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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by thatonepony12

  1. the alchemist walked up to a group of about 20 knights, "hey you guys! she said walking towards them. "i want you to lock down the bunker there are to many people that will take advantge of this. "so set up defneses snipers,vertibirds whatever you need make this place undefeatable!
  2. best: mcdonalds fries i just love them! worst: sonics food is bad all the way around but there fire are the worst bleh!
  3. as soon as the planes landed the alchemist jumped of with red and sparks. "red, sparks,silver mind foloow me! "the rest of you spread out i dont want a single soul leaving this base! she walked into the base passing the armor with various fluids leaking out. she headed (with the other three behind her) towards the the gun and armor stache room the one place where any intruder would go.
  4. a few hours later the alchemist saw the base in the distence so she shaked silvermind tell he woke up, then she walked over to her chain gun and started putting it. on while she did that she took out her plasma pistol and threw it to silvermind "her take this it might get ugly. she finshed with her chain gun and put her helmet on cocking her gun with a click. she said "lets get this basterd im gonna hang him with his guts.
  5. The alchemist rushed everyone to the vertibirds "come on! we need to get back to the bunker! she said helping another pony arm the rockets on the vertibirds she rushed over to the other vertibird, and helped them fix the wheel on the landing struts. making sure evreyone including silvermind was in the vertibird she gave the order to take of. she made them go full speed knowing every secound counted.
  6. "um sure . she said with a blush "just let me get my armor off. she walked over to her saddlebag and started takeing her armor off. but then her radio started beebing she picked it up "hello? "yes alchemist this is elder lyons we just found a dead pony by the door. "so we think that there might be a very dangreous pony inside we need you and your men to come back now! "yes sir! the alchemist said putting down the radio and putting back on her armor putting her helmet on she looked at silvermind "come with me we need to get to the vertibirds and get back to base! after saying that she ran out of the tent with her chain gun.
  7. The alchemist walked by red still amazed by that handsome stallion. "hey alchemits whats gotton into you? red asked her " why nothing in fact everything couldent be better, said the alchemist with a loved filled sigh red trusted her friend so she let it go. the alchemist kept walking checking each of the defenses of the camp. finally done she walked back to tent. " hey im back she said. walking into the tent
  8. The alchemist felt all of her freewill just melt away under the full blast of his charm."you can sleep in my tent if you want. she said blushing and looking at her hoofs. " also we have every kind of comfort you could want! "food, weapons, armor, mares...she said with a sly grin " but i have to go take care of some things, so make your self at home in here. she said walking toward the tent flap and leaving.
  9. "my name is the alchemist. she said " i guess your right i mean why kill him? she said noticeing now how well gromed he was and how goood he looked in his hat and tie. " but what do i do with my knights? "is there anything you want?" just say it and me and my men will do it for you!
  10. " well all long story short before i joined the brotherhood i was weak and hungry i meet a pony named wade. "he seemed nice enough he even offerd me food well turns out the food was pony meat and he thought it was funny. as i said i was weak so i couldent fight him. so i ran and joined the brotherhood. "and after some training i me and my friends red and sparks. tracked wade here but we knew we coudent search ponyvillie alone. so we called in some back up. she finished her story. she reached under her backpack "here have some food you must be hungry. she said handing him a can.
  11. The alchemist looked at the pony that had come up to her "why hello there! she said taking of her helmet but she saw that he could barely hear her over the sound of the brotherhood making there camp. she motioned with her tail for him to follow her to her private tent.
  12. my fav part of the whole darn movie are the minoins i love them!
  13. the alchemist walked towards ponyville with her 42 knights the vertibirds were hovering overhead for air support. she knew for a fact that she would beat wade and whatever gang he could come up with. as they turned the corner she saw ponyville. a hive of scum,slaves and raiders . "okay men! she yelled turning towards the knights "we set up camp here. now get busy setting up camp in the norining we will go into ponyville and claim it for the brotherhood!
  14. walking towards ponyville. the alchemist thougth of something what if wade had a gang? they might not be as well armored as her and her friends but they had strengh in numbers. she had a radio she decided she would call in some back up before she went to ponyville. she stopped walking "Hey red you know how your dad is a knight. the alchemist said looking at red. "well yeah hes the elders righthand man. red said leaning on a rock "well i want you to call in a favor. she said handing the radio to red. red dialed her dads private line "hey dad its me red ya im gonna call that favor you owe me... five minutes later 2 vertibirds filled with 20 knights each landed next to them. a knight walked over and said " delta squad ready for duty maamm ! red looked over and grinned at alchemist.
  15. thatonepony12

