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Snow Frostflame

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Posts posted by Snow Frostflame

  1. Before time began, before spirits and life existed... Three Golden Goddesses descended upon the chaos that was Hyrule. Din, Goddess of power, Nayru, Goddess of wisdom, Farore, Goddess of courage. Din, with her strong flaming arms, she cultivated the land and created the red earth. Nayru, poured her wisdom onto the earth, and gave the spirit of law to the world. Farore, with her rich soul, produced all life forms who would uphold the law. The three great Goddesses, their labor completed, departed for the heavens. And golden sacred triangles remained at the point where the Goddesses left the world. Since then the sacred triangles have become the basis of our world's providence. And the resting place of the triangles has become the Sacred Realm.

    Long story short, Nayru is the reason for that.

    Why am I allowed to say poop, feces, and dubstep... but its considered inappropriate to say shit, despite them all mean the same thing?

  2. 10 hours ago, Literally Snails said:

    "No, that's all I needed to say." Tricis said, stepping outside the room to find that the others in the Hotel were already asleep. "You should get some rest. It might help." She said, then closed the door.

    Frostflame nodded, but he wasn't feeling tired. He left the hotel room and began to wander the area, he felt eyes watching him, but he mostly ignored it. Once he left the hotel area he stared down into the forest, then back at the more civilized areas. He continued to wander around at night, thinking to himself, and trying to muster any magic that hasn't forsaken him, but to no avail. Even the magic in his blade began to fade, with the lack of magic going through it... it'll only be a matter of time before the blade is left disenchanted once again. After a good hour or so it felt of wandering the area, he decided to return to his room. Once there he locked himself in tightly, before removing his attire. As he lied in bed he began playing with his hoof, pretending to cast frostflames... not even his signature spell worked. Eventually he fell asleep, unsure about tomorrow.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. On 1/21/2019 at 11:03 PM, Literally Snails said:

    Tricis gave her diagnosis. "I can see now that my original theory is correct. Your own body is the thing doing this without your brain's knowledge. It's creating a new power in you to prepare for an upcoming danger it senses. I've seen this happen before, and the body will give you back your powers when they're needed and it's ready. My guess is that your condition will continue tomorrow, but with any luck you'll be able to use magic again for your fight in the semifinals."

    She looked up at Frostflame, seeing the apprehension in his eyes. "I already told you I'm not interested in finding out who you are or what you're hiding from, but I'm twice as old as the pony you're pretending to be, so give me some credit. Your aura was enough for me to know. Fiery, confident, powerful but underdeveloped, young. If you're worried about me telling someone, don't be. I'll let you in on a secret that will put your mind at ease."

      Reveal hidden contents


    She took a deep breath and stood across from Frostflame, speaking in a whisper. She was still open for him to attack if he so chose. "I get it. You're alone and you want to stay that way. As someone who spent over half her life by herself, I understand why you aren't quick to trust. But you're not going to have to worry about me for long because I'm not going to be here for the finals."

    She sat down with her hind legs crossed and closed her eyes. "I'm telling you, and only you, because I know you're the one who's not going to tell anyone. And I know you're not going to try to stop me, and I don't expect you to ask any questions either. That's why I've been so hard on the five of you. I don't have much time before you'll all be on your own. You're a smart lad, so I expect I won't have to explain this to you. I'm not worried about you killing me right now because you're not going to be the one to do it. I'm talking about something that needs to happen. Something that I can't have the others interfere in, understand?"

    Frostflame, sheathed 'Immortal's Bane'... still not giving up, he continues to stay in character. "You hint at a dire future, though your assumptions in me are correct. If this is the destiny you seek, then who am I to stop you?" Frostflame adjusts his glove, before looking back up at Tricis. "Is there anything thing else you need to tell me?" 

    • Brohoof 1
  4. 22 hours ago, Literally Snails said:

    I thought he picked it up in his mouth just in case or something, and before it was in his mouth it was sheathed.

    Nah, he had been holding it when Draco commented about something, he just hadn't put it away.

    Also this whole time I've been visualizing this as anthro, so if I say things that don't line up with normal pony movement just change it up in your mind... I dunno I could word this better, but I'm kinda tired.

    • Brohoof 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Literally Snails said:

    Tricis nearly chuckled at what Frostflame said. If only he knew, he wouldnt have bothered threatening her. "I've only ever heard of Frostflame. But what I do know about is the elderly and you're not too good at passing yourself off."

    Tricis narrowed her eyes as she observed Frostflames aura. It was swirling, but she couldn't see what locked it. 

