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Everything posted by MickeyAdaptus

  1. The guard quickly let Shining Armour to the room where it was happening and kicked open the door with its a strong buck since the guards had closed it for in case the corpse had tried to escape. Caerson had also arrived only moments after Shining Armour. "Twilight what is going o-" Caerson stopped mid-sentence as he witnessed what was going on. His mouth was slightly open, and on his face was an apparent sign of shock as he was having difficulty processing what was transpiring, there sight of how this corpse was behaving was what really shocking him, for the fact that it was not only using magic and talking but for the fact on how it utilizing its magic, aside from the strange chanting, a purple aura was emerging from the horn itself, and even tough Caerson knew next to nothing about magic, even he could figure out that this aura would not emerge from a unicorn normally. The corpse was still chanting while it was trying to break Twilight's Shield that was surrounding him, and while his magical surge was growing stronger, the corpse apparently was not so mindless as anyone would believe, and started to use its hind hooves to constantly slam upon the surface of the table that it was lying on. Normally it wouldn't do much, but with the magical surge small cracks had already been forming due to the big pressure that it was causing, and so the corpse was attempting to break the table itself, which was an attempt to bypass Twilight's shield, since when the table would break, it would go under the shield, since the shield itself would have been cast on a solid surface. "Mooooor vori......" The corpse said a rather more angry tone this time, and its eyes narrowed slightly to the door.
  2. The guards saluted and 2 of the 4 guards left, 1 one of them went to get Caerson while the other one was trying to find Shining Armour. Caerson during this time was in the kitchen looking for the salt, which he had a bit of trouble with as he couldn't find it anywhere as of yet. "Sir! I-" The soldier was interrupted "Please, just call me Caerson, no need for formal titles or anything of that sort." Caerson interrupted him. "R-right, Caerson, Princess Twilight requires your aid, that corpse has suddenly come back to life and is talking!" The soldier said fast, in which Caerson almost dropped the glass he was holding. "Did you say... Talk? No wait, just bring me to her, now!" Caerson responded as the guard was leading him back to where Twilight. The other guard was trotting fast through the castle halls until he spotted Shining Armour and skitted to halt near him before saluting. "Sir! Princess Twilight asked for your aid, it turns out one of those corpses that we had brought from Hollow Shades seems to have... Resurrected... It is very urgent you assist us with the situation, you might want to see it for yourself, sir!" The guard told Shining Armour in a fast tone. The corpse was still rambling with its weird talking until it suddenly stopped, but it then out of nowhere flexed its front and hind hooves againts Twilight's shield and started to push againts it. The pushing itself with the hooves obviously has no effect at all, but it became dangerous when the Unicorn's horn started to glow with a dark purple colour. At first nothing happenend from it. But then suddenly a strong force clashed againts the shield from the inside, and the horn of the now resurrected corpse started crackling with energy and was starting to become stronger as time went on. The Unicorn corpse was undergoing a magical surge, which triggered when the corpse attempted to use its horn with the combination of unicorn magic and an unknown type of magic that it had inside its body, when those 2 magics where used at the same time, it triggered a magical surge from the horn, that was going stronger and stronger, which was starting to create some form of unstable spell. It would be impressive for a unicorn to keep a shield going that would have to fight againts a force of this magnitude, which was going to become even stronger if it kept on going, even for someone as experienced and strong in magic as Twilight it was a pretty difficult task in keeping it going. Obviously now the shield could still hold since the magical surge had just started, but if it kept going for to long, imagine what results it could bring. The corpse itself seemed to no longer be talking, but instead, it was... chanting...
