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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Xeltor23

  1. Welp, I guess this might be my last visit to this forum.  I don't have my place here, in fact, nobody does have a place anywhere. No matter your efforts,  if the universe wants to fuck you up,  it's going to fuck you up in a very dirty , unwanted way.

    Welp, all of you have a good day , and goodbye,  most likely for the last time. 

    1. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      Sorry to hear you're leaving this community as it wasn't to your liking, I hope you all the best with the future and whatever you get into. :)

  2. That little dirty moment you realise life isn't really worth it; pleasure is ephemeral, like good ol' stoic's philosophy says

    1. javaleen


      pleasure comes and goes, personal satisfaction is hard to get but stays a while longer... what brings that is something you personally only know and it makes all the suffering worth it.


    1. Ethan Tran

      Ethan Tran



  4. Why is life so meaningless? No matter where you go, no matter your ambitions; nothing goes as you wanted, because you're not living life, it's life that is happening to you. And that's Humanity's tragedy; to live, searching for a purpose, to find only nothingness, and emptyness, at the end. Because it doesn't matter; the world exists, no matter if you do or do not exist yourself.

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Damn, it is creepy how accurate this is to how I feel at times. 

    2. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      We're all meat sacks making noises and transferring fluids about.

      We must live to experience joy and happiness.

    3. Xeltor23


      @Lunar Echo Indeed

      @Kyoshi I think that's what is making us human; to realise what we feel in another's words.

      @Lunar Echo This joy and happiness, or rather, the hope to get them, is what causes us to live in this unstoppable life. What ends it is the an unavoidable fate which we don't even choose. We don't choose to be brought into this world, and not only the world has to suffer because of us, but we have to suffer because we are to be.


  5. "Should i kill myself or have a cup of coffee?" 
    -Albert Camus

  6. Don't want to sound ignorant, but what happens when that "2" in the banner becomes a 0?

    1. Kiri


      The Apocalypse. *snrk* 

    2. Xeltor23


      Oh really? That's great then! 


  7. I'm going to commit suicide this night.

    1. catnet


      While I'm of the opinion that people should have the freedom to decide what to do with their lives, perhaps it might be worthwhile making a Life Advice topic about this and your feelings and such before going through with anything? Suicide isn't a decision to take lightly, I may not know how much thought or planning has gone into this but, I'm sure at least talking about it on here can do no harm, you'd have nothing to do lose by doing so.

    2. Xeltor23


      Sorry, I was in a very bad situation that day; I'm alright today however, thank you


    3. catnet


      Well, I'm very glad to hear you're doing better now in that case! Hopefully whatever was troubling you when you made this update won't be causing you any more hassle from now on; even if it does though, try your best to give your troubles a hard time too and find some support wherever you can, no matter how minor it may be. Life can be incredibly rough, but human willpower can fight a fair battle against it ;)

  8. Man, your avatar is great

  9. Does anyone here play DBZ Dokkan Battle?

  10. Guys, I didn't catch up with MLP since its return; is it any good ?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Xe__or
    3. Aadelrun


      It wasn't THAT good in my opinion but I liked it

    4. Xe__or


      Yeah well anyways

  11. HeY tHeRe

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Xeltor23


      No, ThIs IsN't AmAzInG. i'S bAtMan

    3. Aadelrun


      Oh OkAy ! BuT i GoTtA gO, tOo BaD i WaNtEd To StAy, SeE yA !

    4. Xeltor23
  12. *boop* because, hell why not? :3 (don't worry, you probably don't recognise me; I just stalk everybody on these forums)

    1. CinnamonPop


      Hey! It's the guy that shares a birthday with me. :3

    2. Xeltor23


      Yeah, it's me! :D

  13. You know that feeling when someone breaks your heart for the thousand time? I sure do...

  14. Just saw Suicide Squad... why Dc? You weren't obliged to do a "funky'' movie just because some people didn't like the dark tone you had in BvS...

  15. After hearing what was told about Suicide Squad, don't think I'm gonna watch it... :D

  16. My computer is finally back, hellooooo MLPF!

  17. Today is officially the day I was broken, I think. ..

    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. Johnny1226


      I'm sorry if I offended you

    3. Xeltor23


      You choose your words in a very bad way. Like everyone. Gonna sleep... tired...

    4. Johnny1226
  18. I'm having such a great day !

    1. TheRockARooster


      That's awesome, mate.


  20. Started game of thrones 3 days ago; already at season 3 :o

  21. Freaking tired of this bullshit day...

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