    "If you want to take advice from me, you need to act less angsty and more jaded. And yes, there is a difference."

    She let go of Frostflames leg and pressed her hoof to his. There was a faint glow as she attempted to correct what was wrong with him.

    "You're gonna have a hard time explaining what you did today."

    Frostflame wasn't going to give up, anyone who knew needed to die and his team wouldn't allow this. "Precisely, you've only heard of me, and it shows. You know nothing about what I've done, or who I'am. Under this mask, do you expect me to be as old as you?... No, I'm no elder, I'm of the age of 42." Frostflame reaches over and puts his glove back on. "Secondly, as someone who has been hunted and betrayed their whole life, it would only make sense I show resentment toward my allies, I do not trust them, you above all. The last person I trusted, got me in this mess." Frostflame puts his sword back in his main hoof.

    • Brohoof 1
  6. On 1/18/2019 at 7:15 PM, Literally Snails said:

    "Go ahead and hold out a hoof for me. I need to analyse you so I can get a feel for your condition." She sat down with her hind legs crossed and started looking over Frostflame with her gifted eyes, looking at his invisible aura.

    "You can relax, by the way. I don't know what you're hiding from, but it's none of my business."

    Frostflame sets his sword into his left arm. "Precisely, you know not what affairs your are meddling with, nor should it be your concern." with his left hoof he removes his right glove. From afar it looks like an ordinary glove, but as he tosses it aside it makes a somewhat louder thud than expected. He sticks out his right hoof, in compliance.

    • Brohoof 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Literally Snails said:

    @dragon4111 @Unicorncob @Snow Frostflame @Arid_Blitz

    "There will be no reason to go to the arena until first thing tomorrow morning. That's when Team Crimos fights team Tsunami. For now, I'd like an opportunity to speak to Frostflame in private." Tricis stood up and walked into one of the bedrooms gesturing for Frostflame to follow.

    Frostflame, who stood silent the entire conversation, listened to what his allies had to say... but mostly toned it out. He was more concerned about his next fight, debating with himself what needs to be done, until he heard his name. He focused in on Tricis who gestured him to follow. Still gripping his blade he dragged it along the floor, before picking it up. As he walked into the room, he had a feeling he knew why he was being summoned, his heart began to race as Tricis closed the door. "Speak your piece."

  8. Seeing as I'm currently on the boundaries of being awake, and not... I'd have to say 2 AM. I only ever sleep if I'm tired, I never try to force myself to sleep because I just lay in bed thinking about what I could be doing. 2 AM is usually as long as I can stay awake, before I start to feel tired, once I hit that point it should take no more than 5 minutes.

  9. @dragon4111 @Dynamo Pad @Unicorncob @reader8363

    Frostflame, still standing casually draws his blade, and gives a rather blank stare to his group, before glancing at Tricis. He wasn't about to strike, but kept his blade out, and listened carefully to what everyone had to say. He faced the blade downward, not quite piercing the floor, but resting against it. He thought to himself, having to fight that monstrosity once more. One of the only beings who could ever defeat him, and he'd have to rematch him. He felt a lack of confidence, especially since he cannot conjure ice anymore.

  10. @dragon4111 @Dynamo Pad @Unicorncob @reader8363

    Frostflame just tuned out Draco's response, Frostflame's tried everything to make him realize he's on his side but to no avail. It didn't matter though, he'd probably perish in the arena, he thought to himself. As he let Frozen go, he watch Cosmic leave as well... he was about to lecture him in magic, but Dynamo beat him to the punch. He knew Frozen probably wouldn't cause any more trouble, at least with him, but he'd need to stay alert in case Cosmic did. As soon as they were all gone he shut and locked the door, heading back towards the others. Without saying a word, he nodded to Tricis, and stood silently.

    • Brohoof 1
  11. 12 hours ago, dragon4111 said:

    @Dynamo Pad@Unicorncob@Literally Snails

    Draco looked to frozen and sent afew daggers towards the weakest part of the pegasi's wings to cut them off. "Be silent all of you," Draco stated loudly and clearly. Draco began to pace back and forth. His eyes scanning the team. "Frostflame there and I did fight if I wanted to kill him I wouldn't have sent a wound that looks bad or felt bad in any way. If I wanted him dead I would have aimed for his spleen," Draco stated simply. "And you Jade you want respect along with the ability to command? then humble yourself you silly little mare. And you Tricis never ever interupt a Courier's Justice ever again lest you want to fight me to the death," Draco stated simply.