  3. I have been diagnosed with Classic Autism. http://www.autism-community.com/autism-spectrum-disorders/classic-autism/
  4. Caerson was impressed with how she was working on the cure, her method seemed alot more directed towards resources that came from nature and other things, where his own method had always been more directed towards things like blood transfers, DNA comparison, and alot more methods that involved machinery and overall technology. "Sure thing, you are doing a good job on the cure, it's more impressive then what I have seen others do so far, far better than my own," Caerson told her. He then started walking through the castle halls again, this time heading for the kitchen. 'The way she is mediating looks interesting, I wish I could do it, but then again... My bionics are too heavy.' Caerson thought. And all this time he wasn't aware what was happening in the room that Twilight was at, he wasn't near enough to even hear her shouts. But luckily, the 4 guards in the room where still present, and where prepared to follow any orders that Twilight would give them. The corpse suddenly started to twitch a bit and within time, it came to life, in a similar way to how a dead infected person would turn into an infected if the brain wasn't destroyed. Only this was not an infected, unlike the feral infected creatures that would try attack any prey they could find, this one tried no such thing, it was a good thing that Twilight had put the shield around it. But there was one terrifying aspect to this one, it could talk! Wich was a thing that shouldn't even be possible as it had no soul, no working brains, the organs where death, the virus itself had not infected those when it merged, it was a mystery that was hard to describe, but very shocking in itself. "Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh Blurgh Tomorozzzzzz, Sier daaav, miroo....." The now reanimated corpse said in a very slow and deep tone, its eyes were devoid of pupils, leaving instead of the golden eyes, a light purple colour, with green flowing shapes in it as a pattern. It was hard to determine whether it was talking in an unknown language or if it was just sputtering out random words that made no sense, but it kept on going, but it didn't even try to struggle againts Twilight's shield... It was just laying there saying lots of words, and it kept on going, while the smoke was still coming out from its once wounds. "Miiiiirrrrrrrrr.... Razo, Dalino.... Ooorrrrraaaa..... Slan, Slashaka, Mirono Roooooosssssss...." The corpse said.
  5. Caerson was staring at the corpse until he decided to take a break. He was however hesitant to leave the corpse as there could happen changes while is away, but he then got an idea. "Twilight, do you think you could watch that corpse over there? I want to know when changes happen but i need to check on Zecora real quick. Also, if anything goes wrong, you should get your brother as fast as you can, while i don't really expect anything to wrong, you can never be too certain, there is a slight chance that corpse might.. mutate or something in that regard." Caerson asked Twilight as he had walked up to her, and now started to walk to walk through the halls of Canterlot Castle, until he found what he had where Zecora was at. "You doing alright? Any changes in your body, like fevers, sweating, anything?" Caerson asked Zecora with a hint of concern. "Also, how is the work on the cure going?" The corpse itself was only slightly changing a bit from the inside, the virus and the DNA started morphing together. But the change itself was starting out slowly, and in about 5 minutes, the corpse would start to slowly change and would start to release purple smoke from its body. The corpse itself was a unicorn mare.
  6. ef2.gif


    What did have i told you about the power glove?


    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Dark times are approaching.

    2. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      Just a show of how greedy Nintendo is. Of course it applies to every company their size too it seems like, but nonetheless...


  7. Happy Birthday!

  8. When Evelyn mentioned *normal life*, it made Jack think, but he quickly shook those thoughts away. "You are right, but I can't deny that I haven't exactly been living in the best type of conditions before, and with all the injuries I have suffered in the past, also counting those torture sessions in the demon realm, I can safely say that I am not exactly in the best of condition for a 13-year-old," Jack admitted, tough he purposely left out the fact that he might die at a pretty early age if he keeps up the way of living with constantly getting sick and breaking bones more than often due to not taking baths, being exposed in very hot or cold tempratures alot wich he shouldn't be doing because of his short fur, doing very dangerous stuff, and many other things that are destroying his health. It was something he was aware of, but he didn't really see it as much of concern due to his old lifestyle. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Caerson was somewhere in one of the rooms of Canterlot Castle, he had taken the bath that Zecora had prepared for him, and it had worked, the poison joke effects had been gone, with that weird arm and the crazy eye also being gone, which must have been relieving for Twilight as she had been rather disturbed by those things from what Caerson had eventually to see from her expression. He was right now analyzing one of the dead bodies that they had found in Hollow Shades. Guards had been placed not only outside the room but also inside, 4 to be exact, because nobody knew for sure if that dead body would suddenly turn into an infected. At this point, they couldn't take any chances. Caerson like he usually does had been overworking for far too long, only this time he had been rather silent about the whole ordeal, he usually informs others of what he finds in his research, but this time, he had not told anything to anyone, not even Twilight. He actually wanted to tell others, but it was for the fact that he didn't know what to tell. "This doesn't make any sense... Why are the virus and the normal DNA coexisting with each other? Normally the virus infects the normal DNA, but now... I can't understand what is going on here." Caerson muttered. "In fact... The normal DNA actually seems to be encasing the virus, like it is trying to evolve it, this doesn't look good... It could... do something horrific..." Caerson muttered, with a hint of serious concern, even his facial expression revealed it all as he was rather disturbed. He was concerned for the fact that the virus and the normal DNA of the dead person were actually merging itself into a new form of DNA, which could lead to a terrible mutation or perhaps create a monstrosity.