    making christmas merrier Choose MLP Forums newest emote

    i voted for babs seed! she is best pony
  16. "sir calm down we simply inspected it. " we dident plan to do anything with it. the alchemist said taking out her radio "red, sparks, regroup were going to ponyville. with nod at the wastelander her and her teammates, walked towards ponyville. discussing there plans to take down wade when they found him.
  17. the alchemist looked at the guy that stepped out "oh um there was a eyebot over by sparks. " hey sparks! where did that eyebot go! a few minutes later a yell from over by the dead enclave bodys. " it disappred the owner must not want to be found! she looked back at the stranger and shurugged "any ways have you seen a pony with dead whites eyes in some crappy armor around? the alchemist asked the stranger. putting away her weapon as not to scare the wastelander.
  18. we do not forgive, we do not forget, we are legion,we are Anonymous

  19. The alchemist jumped when it shocked her "hey watch what ur doin you hunk of junk. she said putting on her helmet and walking away toward sparks. " hey sparks you found somethin? she said walking up to him "yeah there appears to be footsteps leading to ponyville. sparks said messing with her tesla cannon. "but im going to go mess with that eyebot and see if i can use it to track down is owner. sparks said walking towards the eyebot.
  20. she looked at the zebra and took her helmet off. "im the mare from before im back to get revenge on that pony wade. "i was weak before but now i have my friends and my armor. she countinued to look at the eye bot " theres something about this eyebot it looks like a pice of crap." and the enclave would never let a eyebot out looking like this.
  21. The alchemist looked around she saw a eyebot bobbing around,but that dident suprise her they were everywhere. "sparks go check by the battle site for footprints red! go up to that ridge and scout out the area. she walked up to the eyebot. and took her helmet off (OOC making it so wade can find out who she is) "hey there do you have an owner? she said checking the side for markings." hmm looks like someone recently did repairs.
  22. The alchemist watched him run. she pulled out her mike "red take the shot! she heard the crack of reds rifle but the slaver just kept running, " damn! alright red come on down he got away. after red got back she looked at the zebra that had been fighting the slaver " hey are you okay and do you know if the guy that killed the enclave soliders is around?
  23. The Alcemist trudged towards the site were wade had killed the enclave soliders. red and sparks behind were talking but she wasent paying attentiion. she was thinking about how hot it was in her power armor, as she they got closer she saw the standoff between the slaver and the zebra "red provide sniper cover sparks with me. turning on her power armor and pulling out her chain gun. she walked up to the slaver, "hey jack ass remember me? she said pointing her chain gun at him. behind her she heard sparks load her telsa cannon. " now all give you to the count of 10 to run.
  24. later on day 1 after class they had sneaked into the armor storeage, takeing two sets of t-45b power armor.(only two because alchemist still had hers from the class.) they each had there standerd laser rifle and pistol, but they all took an extra weapon. Red took a sniper, spark took a tesla cannon, and the alchemist couldent decide what to take. then she laid eyes on the most beautifull pice of weaponry ever, The chain gun. they took there stuff and sneaked out of the base armed to the teeth and ready to kill. "okay guys were gonna check for him near the site where he killed those enclave soliders. the alchemist said heading towards that area "wade. she said as she walked "im coming for you...
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