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Status Updates posted by NinjaPomeranian

  1. long live queen Gilda.

    1. baba_booey




      gilda is love, gilda is life.

    2. NinjaPomeranian


      indeed she is

      all hail the best non-pony character

    3. CheeryFox


      She's awesome! =D

  2. where is the Gilda fan club when you need it?>/

  3. Finally somebody who likes Sunset with the same obsession as I do.There is still hope

  4. please,check my latest topic.Is important for me.

  5. sorry for the hiatus~

    1. inactive lol get mem
    2. NinjaPomeranian
    3. darkwingmare


      Welcome back to the forums! We all need a break sometimes.

  6. sorry for the hiatus~

    1. You Heard Nothing

      You Heard Nothing

      Well, you're back now, and that's what counts. ;)

  7. >cries of happiness at the though Gilda will come back in the griffonstone episode

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. You Heard Nothing

      You Heard Nothing

      That would definitely be cool. :D

    3. NinjaPomeranian


      It could.But after all the map sends just Pinkie and Dash....oh boy,catch me,fangirling again ;;

    4. Trine


      I wonder how that will turn out. Maybe RD and Gilda will be friends again, like changed and just sorta forget what happend or something. Either way, sounds fun ^^

  8. if Gilda doesnt appears in the upcoming griffon episode imma eat my left leg ya hear me

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Felix


      Can I watch?

    3. NinjaPomeranian


      Good.If I appear without my left leg,thats why @Nothing and ...sure?Is upcoming tho.You will have to wait like the rest of us for the release @Felix

    4. Trine


      What if other griffins exists ^^

  9. I am kin to something.(google if you dont know what kin is).I jsut found out today and Im glad bc I felt like this for a while.Discovering yourself yo~

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ashen Pathfinder

      Ashen Pathfinder

      I hope you do find that forum~ ^^

    3. You Heard Nothing

      You Heard Nothing

      Cool! It's nice to find something about yourself. :)

    4. NinjaPomeranian


      I hope so too @Path And yes,it is :'> @Nothing

  10. I saw those characters fan clubs threads for a while now um,can somebody help me find the one for Celestia please

  11. why,hello there!I love your avatar so much.Hail Celestia~

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. NinjaPomeranian


      Thank you c: gorgeous work,oh my~ Oh well,nice to meet somebody else who likes Tia

    3. You Heard Nothing

      You Heard Nothing

      She's a very deep character, and despite getting a lot of hate, she has a very interesting backstory.

    4. NinjaPomeranian


      She is best princess for me for so many reasons.Yay for Tia~

  12. nvm,found out

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. NinjaPomeranian


      you have to be friends with that person.And then you go to their feed,and there should be a shoutbox of sorts

    3. You Heard Nothing
    4. NinjaPomeranian


      No problem uvu >pats gently

  13. gUYS PLEASE HELP HOW YOU POST ON OTHERS FEED UGH.Coming back after a long time sucks,I forgot like everything D:

  14. why,hello there~

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NinjaPomeranian
    3. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      Im feeling pretty good what about you ==)=)=)=)?

    4. NinjaPomeranian


      thats nice to hear.Pretty fine over here as well~

  15. baaack~ sorry for missing and I hope I will manage to be more active around here~~

  16. I beated my own record on Flappy Bird WOOP!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Deae Rising Shine~

      Deae Rising Shine~

      my big brother did over 100 XD

    3. __Duck-Quack__


      I know I played it and eventually gave up with a score of 60-70. Well okay, either way good job you nearly doubled your record oh you should totally try for 75 now.

    4. NinjaPomeranian


      oh my xD.@Dashie

      and I shall :P @Repunzel

  17. still in joy because The Rock returned xD(wrestling stuff)

  18. Back from my hiatus,woop! Working on a Rainbow Dash drawing~

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. NinjaPomeranian


      D:.Good luck with your school and I will keep a dancing lobster for you

    3. Clod


      School sucks.

      How can I like 6 hours of sitting and writing what I'm told to write?

      Well, there is computer science, which is my favorite class, but not today.

      And the days I do have it, I have English too! I hate English!

      I could continue, but I don't want to be annoying.

    4. NinjaPomeranian


      You're not annoying.And yeah,it does suck...and English is one of my favorite subjects,so I cant understand you.Computer science sounds sweet thoo~

  19. There is a is a spider in my room at my bed and I'm terrified I know is harmless and is more scared of me that I am of it but still what I do;o;

    1. DiscordedBrony


      You could wrap it up in something and toss it outside :)

  20. sorry for the mini hiatus D:.I try to come here as often as I can but oh well.How is everypony?

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