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Everything posted by MidnightFire1222

  1. That is so cool. That would certainly make for a fun adventure for the Doctor.
  2. I have the next three days off, including today. Also, it's snowing out at my house. It's really pretty, though I'm glad I don't have to drive in it. Not looking forward to shoveling though.

  3. 212,563 Annoying minimum is annoying.
  4. 212,519 Heading toward a quarter of a million. Awesome.
  5. Gotta love the Doctor. That's the one that has Twilight as a companion right?
  6. yay! No more half-days this week! Also, ORAS comes out tomorrow! i hope my copy gets delivered soon. I preordered it online.

    1. argonianfreak


      I'm gonna have to wait another week -_-

  7. Just one more half-day this week.

  8. The children I'm babysitting fpr have half days today, tomorrow, and Thursday. I won't be on as long in the morning, but I'll be on in the eventing after I get home.

    1. Koukatsu


      Kouvision: "These chittlins are little monsters, you will never see me again."


    2. MidnightFire1222
  9. Stupid 3DS battery died while i was starting a new game, and I have no other system to play White 2 on. Oh well, guess I'll have to start the nuzlocke tomorrow after it charges. Damn...

  10. Attempting my first even nuzlocke challenge, with White 2. Hope it goes well.

  11. *sigh* Deviantart is being stupid right now. It's just a little bit annoying. Glad I'm not trying to submit anything there at the moment.

    1. NavelColt


      Their entire server is down right now, it happens to all sites now and again :3


      --> http://www.isitdownrightnow.com/deviantart.com.html

    2. MidnightFire1222


      Thanks for the heads up. i wasn't sure if it was just me experiencing problems.

    3. NavelColt


      That site I linked is a good way to know :3 If the results come up green for Online, it means it's just you and likely some other people in the minority experiencing every-day hiccups that don't affect everyone. But if it comes up red for Down, that means no one can get on at all.

  12. I have a pair of alicorn Twilight earrings i bought a few weeks ago at a fair. Not picture to show unfortunately.
  13. My favorite's the 10th Doctor, but 11 is close behind! 11's always entertaining. I don't know much about 4 since I haven't seen any incarnations before 9 (I haven't even watched the special with the War Doctor) but i've seen pictures of 4 and he looks pretty neat. I wonder what jelly babies taste like...
  14. I probably won't be on until later tomorrow evening. Have to get up very early in the morning, and I'm gonna be babysitting for a good portion of the day.

  15. I beat Bioshock Infinate. It was a great game, though seemed a little short. Love the ending though. Not at all what I expected.

  16. Today's looking better weather-wise, though it's cold and very windy. Winter's a-comin'!

  17. It's depressing outside my house today: cold, rainy, and dark.

    1. argonianfreak


      Oh, that? That's just a British Summer.

    2. Venomous


      I love the cold weather mixed with rain!

  18. Hope everyone had a good Halloween!

  19. I got Diance today.

    1. argonianfreak


      Cool:) Is it any good?

    2. MidnightFire1222


      It's super adorable and has some neat sounding moves. Haven't tested it out yet.

    3. argonianfreak


      Well, hope it turns out good.

  20. It's official: I now hate Twitch.

    1. argonianfreak


      What did Twitch do?

    2. MidnightFire1222


      It's because of something I read about; why some streams won't work, and why certain channels have an option to lower quality and others don't. I was in a bad mood as well when I typed it.

    3. argonianfreak


      Ah, right. I don't really use Twitch, so I wouldn't really know.

  21. Perhaps I should correct myself from my last status: Diance was released in the US yesterday as an event. I don't know about other countries.

    1. Koukatsu


      I gots 2 of her~

    2. MidnightFire1222
    3. Koukatsu


      I know people in the biz.

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