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Moony the Cat

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Status Updates posted by Moony the Cat

  1. Wait, some People dislike the first Episode of The Walking Dead Season 7, even though it follows the Comics Story Line?...what??? So, just because you love a Character, they have to stay alive, even though the actually source material let the Character die and recieves praise, while the Shows gets backslash now?? Wow, okay. I think im not supposed to get it..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat

      Okay, i stop now. XD

    3. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat

      Im sorry, i was angry again. I know, im annoying...everyone has their Opinion and i should just shut my mouth.

    4. Moony the Cat
  2. My BronyMate Private Message count is now at 42. XD And its still going..the Side really wants me to pay monthly for it, but no thanks. There is no way, this Messages are all real.

  3. That moment when you search for the Forum of your best Friend, but he changed the Url and you cant find him anymore.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat

      @ Sunrise Surprise Thanks^^ @ Lunar Echo She lives far far away from me, i think it was an 5 hour drive or something. Or 3 Hour Drive, im not sure. At the moment i have no Option to visit here.

    3. Moony the Cat
    4. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      Well the next time yous meet in real life you should ask her :)

  4. I now have all Dc Comics Live Action Movies up to the Year 2010 ! Yeah, i catch up. XD

    1. Kenshiro


      Thank you for the brohoof =)

      Brohoof back!!!

  5. I have free tomorrow and can use the Computer from my Mom, so that i cna use the Internet better. Im limited now, but...at least i can go on here, a side for a series, that i dotn are about anymore. Since i broke my gaming console, Mlp Forums and Youtube are the only 2 things, i have left. And i have nothing really to do on both. XD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BlackHole(TimeLord)


      You could always find a RP to do?

    3. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat

      Roleplay? No thanks. A roleplay means, that i have to be online for most of the day, but im away at some weekends and im not home all the time, so i cant join an rp. I think. I dont know.

    4. BlackHole(TimeLord)


      I do RPs all the time. Some of the people I RP with take a full week to respond.

  6. I woke up this Morning, dadududududu, i wish that i hadnt though, dadududududu.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat

      Its a quote from the Game Worms 4: Mayhem. It appears when you use the Voice Type Blues Brothers. Good day to you as well^^

    3. 4HFan
    4. Moony the Cat
  7. A little Update, i was able to delete a bunch of Files and now my Windows seems to work a little better, i might be able to use the Internet again. Its just a little slow for me.

  8. UPDATE : My Mac is down. Im currently unable to use the Internet. ( now im just using my already broken Windows to post this Update ) I will be offline for...god knows how long. Just wanted to give all my Friends this Update.

  9. I think my Mac is kinda broken. All of a sudden my Computer is so slow. It could be that i disappear for a few weeks it it really breaks completely, since i have no Money to repair it.

    1. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat

      You dissappear all the time and more importantly : NOBODY FREAKING CARES !

    2. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat

      As if it would actually matter, anyway.

  10. I cant believe that there is a total of 4 new Amityville Movies, all released this year. Specially not after there was already 2 released last year. You can really make a lot of money, with using a real life tragedy and adding your fictional crap for maximum profit. * sigh *

    1. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat

      Sorry, i was angry when i have written this, my life just frustrates me.

    2. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat

      Also there was only a total of 3 new Amityville Movies you dork.

  11. My entire Creepypasta Wiki Account including all uploaded Files just got deleted. Dont know why. But..okay? XD

    1. Aleksander Drako

      Aleksander Drako

      oh what a pity :(

      There was many of it?

    2. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat

      I had a few Blog Entrys and like 5 Pictures uploaded, but now my entire Account is gone. I cant log in anymore, and they didnt even explain why it got deleted.

    3. Aleksander Drako
  12. I now have a Pony Town..Pony. Yay! Not sure why im posting this, im not even planning on playing it right now.

    1. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat

      The had even a shorter life span than you.Surprisingly.

    2. Moony the Cat
    3. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat

      how can you live with yourself?

  13. Nanotek

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Untitled Goose Q
    3. That Guy with the CMB

      That Guy with the CMB

      You searched yourself? Nano pls.

    4. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat

      I searched if the name was already used, so that i can call myself that. Which i did. But now it may look, like i searched myself. XD

  14. Thanks for adding me as a Friend^^

    1. Princess_Bellalatanya


      of course,chngelings can be good as well

    2. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat

      Finally someone, who understands me^^

  15. I know have the entire Super Friends Series on Dvd, as well as Ruby Spears Superman Series. Yay me, i got 100 dollars and its gone now, just for some Kids Cartoons. I will do well as an Adult, i know it.

    1. Moony the Cat
    2. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat

      You are an Adult? Ha ! I didnt even know you were a sapient Thing because of how stupid and useless you are !

  16. People on the Internet are really complaining about everything. Everywhere i go, there are always complaining comments at the top.Well at least im not one of them.

    1. Deae Rising Shine~

      Deae Rising Shine~

      *Complains about your status update* ;P

    2. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat

      Damn you Rising...DAMN YOU, RISING!!!

