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Posts posted by Jeric

  1. Since I have recently become a huge fan of some of the foreign language dubs, I can make this so granular it would make your head spin. I'll forgo that for now. This is really tricky for me to answer for two reasons:


    1. My favorite may change (or at least waver a bit) depending on the general mood I am in.

    2. There are two songs that I may not rank as my favorite right away that are 'personal' songs.


    Season One

    Favorite - Art of the Dress

    Least Favorite - Giggle at the Ghosties


    Season Two (I hope Ghostie doesn't change the locks on the Fan Club after this one)

    Favorite - Smile Song

    Least Favorite - Happy Monthiversary


    Season Three

    Favorite - A True True Friend

    Least Favorite  - Life in Equestria


    Equestria Girls (don't care if this wasn't added)

    Favorite - Cafeteria Song

    Least Favorite - This is Our Big Night


    Season Four (the most fluid)

    Favorite - Apples to the Core/Generosity Reprise Tied

    Least Favorite - Flim Flam Miracle Curative Tonic


    Honorable Mention

    Winter Wrap up

    Becoming Popular (I not for Smile this would be best 2nd Season)

    Pinkies Lament


    Personal Songs

    BBBFF (actually reminds me of my own relationship with my sister)

    Love is in Bloom (My sister married a Brony and THIS song was their Wedding Dance song)



    1. Smile

    2. Art of the Dress

    3. Becoming Popular

    4. Apples to the Core/Generosity Reprise

    5. True True Friend

    • Brohoof 2
  2. Can't do the poll since it isn't multiple selection. Also I'll exclude work specific devices. I'm currently on an iPhone 5s ... my primary personal phone. My 2nd which also subs as non client work phone is an HTC One.


    I do have a iPhone 4S laying around that is basically a glorified iPod at the moment.








    I have a bench of activa

    • Brohoof 1
  3. Congrats you three. I have to admit that I must have passed over @Denim&Venom's letter when it was first posted. I'm glad that I got the chance to read it now. You picked the right one Sterling. D&V ... well said ... no ... f**king amazingly said.


    , the AJ vs Pinkie Pie match ended up being the match that proved to me that this forum may actually be a little oasis on the internet. You were a class act all the way!


    @Stellafera, I'm pretty sure that you know how I feel about your letter. Nope ... not gonna say it.



    • Brohoof 6
  4. "At Comicon they made it clear that AJ's parents are dead and they want to make an episode on it" yes, they want to. but let's face it, Hasbro won't allow it.

    "Do you think Mom and Dad would be proud AJ?"

    "I reckon they would never have been more proud in their lives. Now get your flank out there before you miss you big day."


    That is how Hasbro would allow it. And the quote ... was they ... they implying Hasbro ... is interested ... but not sure how to approach it. I just handed you the best way to do it.


    And to the OP ... yes Big Mac and Cheerilee would make a great cannon shipping.

  5. What Rarity says about your mane



    Well Rares ... you would have to fit me with a wig cause this guy shaves his head. :please:



    Wait .. did I just turn down a Rarity makeover? :confused:

    • Brohoof 6
  6. I can't believe this thread will soon have 10,000 posts. It's remarkable given the size of the other fan clubs.




    Yeah ... and the shocking thing is that the majority of the posts in here are all substantive items. Nice pic by the way.

    • Brohoof 5

    My daily dose of socks, got to find pictures:


    kind of socks :/




    French Rarity ... with socks ... French Rarity ... with socks ... French Rarity ... with socks ... French Rarity ... with socks ...

    French Rarity ... with socks ... French Rarity ... with socks ... French Rarity ... with socks ... French Rarity ... with socks ...

    French Rarity ... with socks ... French Rarity ... with socks ... French Rarity ... with socks ... French Rarity ... with socks ...


    jeric.exe has had a critical failure


    Sorry ... think that broke me.




