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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Replies posted by PegaDash1

  1. i'm back, i'm bad and i'm looking for snuggles

  2. Oh hello alicorn Rarity.

  3. The flower crowns are done! ^^https://mlpforums.com/topic/137348-flower-crowns/

  4. as you know im building a lego Power Ponies megazord and i have the music for it, but should i do a megazord for the the other 3 princesses

  5. Goodnight everypony

  6. Im reading a very depressing fan fiction where the 2 main characters break up and its actually making me cry a lot

  7. I want to get up ad pee but my house is scary and its 3 in the morning.

  8. Forums are back up. Yay!

  9. fluttershy is pretty :)

  10. right im going to finish off an entry drawing for my coures at college and im going to bed so night my lovely lovelies and wish me luck for tomorrow and i'll speak to you tomorrow afternoon

  11. Just put a bunch of stickers on my laptop XD

  12. Just put a bunch of stickers on my laptop XD

  13. My 2 year old brother just told me that I'm a butterfly o.0 xP

  14. Just put a bunch of stickers on my laptop XD

  15. See ya my fave 20 peeps im off to bed

  16. I actually went outside today.... Wow.

  17. I actually went outside today.... Wow.

  18. I will be offline from the forums for most of the day. Might check on it sometimes

  19. I actually went outside today.... Wow.

  20. people never understand me. when i came to the forums i thought i would be treated nicely (which i am by 20 marvolus peeps) but others dont care i put topics in places intentionally cause i want to make it easyier for people apart from me if only i get a weeks notice about these things so i myself can change the title or something it really gets on my nurves, its not my falut i have had a tragic life blame my parents

  21. I'm not so sure whether to face palm at her bad pun, or "Aww.." at how cute this is.

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