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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Storm Shine

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Everything posted by Storm Shine

  1. @EQ_Theta @Blitz Boom @Dji @Seamore Sandwich @BloodDrops @Moonlit @Lucid_Nightlight@Blitz Boom Sorry for the lack of postings lately, I'm house sitting for a friend (Actually staying at their place for the duration, as they have a cat and dog I have to feed before and after work on the week days.) and they have absolutely terrible internet in the weirdest way. I can stream videos just fine most of the time, or voicechat on xbox, or even do multiplayer with only a bit of lag- but downloading anything, browsing the web, and online chat systems are superduper slow... (Edit: There are short periods of time where the internet is almost great. )
  2. @EQ_Theta @Blitz Boom @Dji @Seamore Sandwich @BloodDrops @Moonlit @Lucid_Nightlight Discord looked to where the bunny was frantically pointing and raised a brow, "Well this won't do at all." The entity said with some distaste, having to reign in his temper briefly as he noticed the situation. The chaos spirit promptly teleported over, now dressed in a snazzy suit and monocle, and opened one side of the cage like a door, giving a slightly showy bow to Fluttershy. "Would you care for some tea, my dearest friend?" He asked with a friendly grin, gesturing towards a table laid out nearby.. upside down. the tablecloth situated on the stem under the flipped table somehow supporting the whole table's worth of tea supplies without any noticeable form of support. (Think like a table flipped over, with one of those single center with prongs support systems.. and then a tablecloth over that middle bit, but flat and spread out like it would be on a table.)
  3. @EQ_Theta @Blitz Boom @Dji @Seamore Sandwich @BloodDrops @Moonlit @Lucid_Nightlight Discord glanced at Onache briefly, but decided to let it go. As long as she didn't actually hurt Fluttershy (mentally or physically), he saw no reason to interfere.. yet. As it is, the chaos spirit went back to juggling some poky sea urchins, each ending up with a new color or pattern as they left his paws/claws.
  4. @EQ_Theta @Blitz Boom @Dji @Seamore Sandwich @BloodDrops @Moonlit @Lucid_Nightlight Discord looked around shiftily and discreetly shoved the ball of yarn he'd conjured moments before into a random fold of the space-time continuum before nonchalantly walking away from it and whistling innocently. Elsewhere, in another part of space-time, a pony was battling a giant turducken.. that was on fire. Suddenly, a giant ball of yarn fell from a fold of the space-time continuum and bounced away, prompting the flaming turducken to chase it while barking like a dog. The pony stared after the odd creature, sat down and contemplated their life up to that very moment... Before promptly face-hoofing and walking away. "Yeah, nope. I'm done with this bunch of horseapples." The pony could be heard saying as they walked away, discarding their sword and other mystical gear. "I'm going to go do something normal.. like apple farming." As the armor fell away, it revealed a blank orange coat of fur... Which eventually shimmered and changed to reflect the pony's true calling: ripe apples on a healthy tree. Back in this universe: "And that's how the Apple Family Legacy truly began." Discord said with a grin, likely confusing any but those privy to the fourth wall and that which lay beyond.
  5. @Blitz Boom HAPPY BIRTHIVERSERYDAY!!!! (Edit: Note to site- Needed emoticons: Streamers, cake, confetti, confetti shooters (preferably cannon form), candles, party hats, bombs, holiday bombs, holiday cannons, party cannons, forks, various desserts, and more party favors.)
  6. @Blitz Boom @Lucid_Nightlight @Dji @BloodDrops @Seamore Sandwich @Moonlit @EQ_Theta Discord grinned as he took the digestive tablet, "Why thank yo-" *BOOM* The tablet spontaniously combusted, creating a (relatively) small explosion that interrupted the chaos spirit, who immediately began screaming his head off (almost literally) as a fountain of red liquid sprayed violently forth from the ensuing smoke cloud around his arm. "AAHH~!" The immortal was screaming, as if in pain, before he began laughing. "I just love strawberry-cherry-Naliquada juice!" Discord exclaimed happily as the smoke cleared, revealing him to be holding a silver pitcher which was shooting a fountain of the fruity fluids everywhere. "It's quite refreshing." He added, turning the pitcher to allow a large amount of the crimson concoction to fly into his mouth before swallowing and tossing the pitcher away, still spewing its delicious drink in such a way that it was almost propelled like a rocket in a random direction.
