@, @@Blitz Boom, @@Rainbow Eclipse,
"Oh!" Babs facehoofed. "What's wrong with me? I was wondering why you called me Apple's cousin. My name's Babs Seed. I run the Manehattan branch of the Cutie Mark Crusaders."
"Brownie and I are members, too," Sundae told Blitz. "Too bad some of us couldn't make the trip."
Brownie was already ogling at Storm's crate of GameColt games. That sure is a huge collection, he thought to himself before turning back to Blitz. His shyness returned as Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle joined in the conversation as well.
"I'm also wondering what'll happen," Brownie addressed the fillies, trying to keep his cool. "Who knows what kind of beauty marks, uh I mean duty marks. No, mutie carks, uh-uh Kootie Pies, putie, uh-I, oh, you-uh..."
Apple Bloom chuckled at the red-muzzled Brownie fumbling over his words who eventually hid his face.
"He gets this way whenever he meets new fillies," Sundae whispered to Apple Bloom.