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Everything posted by MickeyAdaptus

  1. "Well, you guys are right I guess, perhaps I shouldn't worry about it too much, though I cannot deny that I am still worried, I mean... Strenght isn't the sole thing that defines the capabilities of survival and considering where they are, they are being written a death sentence if they haven't made it out of there." Jack admitted. "But yeah, I should focus on the better things of it, I need to have more trust in this matter, they will survive.." Jack said as he smiled again. Tough suddenly someone called out, one of the people from the group was looking through binoculars in the distance. "Everyone, heads-up! There is an enemy group moving somewhere nearby! No, wait... It appears to be a convoy, they are carrying 2 very big containers, with double steel inch walls and on the side there seem to be cables going inside of it, probably some sort of life support system.. I don't like this guy, they are obviously carrying something important if they plan to choose the route in which barely anyone chooses to go." The person mentioned with concern.
  2. "Yeah, it is, thanks, Luna," Jack said. He then thought for a moment how he was going to say this to everyone. "Well, the reason is that Cyril had been the first place I had landed after... you know, the death of my father and all because during that time I felt like a broken person, I had something missing... And keep in mind I was only 6 years old at the time, forced to wander through the places where infected where roaming, I would have died if my group hadn't found me, taken me in... I started to see them as a family, or atleast that was the way it felt like, if it weren't for them, I would have been long dead." Jack explained. "And once I had grown attached to all the people there, I started to consider Cyril as my new home, ok sure, I was not a native of that planet, but after my original home had been turned into a bunch of space debris, I had all the right to consider it my new home, well that was until I came to Equestria, I guess Cyril has now sort of become... my second home if you could call it. "But I guess my biggest reason for wanting to go there is because I want to my find my old group, or rather what is left of the group. And then I wanted to take them back to Equestria first, il be damned if I let them behind, but for all I know, i might... Find them death..." "After all, it wouldn't be to weird if you think about the fact that they might have to end their lives themselves, i sure remember i along with them had almost done it, but at the time we din't knew better, we where going to killed or worse, most of all, we where scared, very scared because at the time we knew there was no place we could have gone, and fighting our way trough was just madness, because we where not some experienced soldier group, we where just survivors, and we all had grown so close to eachother... Even if everything seemed to bad for us at that moment, the only relief we had is that we could atleast die together, it was our only comfort..." Jack said with a bit of difficulty.
  3. The corpse's eyes widened at what Treasured was doing. 'Blast it... That really is something that Sombra would do... That magic inhibitor was already annoying, but now my horn has become a worthless rock altogether. This is bad...' She thought with anger. 'And then this pain... I- Wait a second... I wonder would happen if....' She thought before looking at Treasured again, and with a weapon, straight at her throat she couldn't deny she was in a bad position, but she wasn't about to back down. "You know what? I am calling your bluff, I don't believe you would dare to kill me if I really am such valuable as you say, then I would be irreplaceable in your book as well." She said with a glare. "Besides, if you listen more closely, you can hear somebody approaching, and I bet you know who it is don't you? Would be unfortunate if somebody would have managed to overhear our little conversation doesn't it?" 'He certainly is obsessed with power, little does he know that his little dream is going to be crushed in the long run once another major power decides to attack him out of nowhere, at first I never knew anything about outside forces, only things like Sombra and all those other powers that have plagued us, but once I got.. reborn... I realized there are things out there that attack in motivates for more than just conquering and murder... And what use would it be if I would tell anypony here, what could they possibly do with the information? After all, they are too stubborn to get to a safer place, instead, they wish to remain in their own homes like a bunch of house dogs, regardless if it means they risk the possibility of being exterminated... I personally never wanted to be hostile to them in the first place, but I have no choice in the matter if they don't see the error of their ways. At the very least I could save a hoof-full of ponies, that way our race might atleast not risk the chance of extermination once the meteor arrives in this system... And then there is still that monster lurking around, who knows where he is at, he could even be listening to us at this very moment, which means I can't stay around here for much longer, I need to wrap things up soon.' She thought with concern. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I can.. Answer that, tough can I perhaps lie down on something else first? I rather lie down on something more comfortable than the saddle since what I am going to tell you might be a pretty long story." Jack explained with a nervous smile.
  4. Me trying to write something when I am brain scattered x3


  5. Oh! I would love to join in! First, i need to find my wallet, give me a moment, it must be around here somewhere. Erm. hehe, just a moment my friends!
