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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by thatonepony12

  1. after lunch on day 1 The Alchemist hurried down the hallway. she was going to be late for power armor training! she burst into the class, taking a seat by the door. A few of the other recruits gave her funny looks, but she dident care. she had made it on time! the armor master walked in "now students today you will learn about another weapon. a recruit raised her hoof "isent it armor not a weapon sir. she said "why yes but this is power armor it is so powerful it is almost a weapon itself. "now who wants to go first? The alchemist raised her hoof, " me sir all do it. she said getting up and walking towards him. he grinned "okay mis alchemist just step right up and put it on. after a minute of confusion. she finally had it on " okay alchemist im turning it on now try not to move to fast at first. when the armor turned, on she could see everything the walls the weapons in the room the weakness in the armor masters armor. she tried moving around. it felt amazing like she could take on the world! but she the class ended and as the students left, she started to take the armor of but the armor master stoppeed her, " hey keep the armor i know your plans to sneak out with red and sparks, and you might need this. the alchemist grinned and walked out of the classroom feeling awsome, in her armor.
  2. five minutes after the class on day 1 the alchemist walked away from the class smiling she was closer then ever to her goal. she headed towards the mess hall to meet up with Red and Sparks. as she walked towards she realized every minute she wasted wade was commiting more acts of crime. she coudent wait the full mounth, she would have to talk to her captian about that after lunch.
  3. later on day1 after passing the laser rifle test, she had gone to the main hall to pick which weapon she wanted to take a class on. she looked at each of the flyers " telsa cannon, no sniper rifle,no tesla rifle, not laser chain gun 'ah yes! that one she thought the bigger the better. she looked at when the next class started " oh no ! it starts in three minutes. she turned and ran towards the class, barely making it on time when she got there she took her spot by another pony. "alright maggots you are here to learn about the laser chain gun. the instructor said patting the gun next to her. " now can one of you recruits tell me the best way to fire this thing. the alchemist raised her hoof. " sir the best way to fire it is in short controlled bursts to save ammo sir! the instructor looked shocked " well private if you think your such a smartass try to shoot this thing and actully hit something and all pass you here and now. without a word the alchemist picked it up and strapped it on she aimed it at the dummy, all she had to do was imagine it was wade and her aim would be spot on. with a well aimed burst she fired SHZZZZ! it hit the dummy right in the chest. without saying anything she took it off and walked out of the class.
  4. well this is the best picture ever it gets better lol i cant get over this one
  5. The alchemist opened her eyes and looked around she was in a white room with a tv one the wall. she realized the plan had worked! when she had givein foxist the necklace she had made it attached to her soul so when she died, her soul was in the necklace now. all he had to do was find a body to put her in like a suit of armor or something. she whisperd this all to foxist hopeing he would hear her.
  6. im 18 and i act like a 12 year old but im just a man-child like if one time i was in wal-mart in the produce isle and this lady picks up this squash an says this is nice and firm and thick and i (out loud) couldent help but say thats whats what she said and anytime someone says what are u doing? i say urmom
  7. There was no answer to blackfire, because of one simple reason. the alchemist is......dead. The snap you heard was her neck she is dead (OOC im not leaving the rp just throwing you for a twist she will be back but in... other ways oh the fun im going to have with this oh the fun)
  8. Day 1:training in weapons after sleeping for an hour. she got up and walked to class with Red and Sparks "so Alchemist. red said as they walked "why are you here i came because well my fathers knight so its obious i follow in his footsteps but you your just a wastelander. The Alchemist looked at her "i came here because i want revenge on pony named wade.she said "but thats enough for now where here. the alchemist said as they reached the classroom. "listen up you maggots! the gunmaster yelled as he walked up and down the line, " today were going to learn about the laser rifle! "now about the laser rifle. he said as he picked it up off the table "its a rather easy rifle to use and if you pass the sharpshooter exam today you will be assigned one along side your laser pistol after that you can sign up for longer classes about diffrent weapons. "enough about that anyways everyone take a rifle and get shootin! The Alchemist walked up to the table, and grabbed one she walked over to a empty stall and linened up her sights on the target. she pulled the trigger with FZZT! the laser bolt hit the dummy in the chest The alchemist grinned soon it would be wades chest she fired the bolt into.
