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Starlight Fan

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Everything posted by Starlight Fan

  1. Nay, the mods liked it, why else would it be up right now? Think positive!
  2. He didn't warp reality there, he was telling the truth! Can't you just let him be actually nice for once?
  3. That picture looks so fake. You probably photoshopped that. Nice try, Dan.
  4. Still insensitive. Don't you feel bad for Shy, crying in the rain?
  5. How about me? .... Or maybe I'm too "normal" for that. Aaaaaand that's why you're insensitive.
  6. I swear that said "Stormgiggle" instead of "AI" a few seconds ago.
  7. Either way, I'm not letting you have my blood.
  8. Chillax! It's not very easy to make me freak out.
  9. Wait, you couldn't have gotten my blood anyway, because I don't have any! I'm really just a fragment of the internet, and if you stabbed me, you'd get nothing! No blood. It's impossible to replicate me. It is now officially canon that Timesten lives inside the internet. *attacks it with the canon cannon* And... er... can shapeshift into Anti-Timesten whenever she feels like it! Yeah that makes total sense. I bet at this point everyone thinks i have terrible naming skills.
  10. *insert some sort of bad explanation as to how you didn't get my blood here* Yes, I really want to know. What could possibly go wrong?
  11. Er.... jokes on you! My magical metal suit was immune to all types of dimension-jumping metals!
  12. Joke's on you! That wasn't in the original post! Also I happened to be wearing a metal suit at the time, you just didn't notice! So even if you did stab me, you wouldn't have gotten any blood.
  13. WAIT WHAT NO YOU DON'T I never gave you my blood!
  14. OKay we have that quote as proof of my short reign in Storm's identity, idk what i'm doing it's 11 pm i'm just typing something i'm very tired
  15. I'm trying to change it back, but my user CP won't load. Guess I'm predestined to be banned. (Or we'll see, when I wake up) YOLO, NO REGRETS, COME AT ME MODS
  16. Chillax! I'll change my name back right after I see Storm's response to this. Besides, I don't have malicious intentions.
  17. Oh yeah, Pink. I could always name myself Pink... but then my profile wouldn't be exactly like Pink's and that's no fun. This is flawless! Nopony could ever see though my disguise.
  18. too little spoilers, 0/10 I've decided. I'm going to be Stormgiggle's doppleganger. As for how I'll do it, wait and see. (It will be amazing I swear) (My second choice would be A.I. Pony, but that would be less funny.)
  19. Comic Sans is a very serious font! All my chemistry workpacks use it! Yellow's my team colour! We need your support to succeed. How can I break into your house without your address?
  20. Yes. Sandwich sandwiches, sandwich sandwiches and sandwich sandwiches. (Tuna and lettuce sandwiches, or egg sandwiches. I'm not very picky.) (Actually I'm just not skilled at making sandwiches.)
  21. You didn't actually open all the spoilers though. You cheated.
  22. You caught me. Well, not exactly forever.
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