  9. Edgar was thinking deeply when he heard what Celestia had explained to him. "Hmm... That really is a coincidence. Perhaps-" Edgar got suddenly interrupted by his friend. "Yo, Ed, can you come over here for a moment? We need your help with something." Harry called to him. Edgar sighed. "Very well, I will speak to you later, my friend needs my help with something, and thanks again for this knife." He said as he waved them goodbye and then ran over to his friend who was apparently in a bit of an argument with someone. "Yeah, that does sound like a good plan." Jack said as he slowly grew a smile, and had calmed down a bit from this moment. "I am wondering how Festus is doing, I sure hope he is ok." Jack admitted. It seemed that Evelyn's answer had actually managed to calm him down, which was a good thing. "Altough you hadn't had answered my question from earlier yet. Do you want me to sit on your back or rather someone else's? Not that i am heavy, but i am not sure if you ever tend to get tired of me sitting on your back for so long." Jack asked with a bit of a chuckle.
  10. The 'canon' ending to Dragon ball Super's tournament of power

  11. Edgard blushed a bit at the compliments as he wasn't used to getting them, atleast not with this kind of enthusiasm. But he quickly shied his blush away as he started to talk again. "Well, like I had mentioned before, I used to be a historian, or somewhat still am one. I know alot about history and cultures, have been to many places, so knowing all these things gives me all sorts of inspiration, and then I met you guys, both of you look very unique from anything that I have seen before, normally everything seems to have a sense of grief and negative, but you both seem to stand out in a more regal and ancient way, even through this war and its ravaged places, you 2 just give off this feeling, that there might still be a shimmer of hope in the eternal darkness, a feeling of reassuring radiance, seeing as the both of you possess some type of magic, that does make me thing about something." Edgard said as he scratched his chin. "Have the 2 of you ever chased down the meaning of your backgrounds and history? Have any knowledge about your family history, or if there are any long lost cousins, nieces or anything in that regard? "Usually this *radiating feeling* is a sign that there is something untapped in the person who has yet to unlock it, and this untapped thing would not necessarily be power or an upgrade, but something... different, perhaps some type of forbidden knowledge, or being able to overcome something that you normally wouldn't be able to do? I only know so little about this, I had learned about this during my trip to the Eldritch homeworld, it..." Edgard said but he then realised what he was doing. "Oh right, forgive me, I need to learn to be quiet when I go into one of these subjects, I can go on for hours about it... Anyway, if I may say, see if you could find anything about this, look in your family background, trace down the origins of it, anything that might help, because this isn't the first time that people with this radiating feeling have had some sort of connection that they never knew about before." Edgar said with a smile. "Hold on, i will get something real quick." He said as he walked away for a minute before returning with a dusty book, he blew the dust off it and opened it, ending up at page 77. "You see this symbol?" "This one reminded me of you." He said glancing at Celestia. "Not sure if you recognize this symbol, it represents a few words, one of them being Harmony, but at the same time also means flaming resolve. It also mentions a circle of 6, or atleast i think, this book is written in an ancient language and i only knew so much about that language." Edgard said. "And then, there is this one." He says, glancing at Luna "This one was hard to figure out and i still don't know all the meanings that were meant of this one, but what i could gather, the first meaning being, Night Architect, and the other being Dream Gazer." He explained. "Now these 2 symbols reminded me of you 2, the moon mostly being referred to the dark blue colour of the night sky, and often stars, while the sun is often depicted in a flaming colour, but at the same time is associated with a rainbow colour, which is a pretty famous thing when it comes to daytime. Does any of you recognize these things? Who knows... The universe seems to surprise us in many ways." Edgard said. "Well... I was really bored, and I presume Festus as well, so we decided to check out to the town and where hoping to find something that we could salvage from those abandoned homes. But for the reason behind it, this is going to sound stupid but... I felt a bit too nostalgic because I miss the members of my old group so much, to such a degree that others won't really understand, I had tried to talk to others about it, but yeah, nobody really bore