    3. Deae Rising Shine~
  17. With all the Jokes that Marvel and Marvel Fans do about Dc Comics, i start to dislike Marvel more and more. Or at least the facebook Groups.

    1. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat

      Despite me, being a Marvel Fan as well.

    2. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat

      Oh, buhu ! Grow the heck up and get over it you pussy !

  18. I dont know, what to do with my life.I wonder how many years i still have to wait, until i find out.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Aleksander Drako

      Aleksander Drako

      Can I know what's happen? Now they are just your comments

    3. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat

      Dont worry, i just talk to myself a lot. There was nobody else in this Conversation. I often make fun off myself in my Status Updates, whenever nobody answers, cause im bored.

    4. Aleksander Drako
  19. I just wanted to donate Money, but i guess my offer wasnt enough. XD

    1. Show previous comments  97 more
    2. Aleksander Drako

      Aleksander Drako

      I choose a new profile picture, what you think of him?

    3. Aleksander Drako

      Aleksander Drako

      Well, Good night to you!

    4. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat

      My Time Zone is Germany. And i like your new Profile Picture^^And good Night^^

  20. Everytime i go to a Dating Side, i instantly feel very bad about myself and close the tab. :/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Johnny1226


      Find a waifu it helps with the loneliness

    3. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat

      I once was in love with Twilight and after that with Luna, but that just makes me realize later on, that im still alone and probably will be.

    4. Johnny1226


      If you're truly in love with them then They will always be with you in one way or another

  21. I think i clicked into s scam thing on Tumblr ( i clicked on a link i shouldnt have ) and now, i think someone knows my password and if i dont change it, they can delete my tumblr. But i cant change my password, because i dont even know what password i currently have because im an idiot. I could log out and ask for a new password, but when i log out, they could log in and delete everything. So i guess it time to say, bye to my tumblr. Great -.-

    1. Deae Rising Shine~

      Deae Rising Shine~

      Yeah, I saw several warnings about it, i guess it was in chat, saying something like "Hey someone mentioned you LOL and the link, leading to tumblr? You need to see where exactly the link leads, it leads to a fake site looking like tumblr. they rather seem to send others the links from there in hope they fall for it, didnt heard of deleting a blog *Huggles*

    2. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat

      I just got redirected to an error screen, i didnt even saw a fake tumblr side and i wasnt asked to log in again, maybe this scam doesnt work for macs. Anyway, i informed my tumblr followers about it and i actually changed my password now, so i think i will be fine. Also, thanks for huggles.^^

    3. Deae Rising Shine~
  22. I just saw, there is a new Final Fantasy Movie coming out. Nice^^

    1. Totally Nyx

      Totally Nyx

      Wait what? If it's as good as Advent Children then this'll be a wonderful day indeed! :D

    2. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat

      Its supposed to be based on the new game Final Fantasy XV, so yeah, it is kinda like Advent Children. Its called : Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV

  23. Wow, some of my old followers just rediscovered my new tumblr and insta faves everything XD Also i did beat ridge racer 4 on the expert level. Still havent beaten Ridge Racer 3...since it makes me still angry just thinking about it.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat

      Apparently he lies every time and despite the fact that he got followed by many People, he deleted his Tumblr 6 times. Like, what the hell dude. Do you have a mental illness? Why would you delete everything you do and that mutliple times? And then he has the courage to create a new account and just assumes everybody forgets about it.

    3. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat

      I mean, what i can say? Im basically Cyber h***** at this point, but hes clearly the worst douchebag i ever saw. Also he is a pervert and the most boring human being i ever witnessed, im mean jesus christ, have you read his bucking status updates? HE TALKS TO HIMSELF EVERY GODDAMN TIME!!!

    4. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat

      I mean i understand what this dude goes trough, everybody hates him, nobody wants to look at him, because hes the worst douchebag ever, but how can you talk to yourself while simultaneously deleting your Tumblr, where your followers wait for you? Buck this Dude ! Hes the literal worst human being ever ! If you like my Video, im trying to get 100 likes and if i do, i will become an admin to permaban him on Tumblr.

  24. So, i finally deleted every drawing on my Computer. Now i have free space again. For...whatever reason...#uselessstatusupdate

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat

      No. I dont have games that i can play, i dont have anything to watch, i dont have tv, no friends i could talk too, since i have nothing to talk about, no job, my family is busy. Im just sitting in my room. All day. For the last couple of months now. Doing nothing, except maybe watch a few new lets plays, but that only keeps me busy for one or two hours.

    3. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat

      In Fact, this entire year up to now, im doing nothing. Except one single drawing i made. Other than that, nothing.

    4. Deae Rising Shine~
  25. Does someone want 1000 Deviant Art Points for free? I have absolute no use for it and it takes room.

    1. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat

      Sorry, already gave it away.

    2. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat

      Nobody reads your stupid Status Updates anyway.

    3. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat

      Only 1000 Points? Wow, youre poor ! But that doesnt surprise me, you dont even have a Phone !

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