The Alchemist woke with a gasp, she rose to a kneeling postion she cleared her head and then carefull to not wake Foxist she got up and wallked to the next room which was empty exsept for a mirror. she walked up to the mirror thinking thougts of her past suddenly she opened her mouth and sang softly mirror, tell me something, tell me whos the lonelist of all mirror, tell me something, tell me whos the lonelist of all fear of whats inside me, tell me can a heart be turned to stone, mirror mirror tell me, tell me something whos the lonelist of alll? im the lonelist of all, still singing she pulled out her musket, she turned it towards her and looked into the depths of the barrel and asked herself the same qustion she asked herself everyday should she do it? (( OOC listen to this while you read this to get the mood))