  6. "I beg to differ, a galaxy is a big place, and who say's we need a spaceship? I know of a way you can get off Equestria without it, well, 2 ways in fact... Besides, No pony would want to stay close to a home that would become nothing more than a breeding ground for hungry perpetuals." The corpse said. But her frown then suddenly turned into a smirk. "But I guess it would be bad if you have no more kingdom to rule over? I bet that is the reason you don't want to move away... Your little pride would be torn to shreds... You are willing to gamble the lives of everypony here to satisfy your own needs... But I guess it doesn't matter what I say, you would be unnaturally stubborn in wanting everypony to stay here, even if it would come at the cost of their very lives, you sure have given me that indication." "However... I know you presume me to be some type of corpse without proper intelligence, but that leads me to believe you will underestimate the coming threat as well. But it baffles me that you claim you are willing to put your little alicorn skirmish side, yet to me, it isn't really hard to figure out that you are doing this partly because you want to get a closer approach on your target before you make a move, regardless of the threat would be still there or not. So why would you-" She suddenly stopped as something seemed to change in her thoughts. "Oh... I see why... You are too weak, aren't you? That is why you injected yourself with the virus, in an act of desperation, or for the fact you tried to kidnap the boy, your desperate bargain... For something in return..." She said as her smirk grew bigger. 'I may have complained how I have become a walking slave, but I have to admit it feels good having these powers, this must be why Montarion acts the way he does, having powers that ignore the physics that we all have to obey...' She thought to herself as she eyed the wall for a moment. She then looked back at Treasured, her irises seemed to have disappeared for just a split moment before returning, although it was so fast that it would come over as a mere sun reflection. "Your dreams with Sombra, your crystal growth spell without the addition of becoming corrupt, those where just indication, that you want more power, you need more power... I see where your intentions are at... You go so far as to describe the rule of Celestia and Luna as tyranny... And oh yes, you want to take over Equestria, hm, most of these were pretty obvious, but a few details in particular about you were something you attempt to hide." She said as she narrowed her eyes. "Tell me, king... You claim you want to help everypony, even going so far as to set aside your burning desire that comes from deep within yourself. But perhaps, there is a bigger motive to this plan of yours, something that is in that mind of yours, but you are not willing to show it to others... Isn't that right?" "Just so you know, I am so easily fooled by your methods, lying, trying to keep that tight little poker face up, it doesn't work againts me, surely you know that I am not the one you presume me to be? After all..." "I already have someone..." -------------------------------------------------------- "Hey, thanks, it isn't often I can say these type of things," Edgard said with of a laugh. Jack gave a nod "It was really good, and thanks, Luna." He then tried to lie down a bit on the saddle on his belly, trying to lay down a bit comfortably. "Does anyone else have some questions about Cyril? I have so much that I can answer. How about you Evelyn? I remember you where very eager to ask some questions" Jack asked her.
  7. Watch this video and let that information sink in for a bit, because this shows just how deceiving and greedy companies are with those microtransactions, and yes, I am talking about you, EA and Activision. After all, who doesn't want *pride and accomplishment* when purchasing loot boxes with microtransactions? But to give my full honest oppinion, companies are thinking they can get away with the scummiest of things when given the chance, and when they are called out on it, they quickly take the famous EA route with making false promises or give pathetic excuses. I especially loved how the EA Ceo refers to games as *services*.
