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Everything posted by AmberDust

  1. Celestia looked up suddenly at the food. Her eyes widened-- She hadn't realized how hungry she was until she saw it, and her stomach gave a loud rumble. The princess began eating immediately, and Bishop's hand was empty in no time. She looked up at him expectantly.
  2. (Oh dear, this pony is clearly inebriated...what to do...)Uhm...Hello! No, I haven't met Pinkamene Diane--oh. Wait. Is she that ponyville mare with a pink mane and tail? Blue eyes? Rather excitable? Plum is doing well. I'm glad you asked! She's opened up her bakery, and business is good. She seems very happy!And to Nasir, yes, she is still the cutest pony I know. She's shy though, so go easy on her next time you see her, okay? She's not good at taking complements, especially from stallions.
  3. , ((so, you're a king now? )) "A place where Pegasus magic doesn't work..." Amber paused for a moment.. "You're right, unicorn magic might be faulty, too. Lets see..." Amber took a step away from the stallions. Since she'd arrived here, she'd only tried to use minor levitation, but nothing more. Nervous of what the results may be, she pointed her horn at a small rock on the ground. Her horn began to glow a brilliant firey orange, sparkling madly, and after one last flash of light--- Nothing. The mare stood for a moment, wide-eyed and staring at the rock, but nothing happened. "I can believe it," Amber said in a hushed voice. She tried again and again to make the stone glow, but each time it would fail, leaving her tired and frustrated. "My magic isn't working either," she said to the stallions. "Just levitation, it seems..." Amber fell silent as she gazed at the unchanged rock. A look of worry and fear formed on her face. How strange, she thought to herself.
  4. I don't think those particular cases have to do with magic though. More like physical strength and willpower and such. But anyways, dies anyone have any thoughts regarding levels 4-6? That's where I've been having the most trouble.
  5. I think they're a sort of entertainment racing team? Like, they put on shows by flying around in fancy patterns.
  6. It's called konpeito. I might colour it sometime, but I'm rather busy atm.
  7. EQE is "equestrian empire". It's like a more advanced RP place with high standards. Its exists on this very site! http://mlpforums.com/topic/118570-equestrian-empire-rules-and-how-to-join/ Sounds great to me. I like the name of her hometown, too.
  8. I've heard or Rarity, but I haven't met her yet. My friend is going to introduce us someday, I think. Not sure who Rainbow Dash is, though, and I've never met a princess. I Guess I've never met any noable ponies you'd know of. :/
  9. Awesome. You should submit him to EQE. Why is his age in decimals though?
  10. When you said "avatar", you meant your profile picture, right?To answer your original question, the way your avatar looks has little to do with your roleplay ability. Any avatar is suitable if you RP well with a good character. Go on and ask someone if you can join their RP. Don't be scared.
  11. Relatively good, I think. Life is pretty relaxed right now! ...? What? I'm afraid you've lost me! ((This section is for asking my OC questions. Not for asking me.)) Certainly not! Not all of them, at least. Some ponies seem to think its unimportant and it doesn't affect them, but I know better! The past is what shaped us, and by learning about ancient civilizations, we can learn so much about ourselves as a society! But really, I'm more in it for the ruins and art.
  12. @, Amber approached Lightning cautiously. "Shh," she said quietly, patting the stallion's hoof. "Don't worry. We'll get out of here. You're just tired." She smiled tenderly at him, all while thinking about their situation. He can't fly...? I wonder if that's part of this whole...thing. She remembered the sharp pain in her horn when she last tried to use magic. Could something have been interfering with it? "Can any of the Pegasi fly here?" Amber asked the other stallion.
  13. Cherries are only good in the summer, but apples are good all year long! Plus, there are so many more varieties.
  14. @child of the night Amber looked warily at the filly, but decided to leave well enough alone. "Just be careful," she warned, before trotting away. She noticed that the two chatting ponies had left. I wonder where they went, she thought, concerned. She turned her attention to the two other ponies who sat outside the tent. , They' bore tired faces, and seemed upset. Amber trotted towards them. "Hello," she said, trying to sound comforting. "Is everything alright...?"
  15. I'm more interested in exploring ancient cultures and pony-made things. Unless I discover an alien planet, I don't think space exploration would interest me at all.
