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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Replies posted by Miles

  1. So, apparently the meeting my parents went to lasted on like 45 minutes and they got home sooner than expected, so my brother walked in on me singing. He also said I sounded like I was yelling. Meh, could've been worse lol. He doesn't know anything about singing frankly, although I haven't listened to the few recordings I did anyways. So who knows.

  2. I'm back. And damn. 270 fuckin notifications that I will not read.


  4. I swear, like, 90% or more of the time I'm a rocker at heart! ... But MAN, I tell yuh, whenever I have the urge to hear some bass, whenever I hear "Get Low" my jaw drops when I hear that bass:

  5. My laptop is caput for the night so I'm limited to my phone

  6. I'm tired... I really should just go to bed ;p. I've got practice tommorow for band too, so yeah, I've also got counseling right after that, which means I probably won't be back here until like 7:30 or so again tommorow. This first week of school is quite a long week, and exhausting so far. But I'll make it. Anyways, goodnight you guys! *hugs* love you all!

  7. That note in "Pinkies Lament" where she goes " Show them the time of their life like they've never knownnnn!!!!!! That last note right there, you know what I'm talking about, I love that note <3.

  8. That moment when you open another tab, and try to go somewhere, but then end up automatically typing in to get to MLP forums, even though you already have it open in another tab.

  9. Welp. I fell in love with someone, but he's straight. Whoever's in charge of love is a troll.

  10. I just went to the dentists, and got my teeth cleaned, no cavities, and I spent half the time making witty remarks with the dental hygienist. She laughed too, so either she likes my humor, or she was laughing to be nice ;p. Regardless it was entertaining. And my teeth are all clean now ;p

  11. Welp. I fell in love with someone, but he's straight. Whoever's in charge of love is a troll.

  12. Aquila confirmed King Arthur.

  13. Today has been a really good day; I went frolfing (frisbee golfing) with my friends at the park, and now, while I'm a bit physically tired, I'm feeling Fully Alive

  14. I just went to the dentists, and got my teeth cleaned, no cavities, and I spent half the time making witty remarks with the dental hygienist. She laughed too, so either she likes my humor, or she was laughing to be nice ;p. Regardless it was entertaining. And my teeth are all clean now ;p

  15. Mowing my 4-acre lawn is such a pain in the ass. Everyone always seems to say "I want to live in the quiet countryside!" but they don't realize how difficult caring for your land is :P

  16. Gahhhh.... Went to bed at MIDNIGHT and now it's 2:30 AM! Why must I have this random insomnia? 2.5 hours of tossing and turning, only to get up and get on here for idk how long...

  17. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ PRAISE FISH http://www.twitch.tv/fishplayspokemon

  18. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ PRAISE FISH http://www.twitch.tv/fishplayspokemon

  19. RIP Robin Williams: Hell, I ain't really gonna miss ya all that much...

  20. Nostalgia trip down 009 Sound System Lane... The good old days of youtube... *ahhh*

  21. First day of school today! So far so good, but it's hard going back into "teacher mode" after a whole summer... Any good vibes would be appreciated! <3

  22. AJ's hat is awesome.

  23. I might go play some Skyrim or something before I attempt to get in bed early... I say attempt, because I have a feeling I won't be getting to bed much earlier in reality lol. And then I'll be a walking zombie tomorrow.

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