interest due to what was going on, so..." Jack paused for a moment with a sigh of regret. "So I tried to do the thing that I used to do with my oldest friend, scavenge for food and other things, climb rooftops, fleeing from hordes of infected while I could feel the rush of adrenaline pumping inside of me. Sure, those times were very rough and hard in terms of how we were forced to live, but the way we spent those moments together, it was... Almost like a family... I have been walking around with this feeling for so long. Because they could be..." Jack gulped for a moment. "Alive, death or worse... and here I have been walking around with the feeling for over a good 3 years, not knowing what has become of them, and how can I deal with it? I can't... The only thing I can do is see those earlier days as some happy memories, but just memories, nothing more..." Jack said with sadness but is now that he was starting to reach a bit of an emotional breaking point, that he was now going to say the things that have been bothering him for very very long. "That is pretty much why I did it... And relieving memories of this is hard because nobody of this group had been there when Cyril was still a somewhat remotely good place, and if I mention anything about it, who will understand it, who will listen? Nobody really..." "I know we were planning on going to Cyril eventually but... I can't hold it any longer, I can't handle this feeling anywhere, not knowing what has happenend to them, I have been getting nightmares, flashbacks, hallucinations, lots of strange voices in my head, and it is becoming worse and worse over time. I constantly get this hallucination of my best friend laying death in the snow, his emotionless face as tears stream out of his dead eyes, I can see the expression of devastation on his face as everything he once had is now being destroyed in his very eyes, and his very family being shr-" It was at this point that Jack was going a bit out of control with his talking as he started to describe his nightmares and hallucinations with rather concerning but also very detailed descriptions, he started to tear up at times but that din't stop him from talking, on the contrary, his talking only seemed to increase, and he started to become more and mor emotional as it wen't on. It could go on for hours on end if it wouldn't stop.
  12. Edgard looked a bit baffled at Celestia's sudden gift, he didn't expect her to give him something so valuable. "I.. um.. Thank you for this, though do you really want me to have this? I know I saved your life, but usually, we don't really expect anything back from it, we all help each other to survive." Edgard said as he was a bit at a loss for words. "Well, it is a wonderful gift, I will treat it with good care, my daughter would be extremely happy to get this once she has been born, I will be sure to give her regards to you." He said as a smile grew on his face. "We had yet to decide a name for her, but looking at this knife and its design, I know a good name for her now... Elaine, which means *Shining Light*. Edgard said with a smile, he then started to say a verse that he had come up with *An echo of the stars glances in the night while the sunshine gazes over the day, both smiling upon the Starchild with fortune, an aurora of colours, filled with every encompassed emotion that we can let out as we breathe in the air that we so favour. The essence of the 3 forms a combined being, the Starchild of Aurora, that name will be whispered as Shining Light is welcomed to the place of the living.*" He said. "How did that sound? I had come up with it just now." He asked everyone. "It is difficult to say, Evelyn, I don't know for sure. When I can walk again, that might depend on how fast I will heal, that bullet had damaged my ribcage, and I think my hipbones are having trouble supporting me. Because I can remember back in that town I had been fighting in that town, despite this big injury, I could do everything fine, or so I believed at first, what was truly the case was that the virus was masking all of the pain, even my brain couldn't register what was happening to me." Jack said "From what I can assume, I had that injury the moment I had been shot, and while doing all that fighting, I was constantly damaging my entire body. If I hadn't fought after I had been shot, I could actually still walk relatively fast again and would have health up faster, but the damage now is... Pretty severe, I think that is my conclusion." Jack said with regret. "Every time I try to stand, I feel a massive pain in my hips, and trying to keep standing tires me out very fast as I currently am, whether it might heal in time or it will be permanent, I am not sure, all I know is that I screwed up big time with realising it at first....." Jack said as he looked down "Perhaps... Given enough time and perhaps therapy to relearn to move those hip muscles once they