    • Brohoof 4
  8. THAT'S IT!  That's the FREAKING 11/10 HYPER-ADORABLE gif-moment from ep 2 I mentioned being one of the first things that made me fall in love with Rara <3  I do have it on my computer, too... somewhere... but it'd take like 10 hours to find it in my huge honkin' super unorganized pony folder lol.  Thanks  :proud:


    And to reply to the first quote (can't seem to figure out how to get a fresh line in between two quotes in a multiquote message...) I actually meant this site as a whole, mlpforums, when I meant I felt at home -- but threads like this one definitely are what make it feel that way the most.  I'm fairly certain I meet the criteria of loving Rarity enough to be a part of this thread though as I've said Pinkie's my absolute favorite.. .it's quite close though.. and hanging out with you silly fillies enough with all these pretty pictures she might just be #1 again in no time ;w;





    It's good to be here, darlings~








    And damn ... if this happens and I'm asleep ... must need coffee



    • Brohoof 4
  9. So question ... I know this is going to be difficult ... but what is your favorite actual Rarity scene? I usually see song lists, or episode lists, but rarely moments. 

    For me, its this scene. I am not a Sparity fan ... at all ... but to give the lil dragon this moment when by all rights Rarity thinks she is going to die ... yeah ... chills.


    Not thinking of herself ... even as the end approached.





    Oh ... yay ... Imma Pone now.

    • Brohoof 4
  10. Good morning, fan club! :please:






    Dammit, I killed the fan club :(


    I'll just share this gorgeous picture of my waifu reading a book :D:wub:





    Ooo, question!


    What kind of books do you think Rarebear would read? Personally, I can see her being into romance novels and the like - she's a hopeless romantic, we all know that :please:



    A question that fits in my wheelhouse! You realize I would likely write 10,000 words on Rares reading habits alone. 


    Gentleman, I have always imaged Rarity having a fondness for not just a well written little 'r' romance novel, but specifically several sub-genres. I can see her laying down and reading an old world bildungsroman with romance elements and wish fulfillment elements (Great Expectations, Huck Finn, The Secret Life of Bees). More to that, I would imagine that Historical Narrative or Historic Fiction would be her genre of choice.


    As Ghostie said ... Little Women.

    Margaret Mitchell's Gone With the Wind.

    Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility


    Any Elizabethan, Regency, or Victorian era romance would suit her, and I could see it being inspiration for her art. If there was a Civil War analog that too, but both GWTW and LW have been mentioned.


    Rarity has amazing taste period, though I am sure she wouldn't  have a predilection toward Daring Doo books ...

    • Brohoof 5
  11. Morning!


    We are making giant strides towards the 500th post! Thats exiting!



    Found something truly beautiful.








    She is our little guardian angel, isn't she? Rarity: Archangel of Beauty. Patron saint of artists.


    With every step of her slender hooves she fabulosifies the land. Everywhere her gaze falls, beauty blooms. She banishes darkness and evil with her radiant light.


    I saw that image the other day ... and the look on Rarity's face ... the gradual transparency and what it all means. This one is beautiful and broke my heart at the same time.

    • Brohoof 5
  12. I think it was Neil Druckmann that mentioned difficulty balancing is one of the hardest aspects of design and that if the Easy Mode can't be completed by one player ... they failed. If a game is maddeningly difficult in a fair manner I say bring it on. When poor design is behind the difficulty (Ninja Gaiden and the Swan respawns ... I'm looking at you!) then yes ... time for a new controller.


    There are games that I even play to make things absurdly difficult. Ever done the naked run in Castlevania: Symphony of the Night? That is the stuff of legend.

  13. Speaking of the Goo Goo Dolls, "Iris" is actually my song to Rarity :please:

    That song fits. That song has a lot of personal value to me ... but that is a story for another thread.


    Good Morning all!






    May happen this weekend!

    • Brohoof 6
  14. Luna being Chrysalis (I'm looking at you Tommy Oliver)


    Yes ... so very much yes. I hated that ... even though I believe it was meant to be tongue in cheek. At least I hope so.


    One of the mane six goes awhile for a while. (Rarity to Manehatten etc.)

    Spike sacrifices himself for Rarity and disappears for a season. (If that were to happen I would fucking cry.)


    No no no no no no no. Those are the worst twists ever. You win. :D

  15. If human historians today studied a civilization like Equestria the word egalitarian would be used in discussion and analysis, and a primary school text would cleanly define it as such. However no society or civilization past or present can ever be defined as completely one thing. Just like the USA is not completely Capitalist or China is completely Communist.


    Does that sufficiently muddy the waters?

    • Brohoof 2
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