    @Dynamo Pad @Unicorncob
    "Silence yourself O'malley! I've been doing this sort of thing for many years, and if there is anything I've learned never overestimate yourself!" He says as he reattaches his sheath to his waist. "You fought a weakened version of me, and I didn't even want to kill you to begin with... all that would prove is that 'I'm an idiot who killed a powerful ally'... so essentially nothing, I had hope you'd see the same." Frostflame turns to Jade and Tricis "And as for you, I have to agree with O'malley... there is no greater insult than to deny an assassin their kill, but at the same time killing a bunch of foals isn't going to solve anything." Frostflame cuts free Frozen, and escorts him away from the others, before he leaves, he turns to Draco. "And Draco... watch your tongue, as someone who kills for a living you of all people should know this. Making enemies with capable combatants isn't the smartest thing, especially your own allies."

    • Brohoof 1
  12. 4 hours ago, Unicorncob said:

    "As your team captain," Jade replied, not fazed by this sudden change of tone in Frostflame, "it's my job to worry about what you've been doing. Especially since we were down two fighters. You two are lucky we just barely scraped by that last round." She looked to Draco, then back at Frostflame. "I want to know what was so important that the both of you had to abandon your duty to this team."

    She looked to this 'Cosmic' character and her eyes narrowed. It was only the second day and her patience with these misfits was already wearing thin. For a moment she thought about finishing Cosmic and this 'Big Shot' herself and being done with it. She pushed the thoughts back down.

    Calm. You're just frustrated.

    @Dynamo Pad @dragon4111

    "Abandoned?" Frostflame says in a somewhat annoyed tone "no no no no, we did not abandon you, we were just doing as we were told fighting to the death in a forest, until these two decided to attack us. The fight was hectic, but among all we came out on top with just a few scratches. So, if anyone's to blame for the scales being tipped against our favor, it would be that old mare!" Frostflame's tone shifts back to normal. "I had stated several times that this was a waste of time, but no one ever listens to me."

    • Brohoof 1
  13. On 1/4/2019 at 8:16 AM, Unicorncob said:

    Jade entered the hotel room after Tricis, and scowled when she saw Frostflame with his prisoner. She gently set Rose on the bed and walked up to him.

    "Where have you been?" she asked, and looked to Frozen. "And who is this?"

    @Snow Frostflame @reader8363

    Frostflame, mending a flesh wound dealt by Draco, turned to face Jade and said in his more posh and polite voice. "You need not worry about who this is, nor what I've been doing... but since you asked, this is Frozen, he's a good friend of mine now, and an adversary to Dynamo... and is very lucky I didn't leave him to die in the forest."



    On 1/4/2019 at 10:32 AM, Dynamo Pad said:


    @reader8363 @Snow Frostflame @dragon4111

    Frozen's ears perked as he heard a door being opened. He could see Dynamo and the others entering the room and taking their seats. "I'm guessing this is the rest of the cavalry that you call your team?" He asks, looking to Frostflame, while raising an eyebrow. As he noticed Jade walking up to him, he winced from the shout and scowled at the captain. "I should be asking you the same question. It's pretty rude asking for a name when you, yourself, have not introduced yourself, Miss Captain."

    Dynamo opened an eye, before quickly sitting up. He narrowed his eyes and tried to take a defensive stance. "That's Frozen Abyss. That's one of the two, who bullied me when I was younger." He sighed and dropped his stance briefly as he saw Frozen was all tied up. "Well, well, well. Took you long enough to notice that I was here. It seems you've graced me with an audience, Dynamo." The blue unicorn could only roll his eyes at his former bully. "Cut the theatrics, Frozen. You know that was Cosmic's shtick." He paused momentarily. Looking around the room, but was unable to locate the second of the bullying duo. "Speaking of which. Where is that stinking clown anyway? I would have expected that he'd be here with you." The ebony Pegasus scoffed at the question, while trying to shrug his shoulders. Unable to as he was tied up tightly. "Who knows? That's up to Snow to decide on telling you. He was with me, but he's being preoccupied, at the moment. Tell us, Frostflame. Where is Cosmic? Along with your teammate, Draco?"

    Frostflame dropped the polite tone, and switched back to his normal speaking voice. "Enough! There will be no childish bickering among the foals!" Frostflame finished mending his wound, and stood up. "O'malley is deep within Everfree still dealing with the rest of them. Last I saw him, he was just wrapping things up, critically wounding your... 'friend', maybe even mortally wounded him." Frostflame turns towards Frozen still talking to Dynamo. "We gave them ample time to surrender, but they didn't listen. Depending on how kind Draco is feeling, you may have a few less enemies in this world, Dymano... welcome to the life of a homicidal maniac." Frostflame jokingly says. "As they call people of our profession."