are healed up I think I could walk, but I am not sure about other parts of my body, let alone how this virus situation will end up, because heck, for all we know the virus might actually halt at some point because something in my body might interfere with it." "And at the same time, I don't really know the differences between the physically of Children and Adults, I am technically 13, but i still have the body of a 10-year-old, so things might be a bit more difficult then I hoped they be... All i can say is that i will need all the help that i can get." He admitted. "So i don't really know how i can reassure you, i don't even know the full extend of my own recovery other then what i can feel right now." he said with a sad look in his eyes
  13. "Hmm, fair enough. Though I am not sure if we will meet again after that, I and my friend Harry over there have been travelling with this travelling army for a specific reason, the directions where you guys are heading towards is close to our destination. I and Harry are heading back to one of the Talorian refugee camps." Edgard said back. "Come to think of it... Why hasn't Karthspire told any of us that he was going to meet up with the Talorian commanders? Normally he would have told us all, but in this case, he hasn't even told us before what he was going to do before, that was until I overheard him talking with one of his most high ranking officers, I couldn't get much out of it other then the fact that he was personally going to approach the Talorian commanders about something specific, and i could here genuine worry in his voice. I bet he isn't telling everyone the complete situation and decided to not tell us everything about it, I think something bad if he goes so far to hide it from others in the first place." Edgar admitted. This piece of information would be valuable to everyone, but especially to Evelyn, who was part of Karthspire's army. He then looked at Luna, Celestia and Jack. "I think the 3 of you apart from Evelyn, who everybody us already know, do not know what the Talorian is ey?" He asked them. "The Talorian is just like Karthspire's army a massive resistance group, though it acts in different regards, where his army is mostly filled with the natives of this planet and lots of outsiders, the Talorian resemblances the remnants of people all over the universe, mostly from now occupied planets under Valtrek's rule. I guess you could say all of them are survivors at heart. Tough compared to Karthspire's more civilian based community, the Talorian is comprised of purely militaristic groups, one of their scientists have been trying to find a cure for the virus for a pretty long time, I think for around a good 43 years? Longer then most other people have, which goes give some good promise in that." Edgar explained. Jack was thinking for a moment before he answered. "You are kinda right about the saddle becoming a little rough at the moment, though I am not sure where else I can sit, I guess sitting on the sand for a moment is possible, but after seeing those things crawl out of it... I am starting to have second doubts, could I perhaps sit on the back of someone else if we start to travel again perhaps?" Jack asked to Everybody. He did smile about Luna's amusement, from what he had seen, she had been fighting really hard, which must be rather relieving for her.
  14. Me playing left 4 dead 2 with my mods


  15. The third creature had gotten the bomb in his mouth and automatically swallowed it, and when it was falling down again, it dived back into the ground, or atleast it tried... before its insides where blown apart by the bomb itself, killing the creature, because despite being a worm, even such a creature could not survive that kind of attack. Jack looked down for a moment when he heard the explosion, but he could see only a minuscule dot from where he was. "Yeah, it feels pretty cold up here, but that works great after being in this hot desert for so long," Jack admitted as he gave a sigh of relief that they where far removed from those worm creatures. "But hey, Celestia and Luna got it all under control, from what I have read they fought againts the spirit of chaos and some powerful king named Sombra, who both happenend to be around the top 5 strongest opponents that Equestria apparently had faced before. A doubt some wildlife could compete with what they are capable of, not to mention what we are all capable off really." Jack said with a chuckle. "Besides, would it really be fun to fight againts enemies that constantly retreat back underground? If I would have been you I wouldn't really be excited to fight such opponents, especially if they are massive worms." He admitted with a chuckle. Edgard blinked with a hint of surprise when Celestia had offered him her halberd since he was not used to fighting with such weapons, perhaps long stick or salvageable weaponry sure, but a halberd crafted from