  9. renegade the unicorn is cool cause he likes fallout
  10. The Alchemist was in her bunk thinking while the rest of her teammates ate dinner she wasent hungry, after eating that pony meat. After that pony had brought her in and asked her about her birthday, her age, her parents, then he had given her the standerd light armor of the recruits and a laser pistol and then he assigned her a team. she had gotton paired with a earth pony named red, and a unicorn name sparks. sparks was good with elctronics and Red was good with her hoofs a great fighter. anyways The Alchemist thought with a yawn, im tired time for me to sleep. With thoughts of killind wade in her mind she fell asleep with a smile.
  11. fluttermaud has a cute fluttershy avatar that makes her best pony in my book
  12. The Alchemist got out of they way, but when the zebras passed she whispered "im sorry she kept running towards the base , the slaver was just another target for when she was a trained brotherhood paladin she almost tripped and gave up. but she kept thinking about killing wade and that kept her going. When she reached the base she was dusty tired and hungry. she walked up too the the door pounding on the metal door with tired hoofs. after a minute of pounding the door, opened and a pony in power armor with a chain gun came out. "what do you want wastelander? he said pointing his gun at her. "sir i want to join the brotherhood! she said with a salute. "why/ he asked "so i will have the strengh to clean the wasteland of filth sir! he looked at her for a long time. finally he said "follow me. and walked into the base she followed him in and the door shut closed with a CLANG! behind her ending her old life, but her new life was beginning her life as a sister of the brotherhood of steel
  13. The Alchemist ran towards the brotherhood base running with all her might when she saw a slaver. walking up to him she put on a tough act "hey how much you want for them zebras? "i got about 600 caps. and i want to take them with me now. " so decide fast. oh and by the way theres some raiders back there who aint to friendly.
  14. The Alchemist looked at the pony that had talked to her, "yes because its not just him there are thousands of evil ponys that need to wiped out and the brotherhood are the best pony to do it. with that she looked at the pony she had saved "what ever follow me or dont follow me i need to get out of here. with on last glare at the other pony, she trotted of towards the brotherhood base.
  15. @defender of tommorow The Alchemist walked up to her and whisperd "all you need to know is that hes evil he feed me pony meat! "hes stronger then both of us right now but if you come with me we will join up with the brotherhood of steel, and come back stronger then ever. then we can take revenge on him for what he did to us!
  16. @defender of tommorow The alchemist ran by the new pony without a thought, she knew she should stop and tell him that, the other pony was evil but her only thought was to get to the brotherhood as fast as she could but when she passed by a body of pony that was under some debris she saw it twitch. she walked over and lifted it of her "come on get up! she whisperd "lets go before thoses two fight.
  17. The Alchemist gasped and fell on her rump shocked, that somebody would do such a thing she soon got pissed how dare he! he would pay for this she would get him back not today, though another day when she was stronger. she got up and walked toward the nearest base of the brotherhood of steel where she would become a sister of the brotherhood and she would kill evil ponys like him.
  18. The Alchemist knew she should insist on askeing what kid of meat it was. but she was soo hungry she took the meat and took, a careful bite her eyes grew wide and she ate like pig stuffing her face. " this ish realll good! she said with her mouth full. "where did you find meat like this? "it doesnt taste like the canned stuff.
  19. The Alchemists mouth watered at the sight of the food, but she controlled herself. "Only if you tell me what kind of meat that is. she said staring at the meat her mouth droolong. If he dident tell her what kind of meat it was soon she would eat it without caring.
  20. The Alchemist looked suprised, "b-uut how did you know i was lying? she shook her head, "anyways i have- suddenly her stomache growled loudly. "um uh, she was red with embarresment. "im uh sorry about that i havent eaten, in a long time.she turned around and dug in her pack looking for food, she came up empy hoofed her stomache growled again " uh oh.
  21. The Alchemist followed Foxist thinking how she could improve her musket, from the tech on blackfires weapon. when she reached the basement stairs she was so deep in thought she fell down them, "what- agghhh! she said falling down the stairs she hit the bottom with a loud snap! of bones breaking,
  22. @childofdarkness The Alchemist knew she wasnet a great fighter, she decided to make a bluff "because i just wanted to know why you killed them. "and if you kill me i have beacon on me the brotherhood will look for me, and you dont want to mess with them." now tell me why you killed those men!
  23. The Alchemist looked at Foxist strangly "what would cause such a fire that it would burn so much land? she asked "it would have to be magicly fueled so maybe just maybe it wasent an acident? she walked over to Foxist "maybe someone or something did this to gain soemthing. "but what could they gain from burning equestria?
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