  16. I was actually already considering this question in my head before you asked it! ...Oh, wait. That may be because you've already asked me This question! ha ha. Either way, the princesses have been on my mind lately...and I think I have a new answer for you, after some contemplation. I think I've decided on Princess Luna. Sure, she's not as old as Princess Celestia, and she's missed out on many years of history, but she's my choice, and here's why. I'm definitely going to repeat some of the things I said earlier, but... Princess Luna can visit ponies in their dreams, and dreams go by much faster in real life than they do in your head. It's a little intimidating, but just imagine all the things you could learn from the Princess over the course of one day AND one dream! Plus, nopony else has ever been to the moon...although I'm not sure she'd want to talk about it. ^^' Aside from that, Luna is Celestia's younger sister. In my mind, that makes her less intimidating, and maybe more relatable, too, seeing as I certainly know what it's like to have older siblings to live up to... If we could spend this time together, I'd want her to tell me all about her life and the things she's seen and done. And maybe we could share our troubles, too.
  17. The little princess opened her eyes, surprised. She was suddenly in the arms of her guardian angel. Bishop hadn't abandoned her, after all! She sniffled a few times, but her spirits recovered instantly out of sheer relief. Where did you go this time, Celestia thought.
  18. Amber trotted slowly out of the tent, and saw the ponies sitting around the fire. I guess they're going to stand watch, she thought. Her eyes drifted upwards towards the foal in the tree. Amber gasped and galloped over. @@child of the night "What are you doing up there?" Amber cried, sounding very much like a mother. Realizing this, she blushed, then tried to compose herself. "You could get hurt," she said sternly. "You ought to come down. We don't have enough tent fabric to bandage everypony." Amber offered the filly a friendly smile.
  19. Celestia was jolted awake. A chill ran down her spine as she looked fearfully around the empty room. She wasn't sure what had woken her, but her eyes were wide and her heart was racing. Celestia noticed Bishop's absence immediately, and began to panic, staring into the dark library. It was dank, dusty, dark, and most eerily of all, quiet. She scrunched up as much as she could, suddenly petrified by the thought of being alone. She let out a soft sob and hoped that Bishop would soon return.
  20. Amber tucked herself into her sleeping bag and sat in silence. How strange, she thought. It didn't take any time at all for these ponies to turn against each other... She gazed around the (now much larger) tent, at the other ponies. She thought about how they acted, and what their priorities were. Even if we do find our way out of this place, it won't solve our problem regarding our memories, or where we should go next, she thought, frustrated. For all we know, there is no "way out"... Amber sighed internally. There was no way she'd fall asleep with all the thoughts buzzing about in her head. "Maybe I'll go stand guard too," she said to herself, standing up.
  21. Celestia rested quietly, unaware that Bishop had left on a perilous quest for food. The library remained silent and dark, allowing for deep sleep--but this time, Celestia did not dream. Her mind was worn out, and no memories attempted to breach her subconscious. She lay silently in the dark, alone once more.
  22. Have I told you about my job in Ponyville yet? Im not currently working in my...preferref field. ^^ I've applied to be a mailmare in the meantime, but I haven't started working yet... So I'm currently unemployed.
  23. Celestia nuzzled Bishop's hand. She looked sadly into his dark eyes. Something is missing, she thought, thinking back to her dream. She shifted uncomfortably under her jacket and yawned. Her energy was entirely drained, and she hasn't figured anything out regarding her flashbacks. She bowed her head down, exhausted.
  24. @@Lordav "Stand down," Amber said sharply, sounding braver than she felt. "We shouldn't go around accusing each other of anything--and even if somepony here IS responsible for whatever this is, turning on them will do us no good!" Her eyes darted between the two stallions. "Now, I don't know about you ponies, but I have no idea where I am or how I got here. I can't remember the names of my friends or family, and my horn is causing me major grief." she paused to look at the other ponies. "Are we all in the same boat here?" she asked. "Does anypony remember anything?" her voice became softer as she searched the eyes of the ponies around her. Their pain was undeniable, and she felt her heart sink a little.
  25. , @Lordav, @Overdrive, @child of the night, , Noticing the chaos around her, Amber stepped forward. "Is this everypony?" she asked loudly, gazing around at the group of panicked ponies. Judging by the way they fidgeted and shook, She could tell they were all in the same situation. "We all need to calm down," she said, tapping her hoof. "Its obvious that something strange is going on, but we won't figure it out by running around like maniacs." Her orange eyes glinted in the firelight as the excitement rose within her. She looked towards the bundles on the ground. "Does anypony know anything about this place?", she continued. "...About these?" Amber pointed to the backpacks, seeing that they had already been rummaged through. Her eyes flicked immediately to the Pegasus who had brought them in. "Any information you've gathered, we could use," she said calmly. Her eyes searched his for any signs of treachery. ((I call to the stage next, if I may.))
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