this calibre? It was something entirely new for him, and so he had to improvise a bit. He slashed with the axe part of the halberd at the creature, but as expected it didn't do alot of damage, the weapon itself was very strong, but Edgard didn't have that much physical power compared to most soldiers and survivors, he was not a warrior after all. The creature lashed out and tried to bite him, but Edgard quickly stabbed in the creature's mouth who had it now wide open and could not close it due to the halberd still being in it. He then turned his head towards his pal "Harry! Throw that fuel canister inside the creatures would you?" Edgard called out to his friend. "But we went all the way for-" "It doesn't matter, we can always get a new one, our lives are more important than a bit of fuel!" Edgard retorted back as he started to struggle. His friend no longer hesitated and threw the fuel canister inside the creature's mouth with a long and far swing. "Well my worm friend, it seems this is where we depart," Edgard said to the worm in a humoristic manner, his accent sounded a bit like a British accent would. He then drew his pistol from his bandolier with his left hand while with his right hand he still kept the halberd in place. Edgard then shot the fuel canister itself, and it exploded inside the creature's mouth, while at the same time the worm started to burn from the inside due to the flames that were created from the fuel canister explosion, killing it after about a minute. Tough Edgard himself got blown back a bit, but luckily uninjured, and sighed in relief. The harpooned creature roared in the loudest volume it could muster when Celestia's attack cut deep into its body, and this was the finishing blow, after all the damage the creature had taken before, and because of the fact it had been trapped by the harpoon, it eventually stopped moving, which was an indicator that it had died. Edgard inspected the halberd a bit and whistled with great interested. "Good lord, around all these area's everyone, is using mostly salvaged and rather non-durable melee weaponry, yet out of nowhere someone comes along and brings such a masterpiece into the battlefield, not something I would have expected," Edgar muttered with astonishment. "Thanks for that, not sure how I would have been able to go face to face againts a leech without your help at that moment." Edgar said to Celestia with a smile as he walked over to her and handed her back her halberd. "Or rather I should be thanking all 3 of you, normally we tend to run away from leeches, yet here you guys are going toe to toe againts them! That surely is unmatched bravery I must say.." "Tough is it true that you guys are participating in the attack on Gerolenstein? It surprises me that anyone has been willing to mount an attack on that place after the long years of struggle, but especially for the fact that outsiders are even willing to aid us in such an endeavour. Is there a reason for all of your participation in this? Surely it must be something more then revenge or liberation?" Edgard asked Celestia with interest.
  16. The first creature was badly wounded and was trying to escape via underground, but meanwhile, the second creature had managed to dig underground since no one had tried to attack that one, and was also trying to escape via underground, seeing as the first and second creatures couldn't do a whole lot as they currently where wounded to a good extent, but those 2 where also the more hesitant of the bunch. However, the third creature was attempting to launch itself into the air, when it had missed Evelyn, it tried again by using the momentum of falling down into the ground to increase its turn speed and launch itself even higher up than before, trying to bite Evelyn again. During all of this, the first creature got hit by one of Luna's beams, and surprisingly, this time the creature no longer moved, it was death..... Seeing that his comrade had died, the second creature emerge from the ground with a roar and tried to attack Luna with the fastest speed that it could currently muster, which was only slightly faster than its normal speed due to its wounds. The 4th and 5th were trying to attack Celestia at the same time, the 4th one emerging from the ground in front of her, and when it was about to attack, a harpoon suddenly went straight into its body, causing the creature to grunt in pain. It was Edgar who had fired the harpoon in an attempt to help Celestia and had tied the harpoon rope to a big rock, making sure the creature would not escape. "Attack it fast!" He called out to her. But then the 5th creature had emerged from the ground and had almost bitten him to pieces if Edgar hadn't jumped out of the way at the last moment. "Bollocks!" Edgar shouted as he quickly got up and started running from away from the creature, who was now trying to catch him like a snake would when trying to catch its prey.
