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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Replies posted by Miles

  1. Rejoice in the birthday of Jesus!

  2. Sometimes it takes venturing to the depths of your own oceans to truly appreciate the heights of your own skies.

  3. Well I'm packing up, cleaning the room, and heading home for Christmas Break.

  4. May the force...be with you!

  5. Naughty or nice?

  6. Remember those days when I would like... post a status, and people would reply. Ahh, good old days. Whatever happened to those?

  7. Naughty or nice?

  8. I am finally done with all my finals. This picture sums up my feelings on that right now: http://puu.sh/m0noM/1f6af5e984.jpg

  9. Why can't they make a quiet printer?!

  10. Why can't they make a quiet printer?!

  11. Everyone I love is either dead or offline mostly offline

  12. Well... going to take a final... wish me luck.

  13. Well... going to take a final... wish me luck.

  14. When you're having a dream and Burt Reynolds suddenly appears in it... http://goo.gl/q5Uoom

  15. Edible underwear will come into vogue when human beings learn how to flavor their sweat.

  16. Just watched an old movie - a classic film. First time I've ever seen it. "Deliverance" - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0068473/ - It was really freakin' good. Like... holy shit, that was good. Damn...

  17. Oh darn a CD i bought arrived today and the case was smashed to shiz D: Why would you betray me Amazon!?

  18. Is there anybody at all in this fandom who is not a hypocrite? Cuz I'm seriously starting to wonder...

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