  14. I like everything digital, even my games, simply because they cannot be lost or broken, books are the only exception. There is this series of books I really like, and I collect the physical copies to read them, but then I can use them as decor when finished. Plus my sister is a book nerd, so I can lend them to her without her taking my equipment.

  15. 1 hour ago, Dynamo Pad said:


    Frozen rolled his eyes as he was ordered to be quiet by Snow. He soon could see why as he saw the crowd of ponies passing by. He deduced that it would be better to not draw any attention. He was still around and he would have any advantage that was given to him. As they had reached the lobby, Snow carried him into the hallway and walked to the hotel room. "I guess these posh characters only care about money and power. They could care less about who is involved with such affairs within this tournament." He says in response to Snow's remark. As they entered the room, the ebony Pegasus was placed upon the couch. He flared his nostrils and scoffed at the suggestion. "Unless you have anime, then I'll pass. The only thing on would be the tournament, so why bother? Your former team is going to lose, anyway." He turns his attention to Snow, while trying to get comfortable on the couch. "You still didn't answer my earlier question. Why do you have such confidence in that team? I even told you everything on how I feel about the punching bag. What makes you think he could be a match for you, or even anyone else on Team Lotus? Answer me that and maybe I'll talk."

    "Sadly, I didn't bring anything... my sort of entertainment doesn't involve anime, maybe Dynamo has something, you could ask him when he comes back." Frostflame undoes his sheath, and sets his blade to the side. "I have faith in them, because what other choice do I have? The alternative is to just give up and die, or to do this on my own, which is impossible even for someone with my power. They're also not your average adventurer, they posses some power, maybe even enough to take me down, if not for this damn curse."

  16. On 12/24/2018 at 3:08 AM, Dynamo Pad said:

    Frozen raised an eyebrow with a soft smirk. "Oh, please. You think you can actually believe in what he says? Sure, he and I seem like friends. However, we just share a common interest in being the best. To make sure that anyone, who dares to be great will be taken down. That, and to be proven how inferior they are to us." The ebony Pegasus didn't say anything to being spared. Unless he wanted to make Snow change his mind, or to make him angry. Frozen raised an eyebrow at the little joke Snow had made. "Gee, that sounds swell. What's next? We'll be watching TV? Maybe you have a chess board, so I won't be sitting around being bored?" He rolled his eyes, before continuing. "Why does it matter? What do you hope to gain from us? You said we aren't worth much, so what do you have to gain?" He asks, being carried away by Snow, who was making his way back to the hotel room. At Snow's question, Frozen could only scoff. "What do you mean? Big Shot only told us to either capture, incapacitate, or take down anyone on your team. While the rest of the team goes on to fight in the arena." At the mention of everyone on Team Lotus being equal to each other in strength, Frozen laughed humorously. "Oh, that was a good joke." He stopped laughing, before gaining a serious look. "Do you honestly expect me to believe that Dynamo is a match for you, more so anyone on Team Lotus? Cosmic and I saw the match you all had yesterday. Sure, he had gotten stronger since we last saw him. However, he lost and it seems that he is still struggling with his magic. You're just trying to mess with me, aren't you?"

    Frozen tried to glance behind him to see Cosmic, who was completely knocked out. He could only close his eyes, shake his head and sigh. "Cosmic, you fool. You could have escaped and tried to get back up. However, you panicked and tried to act without thinking. Now we're in trouble." He thought as he remembered the other teammates that were with them. 'I doubt they will try to save us. They were only hired by Big Shot and they weren't on our video game team. It looks like we're in big trouble this time.'

    "Alright, time to be quiet for a minute." He said to Frozen, Frostflame finally made it to the more civilized areas of the forest. He tipped his hat downward to cover his eye, and said nothing as he was carrying Frozen pass the crowds of ponies. He knew they more than likely wouldn't interfere with what he was doing, after all he's the one who turned that abomination into a pancake... that, and the main bulk of the crowd was probably at the arena. He made his way into the hotel, pass the lobby and into the halls. "Well that was a lot easier than it really should of been. Had a feeling these more posh characters wouldn't care about what I was doing. Also to answer your question, we don't have a chess board, but we do have TV." Frostflame enters his room and sets Frozen down on the couch.

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