  7. @Blitz Boom @Lucid_Nightlight @Dji @Moonlit @Seamore Sandwich @BloodDrops @EQ_Theta Discord raised an eyebrow as he juggled balloons at a pace that should've been physically impossible (Seriously, those are balloons. Filled with oxygen. They don't move like that! ...Teach me.). "I never liked sand." He commented whimsically, "Though I do enjoy a bit of sugar sand." With a snap of his tail, any and all sand that may have covered the traveling group turned to sugar.. Hope they weren't wet anywhere, or they may find themselves rather sticky. "Shush you, finding out these things is half the fun." Discord shushed the conductor of his destiny occasionally annoying human behind the screen, holding a bucket of water in his tail as he observed the group. The balloons he was juggling turned into unstable seagulls made from fizzy soda and mentos before they began flying towards the adventuring party. (PARTY!? ) (Hey, you're not in this scene Pinkie! go, go, shoo for now. There's plenty of parties elsewhere.) (Fine~, spoilsport. ) Discord, meanwhile, pulled out a lit explosive and ate it. "Mm, Anyone else want some?" The spirit of Chaos offered an unlit explosive to Onache with an almost malicious grin. Seconds later there was the sound of a muted explosion and Discord puffed up for a moment, smoke escaping his ears and nostrils. "Excuse me, there was a bit of kick to that one." The possibly insane god excused himself with a polite smile, exercising proper manners as he gently dabbed at his muzzle with a slice of cheese. He then proceeded to eat the cheese and the other explosive, flashing a much friendlier grin at Onache.
  8. @Blitz Boom @Lucid_Nightlight @Dji @Moonlit @Seamore Sandwich @BloodDrops @EQ_Theta Discord rose up from the sand to curl around Onache, almost as if he had always been waiting there. "Well now, what's life without some fun and games? I have confidence that the group can handle what's thrown at them." He chuckled, before frowning slightly as he moved almost eyeball to eyeball with her and continuing in a darker tone. "And I'm sure I wouldn't have to worry about Fluttershy getting hurt. After all, I would hate to have to get... Unpleasant." The Chaos spirit's eyes glowed a solid red briefly, his voice resounding with the infinite power of Chaos, many voices blending in with his own; some speaking, some screaming, others echoing or chanting. Minds of lesser fortitude hearing such a thing could be dragged to the brink of madness or beyond. Suddenly Discord was back to his normal playful demeanor as he uncurled from around Onache to lazily recline in the air, "But I'm sure no-one is thoughtless enough to bring it to that!"
  9. @Blitz Boom @Dji @Blitz Boom @Lucid_Nightlight @EQ_Theta @Moonlit @Seamore Sandwich @BloodDrops Discord grinned as he gave a slow clap, leaning against the sphinx and looking at the glue-covered statue of himself. "My, my, my.. Even covered in glue that fellow strikes a handsome figure, wouldn't you agree?" He asked somewhat mockingly. "I'm glad that's not me, it's such a hassle to get glue out of your coat you know?" He pretended to grumble, pulling aside some of his skin as if it were simply a jacket and pulling out a large paint can labeled 'Glue'. The spirit of chaos began waving a small paint brush around, glue flinging around from it's tip. Wherever a glob of glue landed, it would bounce as if it had become a super-ball. "I much prefer my glue bouncy over sticky." (Sorry about the lack of responses lately, lot going on. I'll try to put in more often, even if it's just small randoms. )
  10. Party Ponies for the Forums!? Oh I wish I had the time to apply and maybe work and help with that! Sadly, all of my time is either spent at work, transit, chores, or doing things my friends want to do.. Aside from maybe the few hours I get to do whatever I want- which is usually browsing the forums, writing, reading, or games.. Doubt that I'd have enough time to regularly help out, much as I'd love that opportunity to be more like Pinkie (PARTEH PONEH!) and aside from that, probably not the most qualified and stuffs.. Best of luck and much happiness to the ponies that get the position!
  11. Hey everypony, hope you're all having a Funtastic day! :pinkie: 