  17. Boop barrage in 3 2 1 @Pvt. Cerberus @Maple Bat @Johnny1226 @Lunalicious Alexshy @Lunar Echo @Princess Twilight Feri @Snow
  18. The first creature got hit by Luna's first beam, it hit the creature in the backend, near its tail, not only did it damage the creature, but it left for an interesting outcome. Due to being hurt, the worm wasn't focusing on where it was going and went straight into Celestia's halberd. Taking this much damage caused the creature stop moving for a while. It became apparent to those who where fighting that these worms actually had a notable weakness, since they didn't have eyes, they had to rely on their instincts and other things like smell and feeling, but during the moment they get damaged greatly and experience a good deal of pain, they lose their focus, often resulting in an underground retreat or blind attacks in a desperate attempt to hit their enemies. The second creature was still above the ground and tried to crawl back into the ground, but it was slow in its progress and was still above ground. While the third creature tried something different. this time it burrowed itself into the ground straight down with a great amount of speed, and then went upwards, and managed to propel itself into the sky, while it couldn't fly, it had used the momentum of the underground launch to itself straight into the air, and was trying to attack Evelyn and Jack. "I might have an idea, though we have to make this work fast. If you could hold me in your claws tightly and keep me as close to you as possible, then I should be protected by the shield, tough i have got to make sure my arms, legs and tail don't stick out, then I should be good, and can always use my magic to strengthen the shield like I had told you before. Then we can try multiple things, if you have happened to bring some bombs with you, I could hold those and drop them in the mouths of these creatures when you happen to be near them, or... we could do fast straving runs, tough ice breath might not be a good idea, in the desert it will meld way to fast for it to have any proper effect on these creatures, and then comes the matter with-" Jack suddenly got interrupted by the creature who had propelled himself into the air was heading straight for them. 'Those things are capable of propelling themselves like this?! O gosh, this is bad!' Jack thought to Evelyn with extreme worry and also a hint of fear, as he did not know what to do, not that he could do much except as he was right now. The 4th and 5th creatures both quickly dug underground, and were trying to evade Luna's beams that she was firing in the ground. At one point they were trying to both attack Luna at the same time, both from opposite directions as they would try to bite her the moment they would emerge.
  19. The first one who had tried to attack to attack Luna staggered back a bit from the gunshot, and when it noticed that Luna had flown out of the way, the creature decided to quickly burrow in the ground again, preparing for another attack. The second one roared in agony as Celestia's halberd damaged the creature, the stab itself was pretty painful, that was something the creature could wether somewhat, but it was the moment that the halberd started getting dragged through its flesh, it was one thing that would hurt any creature if a weapon would be grinding through its flesh with such momentum. The creature itself was lucky that it didn't organs like other creatures did due to it being a worm. The second creature didn't really bleed, but rather had a nasty deep cut in its body, and slowed the creature down. Also the 4th and 5th creatures noticed what happened to their fellow friend and decided to focus their attention on the 4 fighters rather than the other civilians who wouldn't be capable of doing that much other than a distraction and do slight damage with their weapons, wich only a few of the civilians even had proper weapons. But while this was going on, the 3rd creature had been underground this entire time... and it went straight for Celestia because while she was running, the 3rd creature had been able to catch up to her via tunnelling underground while she herself had been focused on the second creature. The third creature shot out of the ground in front of Celestia while she had been running and smacked her away with the side of its head, which the creature had been using the momentum of tunnelling upwards to increase the impact of the headbutt itself, and while it didn't do any sort of devastating damage, it did have alot of force in the impact itself, similar to doing a bodyslam to someone. "Celestia had mentioned running, which is a good idea, but we won't really be able to attack back during that, we should perform hit and run attacks, we can't perform outright attacks on these things that are capable retreating back into the ground so fast, I think when one person is being chased by one of the creatures, the other person should engage the creature with a fast attack and retreat quickly. Just constantly attack the creature when you have not targeted yourself, if we keep doing that in a cycle we can overcome them, we might have a proper chance then!" Jack called out to the 3 of them He laid down on the saddle with his belly and held on tight to Evelyn, as he was certain these creatures would try something desperate if they were starting to lose, which could involve attacking Jack or any of the other citizen.
