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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Replies posted by Miles

  1. Hmmm... 1:15 am and I'm hoping to be in bed at 2. But, is anyone else still up? I'm not tired enough for bed juuust yet, getting there though.

  2. Hmmm... 1:15 am and I'm hoping to be in bed at 2. But, is anyone else still up? I'm not tired enough for bed juuust yet, getting there though.

  3. What is your favorite color?

  4. Why are there so many Battlefield updates, and why must they take so much time? :/

  5. My entire body still hurts. Lifting 300 pounds on the leg press machine was an excellent idea.

  6. Alcohol - making bad ideas sound like good ideas

  7. My entire body still hurts. Lifting 300 pounds on the leg press machine was an excellent idea.

  8. My entire body still hurts. Lifting 300 pounds on the leg press machine was an excellent idea.

  9. Despite my Spanish teacher being much better this year, I still suck at Spanish, especially orally, I mean I already suck orally with English, much less Spanish.

  10. Is It bad that i only listen to J-Pop?

  11. Super confused about what happened to the pro-feminism thread.... can someone fill me in?

  12. My entire body still hurts. Lifting 300 pounds on the leg press machine was an excellent idea.

  13. Dear god I didn't realize how soon school was o_o

  14. The other day I got invited to a party, but I stayed home instead. Just me and my pal Johnny Walker.

  15. So, I'm dating someone. :)

  16. so i just got my list of books to purchase for classes and i am not a happy camper

  17. Did you know that New Zealand has the world's steepest street? =O

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