    Great news! Well sorta... maybe? Depends on who's looking at this :derp: 


    Anyways, I've got a FREE Steam Key for Conan Exiles for the first pony to post on here that they want it. :catface:

    Why? Why? WHY!?!? Because I got the key for free and I already have it on steam, plus I don't know anyone in particular that wants it and doesn't already have it, so I thought to myself: "Hey Storm, why don't you go and check if anypony on the forums wants it?" Gee, thanks brain, I love that idea, lets do that!


    So here we are! I'll PM it to the first pony who posts here and wants it :squee:


    Edit: I also have a key for Sniper Elite 4 if anypony wants it :) 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Rikifive


      Most of the games they offer end up being untouched by me. :P 

    3. Widdershins


      Yaaaay! I don't know what you just said, but I'm still happy for you! It's been ages since I heard from you! Hiya, Shiny!

    4. Storm Shine

      Storm Shine

      Hiya Widdy! :D :yay: :) 

  12. @Blitz Boom @Lucid_Nightlight @Dji @BloodDrops @Seamore Sandwich @EQ_Theta Discord caught the laser pointer, clicking it on and off a few times while chuckling. "I suppose I am quite distracting." He preened slightly, checking himself out in a mirror. "It'll be fun to see where this goes!" The chaotic being quickly disappeared, off to mess with the sphinx. "Here Kitty Kitty, I've got a fun little friend for you!"
  13. @Lucid_Nightlight Check the long space between the word 'everything...' and the quotes. Try highlighting it. Just thought it would be a little funny to add for anyone who might catch it.
  14. @BloodDrops @Moonlit @Dji @Seamore Sandwich @EQ_Theta @Lucid_Nightlight @Blitz Boom Just a quick question for those of you I be playing as Disco with... Anypony see the hidden message in that knowledge 'don't know everything' post? Thought I'd be silly and sneak that in there. (It's a little easier to see against the quoting background ) @Fangirl Mode Don't be shy, I'm sure you could join too. All you gotta do is respect other ponies (Don't god-mode stuffs and whatnot :P) and have fun! It's a happy and fun place here with plenty of helpful ponies who would be more than happy to give you tips and advice if you feel a little lost or unsure.
  15. @BloodDrops @Moonlit @Dji @Seamore Sandwich @EQ_Theta @Lucid_Nightlight @Storm Shine Discord shrugged, "I don't really know.." he tapped a talon to his chin, "Or perhaps I simply don't remember? Keep in mind, I am as old as Chaos itself. Occasionally I make sure things happen that even I don't know all of the details of to keep things interesting. Perhaps I made myself forget. Perhaps these are things I truly didn't know. Or perhaps I've yet to even give you a stick and it was a future version of myself that traveled to the past." He shrugged again, "Even as old and powerful as I am Lucid - even with as much as I do know - I don't know everything.. At least, not all at once. Oh, the headache that would give you..."
  16. I only just realized after making my last post that the banner had changed... What made me do a double take is that I mentioned a bag-pipe in my post, and then a moment later I see the current banner for the first time and notice that the bag-thing Pinkie is poking kind of reminds me of a bag-pipe, lol.
  17. @BloodDrops @Moonlit @Dji @Seamore Sandwich @EQ_Theta @Lucid_Nightlight @Storm Shine Discord chuckled slightly, "Now Lucid, what fun would there be in killing anything?" He questioned, "There's no chaos in that, no joy! If I really wanted to be rid of you, I could just as easily strip your powers away and have you dancing the tango with a with a passion fruit you'd suddenly found yourself married to for the rest of your life." The spirit of Chaos shook his mismatched head with a chuckle, "Not that I see a need to do so.. But the point would be that I much prefer pranks and props." A talon snap brought a bag-pipe playing panther into the preposterously perilous mix. The panther was dyed with multi-colored polka-dots and wore an afro as he tap-danced past the group while playing his instrument. A few moments later a wooden hook snuck into the picture from somewhere off to the side and snagged the panther, quickly yanking it out of sight. The panther dropped its bagpipe in the process, which suddenly grew into a tree with plaid-patterned bark and dropped a bounty of paper-towels as if they were fruit before slowly vanishing on the wind as it fell to ash, leaving nothing but the paper towels.. Which then grew spidery limbs and scuttled away.
