hassle.

  5. Yep ... after a week of that I was almost driven mad. My company even had ... get this ... MULTIPLE hygiene meetings asking people to wash their hands before leaving the restroom, handed out masks, and would send people home for the slightest sign of being sick. It was like the whole place went nuts.

    If the US gets just one case the news and John Q Public are going to lose their minds.

    • Brohoof 4


    And the swine flu did what, exactly? Because speaking as a US citizen I never saw or talked to anyone who even KNEW someone who had been infected (excluding one doctor friend but, well, it is his job lol), & America is still here & kicking lol. Humans are much more resilient creatures than we are given credit for, & the idea that Ebola is going to wipe us out is just hyperbole made up for the news to get attention, like when they hype up killers in the media & attacked video games to get more support from their older audiences. In fact, really, a lot of the news people stretch stuff to make it more interesting for the older audiences since those are where the majority of their views come from. Which is why you see a lot of these crazy stories on Fox & CNN & stuff


    *face palm


    Why do I have the feeling that you were thinking I was freaking out over this because I may catch ebola? Yeah ... not for those reasons.


    What the swine flu did was monopolized too much of the daily small talk and normal conversations that I value. It was worse that the constant rotating discussion on what the hell Miley Cyrus did on an awards show. I prize the spoken word to much to have it wasted on a regular discussion like that, which would become worse if people start talking about an airborne deadly virus.


    Don't misunderstand me, I am not worried in the slightest for me and my family. I just hate having to be party to sheep speak.


    I do worry for the Sierra Leone citizens however ... since I am not US-centric.

    • Brohoof 3
  7. The news hyperboles everything lol, I wouldn't take them too seriously


    I normally don't, but considering that no one has ever been able to verify it is airborne and all of a sudden BAM ... it's possible now? I would have hoped that the news outlets learned their lesson after the Boston Marathon bombing.


    Anyway, depending on how you look at it, the fact that gestation to death occurs so quickly a mass scale epidemic is unlikely. Still ... I remember the way people acted in the US during the swine flu.

  8. This is a real thing?


    I just edited my post because I thought that this was more monster shouting about the end of the world, but there may be something to worry about here. Not doomsday worry ... but worry


    Are the aerosol reports on newscasts accurate, because if they are ... wow.



    The "there is always someone for you" is bullcrap. It's something to make others feel better when they know the person doesn't have a likely chance. If everyone had a special someone, evolution wouldn't be occurring.


    Well, in general the odds do favor at least one good shot at finding a mate ... and keeping them is a WHOLE different matter. Sadly you are right that not everyone will die having known a relationship and others will have several (some unfulfilling failures).


    RM I gave you my views in another thread so I won't rehash them here, but I do disagree with the premise of the topic title. For some your reasons would make sense. For other's they don't. They don't for me. Then again ... I married early and had kids early.



    • Brohoof 1
  10. He started blurting out about rich people and them being greedy bastards.


    Gotcha. Well my views on affluence and whether or not it has any bearing on a persons self worth aside, the Kendall Jones thing appears to be overblow. In general, I try not to jump to conclusions about a policy in another country. It has to be a damn good reason for me to want to interfere. This issue does not qualify. Let Zimbabwe be Zimbabwe.


    Yet again, the truth resists simplicity.

  11. No. I don't know what autism does. But I think people are born with it so you can't help it so I'm not gonna hate you for it.


    A healthy approach, and it is a difficult disorder to grasp. Even today there are several completing theories as to how neurons and genetic mechanisms present in the manner in which they do. The shear scope and range of the spectrum, along with co-morbidity makes it not only hard to study and isolate, but even harder to understand for a layperson. One person who is high functioning may have symptoms different than another individual who is high functioning.  

    • Brohoof 1

    Also, is it bad that I'd totally shell out big bucks for this? :please:





    That is exactly what I keep saying needs to happen. A few pieces a year from WLF is not enough. Hopefully we'll see scene specific pieces out of that new 3D printing licensee. I have a list of Rarity specific moments I want immortalized in plastic. Just a few


    1. Rarity with Element of Generosity Necklace

    2. Butterfly Rarity Flying (non-lipstick pls thx)

    3. Sweet & Elite Beret Rarity

    4. Gala Dress Rarity

    5. Sewing Rarity (w/ Glasses)  preferably in upward arms pose from Art of the Dress

    6. Wet Mane Rarity


    Is that too much to ask? 9xnIdRK.png

    • Brohoof 5
  13. Favorite Granny moment is when she high hoofed Scootaloo! Curious question is there any agreed upon fan name her her husband? Also are there any pictures in the background of young Granny?

    • Brohoof 2
  14. applejack_notsureifserious_display.png




    I almost feel like there a running gag going on that I'm not privy to. :D



    There are three ways to take the survey.


    1. In person at BronyCon in Baltimore Maryland

    2. In person in California where the university (Fullerton) is located

    3. Via phone wherever you live.


    You will need to email them to initiate any of the above options and work out the details and time.


    Some specifics regarding qualifiers and length


    You need to be 18 years or older

    The survey will be appox. one hour long

    • Brohoof 2
  15. I wouldn't be a Brony if it wasn't for EQG.


    Watching film with my daughters I was like ahpu8jU.png


    Finished it and I was like acFY5sF.png


    Rewatched the actual show proper at kids request and I was like :confused:  with a little yKyxCoW.png then H97tQxp.png and finally yIKO4j5.png



    So I have a really hard time objectively rating Equestria Girls. I know ... bassackwards way to get into the show ... but stranger things have happened.




    Movie 7/10


    Serendipity surrounding movie 10/10

    • Brohoof 1
  16. Not really, it was more of a thing Spike had to do, kind of like with Applebloom and the Cutie Pox

    "From in the head out to the world, every thought to action. Hold close the book and through its spell, you'll start a chain reaction. Projecting forth whatever beauty you see. Only when true words are spoken will you finally be set free."


    Good headcanon and just as valid as any other interpretation, but on this one specifically I stayed with what was shown on screen.

    • Brohoof 1
  17. I actually noticed this as well, in fact I had to delete the a test status separately from the status module on the forum index to at least limit visibility. At least there it disappeared. I had two almost instant replies so when I tried to delete it appeared to place it in a hold status requiring approval (also turned red) but I could still see it in my profile. It is possible that on deletion, the status creator and staff have view permissions still, but other users wouldn't ... meaning it is not visible to the general public.


    I couldn't find anything in the user help files or FAQ's.

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