  20. The movement suddenly stopped when Celestia had used the spell, but then... 3 big things shot out of the sand, they where as tall as the largest tree's in the Everfree forest, they looked like massive worms, only these things had a big gaping mouth, that was round formed with sharp teeth around every corner. Not only that, among their entire body where tiny legs spread all over the place, which seemed to be used for climbing things when not using their body propel themselves through the ground. One of them had been hit by Celestia's spell, and had gotten more aggressive but also more alert than before. "G-guys, those things look repulsive..." Jack stammered as he became a bit pale, he was sometimes afraid of enemies, but he seemed to rather big fear of insects, and here near him were creatures who looked like massive insects. There where 5 of them, 3 above the ground who where observing Celestia and Luna, even though these creatures had no eyes, they seemed to have these senses, which makes them capable of smelling and feeling out anything flesh related, this was a terrifying aspect as they could seek out their prey in no time... 1 of the 3 tried to attack Luna, lashing forward like a whip towards her, attempting to bite her with its big mouth. The second tried to attack Celestia via a side manoeuvre, trying to catch her off guard. While the third one dove back underground and was moving its way under the Alicorns in circles, and it would try to attack via underground whenever it decided it would be the best moment. Everyone else in the third group was cautious, some of the people were glancing around with fear, while others tried to somewhat distract the 2 other worm creatures. One of the more braver people had drawn his weapon, which happenend to be some sort of makeshift spear. "Come at me, ugly creature! I will take you on!" The person shouted to one of the creatures who was towering above him. But unfortunately... the 5th one had been crawling underground as well... "What are you wai-" The person got attacked midsentence by the 5th creature, as the creature had killed the person with one strong bite, it had been rather easy because the mouth's of these creatures were only a bit bigger than that one victim who had been just devoured. Jack himself did not know what to do, he was both beyond scared and had not even the slightest clue what he was going to do againts such things that could where using the sand as their personal aquarium.
  21. "Thanks, Evelyn, and I also do wonder why I haven't turned yet, I would call it a miracle, a miracle forged by our ancestors, and we wield it, it makes us strong. Call it silly beliefs, but I will never stop thinking that." Jack replied with a smile. "In fact, with the 4 of us, I believe we can take on the whole world! It's something I have never felt before, for once I no longer am afraid of what might happen, I felt like that perhaps a while ago, but then something happenend, I could feel it... Something or someone is helping us, and I bet I know who it is.." Jack said with a smile as he looked up into the sky. Someone walked up to Luna when he had heard what she had asked. He handed her a bandolier, which did seem to fit Luna, even though it was not made for ponies to wear, it still would fit. "These things are called Bandoliers, usually we put our pistols in what we call holsters, but bandoliers are overall more efficient since you can also store ammo and other items in it, but at the same time it won't comprise any space if you are planning on putting on armour. And you can craft these from leather, it is one of the best and simplest inventions made I must say, easy to produce and efficient at the same time." "My name is Edgar, I am a historian, or well, used to be one before.. you know. Anyway, don't feel forced to give me something in return, we have to help each other to survive, and this is one of those things." He said before he waved her goodbye and joined some of the others. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was about 6 hours later, everyone had decided to set up a camp, this had been made necessary since Luna and Celestia hadn't been able to keep up the spell much longer and thus this was the opportunity to gather some rest and wait before they could continue travelling again. Jack was still laying on the saddle, somewhat dozing off, when he suddenly heard a sound, he couldn't yet make out what it was, but he had a feeling it was something bad. "Guys heads up! Something is coming our way, or no wait... Multiple things are coming our way! I can feel some sort of movement, I can't tell how many or what they are, but it's heading straight towards us!" Jack suddenly called out to everyone as he had a bad feeling about this. Most of the others also stood up and looked around them cautiously, some of them seemed to be really afraid or tense, especially the younger ones. "Wait I can hear it too!" Someone called out. "I can't see anything approaching, but I can sure hear it... Just what in oblivion is going on?" someone else said. Everyone was starting to panic, normally they would be capable of somewhat readying and calming themselves, but they had no idea what was coming, some wanted to flee, while others were sticking together, it was becoming a bit of chaos. The members of this group weren't soldiers, after all, they where citizen. "Guys... Perhaps we should do something.." Jack advised though he did not know what to do himself, he was holding on to Evelyn's neck pretty tight. It was not apparent what was coming their way, but it was obvious it was something that wanted to attack them...
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