  18. @BloodDrops @Moonlit @Dji @Seamore Sandwich @EQ_Theta @Lucid_Nightlight @Storm Shine Discord munched on some cake off to the side. A small tornado formation of sugar that had popped into existence suddenly, swirling around nearby, was somehow giving off a vibe similar to a eager puppy as it nudged up against him, occasionally getting some of its sugar onto the cake. "Yes Swirly, you can have the rest of my cake." The chaos spirit said with some fond exasperation, seemingly ignoring the sandstorm situation as he tossed half of the cake to the sugary sweet vortex and watched it get shredded to form more sugar for the oddly sentient whirlwind. Discord was certainly paying attention to the situation however, at least enough to be able to respond or step in if he felt the need.
  19. @Storm Shine @EQ_Theta @Blitz Boom Discord snagged a copper bar fom Anomaly's metal buffet, "Oh I doubt Celestia would let her toy explode." He answered lazily, drenching the metal in hot sauce and sprinkling a bit of powdered poison joke on it before munching away, "Especially not if it could hurt her little ponies." The spirit of chaos burped, sending out a plume of green fire and orange bubbles.
  20. @Storm Shine @EQ_Theta @Blitz Boom Discord shrugged, "Actually those formed around death can look like just about anything, and they're surprisingly nice for their given aspect." He stroked his beard, "They aren't so much about causing death - after all, what would be the fun in that? - as creating and maintaining (Occasionally pranking) a place for those who have lived their lives." The draconequuis unzipped the fabric between dimensions enough for a peek, "Most all of them worked together to create a parallel world to live in and enjoy, helping souls enjoy their afterlives and playing the occasional prank on the living." The spirit of chaos chuckled as he zipped the dimension back up, "In fact, they are so close to our world that they can occasionally affect it for some good fun. Haunted houses? Whispers on the wind? Shadows cast from nothing? Some of the favorite pranks of those draconequui." Discord grabbed the rainbow trout suddenly, eating it before it could cause any permanent harm to the bubble ecosystem.
  21. @Storm Shine @EQ_Theta @Blitz Boom "There could be many reasons, not all alternate universes have another version of you. There are infinite possibilities in the multiverse, infinite opportunities for alternate versions of you and just as many chances for you to not exist in a given universe." Discord shrugged, conjuring a rainbow trout (Literally a trout made of liquid rainbow, not the usual species) to chase down and eat all the critters of the now-thriving bubble ecosystem, like a multi-chromatic glowing fish of the bubblepocalypse.
  22. @Blitz Boom @Lucid_Nightlight @EQ_Theta Discord shrugged, watching soap bubbles shaped like turtles swim around, eating other soap bubbles shaped like sharks in some bizarre backwards soap food-chain. "I was brought into existence as a formless consciousness formed by the chaos before existence. I had an awareness, yes, but only a basic one. Over time I gained proper intelligence and, due to my very nature, my propensity for creating chaos in the new world that appeared shortly after.. Later, more draconequus were formed or born in their own ways. Some of the early ones formed from ideas, concepts, or elements - Of the wilder variety of course; such as wind, fire, destruction, nature, the ocean, Draconequu rarely form around things that could represent a form of Order -. Some were even born like ponies or hatched like dragons or gryphons." He chuckled slightly, "If I'm not mistaken, Anomaly was formed from the forest fire that overtook the largest of the Wilde Woods, during a large gathering of the Fae races. It would certainly explain her fairy nature and her affinity for wildlife, both flora and fauna, not to menton the... well.. " Discord rolled a paw as he looking for the best way to phrase it, "Latent destructive urges? or at least currently dormant. Mostly." The chaos spirit shrugged again, "Then again, perhaps I'm thinking of someone else entirely."
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