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Everything posted by spas-ticShotty

  1. They look really hot IMO, especially Applejack (Of course), although I wouldn't mind being extra close to Rarity :3. Although they could use a bit more mass, if yah know what I'm saying. They look hot IMO to begin with, but they'd look even hotter if they didn't look like sticks. Still, I don't mind their design too much, especially AJ's <3.......oooh boy, I wouldn't mind cuddling with her all day.
  2. In 18 days, it will have been a year since I joined this site.

  3. 7/10 If anyone saw the intro The Creatures 24 Hour livestream.....yah know what song this is (Cue Kootra dancing like a silly cat).
  4. Fuck this headache. This is what I get for screaming at BOII yesterday.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      How can you enjoy a game that brings you so much frustration?

    3.  spas-ticShotty


      It's addicting like cocaine. Not to mention, most of the times I scream and yell, I overreact. I have a hard time controlling myself sometimes, but today was not one of those days. If I was more level-headed when I play games, BOII would be an absolute blast for me.

    4. Bruno ©

      Bruno ©


  5. I'd say mah addiction for milk . I drink, like, 3-4, maybe even more glasses of it a day and that's usually the main drink I have. Not water, not soda, not juice, but milk. I love it, I dunno why, but I just do. I could also say I'm a bit addicted to robotic/synthetic sound effects and all that. And explosive sound effects as well. Heck, any cool sound effect is awesome to me, and many times, I play a movie over and over again just to listen more closely to the SFX and create imagery and scenes in mah own head.
  6. G'all darnit, why do all the vids I post not embed themselves ;_;?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2.  spas-ticShotty


      I tried, but it didn't seem to work. Oh well, I'll try later. The new method I figured out is good enough for now.

  7. Ponyfied Vanellope? I approve.

  8. Because, I like BOII. And if only you could......I'd possibly have seen all of them anyways, though .
  9. Today has been quite a successful day in BOII. After making the stupid decision to prestige 3 of mah main weapons, I got two of them back to the same level needed to get the attachments I wanted. Problem is, every time I played, mah head would eventually start hurting. I think it's from the night before, where I was getting so angry and was yelling so much I practically killed mah brain. Funny thing is, I didn't rage at all today. These are days I would like to have more often when I play BOII .
  10. Time to play some Die Rise

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2.  spas-ticShotty


      Some dude built it while I was far away, and he didn't take it since another dude said he would take it from the building stand. I forgot about that, though, and took it from the stand, and the dude who was gonna get it from there got mad at me :P.

    3. Riclo


      lol. I should do a game with you eventually. We'd probably get pretty far. Do you have a mic?

    4.  spas-ticShotty


      Yes, but it's screwy and won't work sometimes.

  11. Funny thing is, the Nova vid with Pewds in it has brewn up a major shitstorm in the comments section, and as I look outside mah house, a bad storm is on the way. Looks like the shitstorm has truly arrived.
  12. This vid was probably made to show that Pewds and Nova weren't enemies, since a lot of trolls and people think that's the case (Not a lot of people really accused Nova for copying Toby, either). Now, though, the vid has got PewDie haters acting like absolute dumbshits themselves. Seriously, people are so stupid sometimes......if yah don't like PewDie, don't click on the vid that says PewDie in the title............
  13. There is so much shit flying in the comments section . The PewDie haters and Pewds fanboys are going against each other .
  14. Today is a glorious day; Pewds and Nova played together (not to mention Sp00n and Cry are here as well ).
  15. Nova and Pewdie finally played a game together :D

    1. Scootalove


      Now the so-called flame war is over. :D

  16. "Am I trippin', son" Is it me, or do the vids not embed themselves?
  17. Tis the weekend. Also, in 4 days, the Wreck-It Ralph DVD comes out . I miss Vanellope, so it's gonna be excitin' for me :3.
  18. The intro to the Creatures 24 hour stream was perfect on all levels XD

  19. It's like I pull a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde whenever I play BOII :c

    1. Scootalove


      I have that feeling, since I tried the Revolution maps.

    2.  spas-ticShotty


      Games always bring out the worst in me. I shout so much stuff that I would never say when I'm calm and collective.

    3. Scootalove


      The only game that brings the worst in me is BOII.

  20. Girls Gone Wild went bankrupt? This is catastrophic! Oh well, at least I have the rest of the internet to fapsturbate to.
  21. A mod now? Please don't suck :(. Other than that, congrats.

    1. duidamasterXD


      I try to avoid sucking as much as possible XD. Thanks Spazzy :)

  22. I see they added new mods. There are so many of them the list needed a 2nd page now :P

    1. Leafeon


      And I know next to none of them. :3

  23. The only thing that can compete against sex, videogames, movies, the internet, and Applejack on the epically awesome scale is good 'ol music.
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