  8. "Your idea has a good purpose to it, but it has a serious flaw... Trying to stay in Canterlot or Ponyville is the very thing that will be everyone's undoing. There are so many things out there that see us as prey, wars are being fought that all of us are unaware of, creatures that feed off the very soul essence of others, and many other things." She says with a frown "And now that Equestria has become known to said dangers, we will face the constant danger of being wiped out if we stay here, if I have a say, leave Canterlot, or even leave Equestria in its entirety, there is one place where those creatures can't get us, in the outer fringes of the galaxy... That is where we will be safe because I know that those royal guards have access to a spaceship, don't ask me how I know, but I have seen it." "If you truly want to safe our race, then my method will prove better because we will only destroy ourselves in the process if we keep fighting this ridiculous battle in which we are sorely outnumbered." "So if you agree by those terms, I am willing to be part of it. But if you are not... Then I will save our race myself, with or without your help, or anypony's help for that matter." She said with a serious look in her eyes. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jack had to think about this one for a moment, not because he didn't know, but more because it was a pretty sore subject to talk about, not just for him, but for most of his kind in general, as Valtrek was the biggest embodiment of what it means to be a traitor. "To answer your question, Luna, it is both of those, he seems to regard anything that doesn't benefit him in some way as *expendable* and *Fragile Toys*, and sees the entire galaxy as his personal playing ground, the way he murdered my father, the way he acts, but he also does a certain motive, it was that one artefact I had talked about before, something very powerful.." Jack explained. "Yes... He is talking about the Aurora of Life, a legendary artefact that contains powers which are described as unphantomable, of course, most consider it a myth and a legend, but you have to keep in mind that Valtrek himself wouldn't be chasing something just for the sake of it being a myth, he had seen the powers of the artefact with his own eyes, right before a person named Aliah used its powers to bring an end to the civil war that lasted for a good 6 centuries." Edgar Explained. "You should look at it this way, Valtrek is already considered to be one of the strongest beings to walk around this era, but if he could manage to get his hands on that artefact, he could reach a state of power in which no one could even get close to his level ever again. So you can assume that is exactly what he is trying to achieve." "But aside from this motive, Valtrek intends to destroy everything, not even his own armies will matter to him anymore once he has destroyed everything that would be capable of opposing him, but to make matters worse, its the motive behind this all destruction thing that seems rather... hard to understand." "As I had told you before with how the civil war ended, Valtrek had a big grudge againts Aliah, a grudge that even to this day has never ended, but since Aliah is gone, and Moriah has gone missing... He instead decides to make all of us suffer instead, as he considers us to be, and I quote here: 'Weaklings who have thrown away all of their power and potential for the sake of protecting inferior races.' Because apparently, he always used to see the Terrans as a superior race over others, that we could undermine all other races due to our large spanning numbers across the stars during that time. It is how that entire civil war first started." "So in the end, he wants us to *suffer*, by giving us slow and agonizing deaths, but he is taking his sweet time, and is purposely stalling to bring out as much fear out of us as he can before he makes his crushing move. And then you realise that he is willing to destroy absolutely EVERYTHING over a personal grudge and that this entire war is based on his own personal vendetta. There is something important to note here, while the old Valtrek was still very evil, he wanted the Terrans to be the dominant species in the galaxy, and overthrow others, but centuries later, after his revival, he now wants to completely eradicate that very race, by using horrific methods such as that virus. He turned from an evil tyrant to an embodiment of extermination." Edgar explained. Most of the others in the group nodded in agreement as they had the look of grief on their faces, which was something that every single one of them could relate to, regardless of different backgrounds. "You have explained it better then I could have ever done, that truly was an impressive way to explain it," Jack said to Edgar with an praising nod. "Thank you, but I used to be a historian, I am supposed to know these type of things," Edgar said with a smile. "And to explain how he got such a strong army, that one is easy to explain, despite Valtrek losing the civil war, many of his followers had still survived, and his second in command took over, and for the remaining 4 centuries, there was still a war going on, even though not on the same scale as the current or the civil war one, it was still a notable one. The Terran Prince had taken up arms and was intending on destroying the remnants of Valtrek's army." "And it was this war that ended up being followed up by the war that we are talking about today, but its also important to note that most of Valtrek's current army consists of these semi-sentient soldiers which have been infected by virus and have been modified in conversion centers, along with all those other strains, its these things that make up most of his current day army, where most of his old army has somewhat degenerated from their former selves." Edgard was now going to say something very important, something he felt like he needed to share. "But I guess I should mention one final thing, something that you should remember carefully, The Terran Prince is an offspring of Aliah, so like you can probably already imagine, Valtrek wants to gladly put down the one person that might be our last hope. Because beliefs or not, this entire war seems to have a hidden message written in it, have you wondered why so many have been constantly talking about Aliah? The Artefact? The Circle? That is no mere coincidence, I strongly believe that a spiritual message is being send through all of us, this means we are all linked in a way, not by powers or anything, but more in the terms of the afterlife, where we all still hold this invisible link." "Though I strongly believe that this link isn't just reserved for these subspecies, no... I believe EVERYONE is linked to one another. See this war as struggle between good and evil, where the evil seems to be prevailing, and the good is struggling to remain, with its heroes spread all over the galaxy, and in a desperate action, it sends out a message, a call for help, for all of us to unite, and find the final puzzle piece that will be able to completely unite the good, and destroy the evil." Edgard explained as a smile was growing on his face "Aliah wants us to find the Aurora of Life, and use it to destroy Valtrek, that is the hidden message he is sending us." He said, and the reaction of the crow was something he had not initially expected. The people started to cheer and applaud at his explanation, especially on the part regarding the hidden message. "It was beautiful... It was something I could imagine my father saying." Jack said as he felt a bit of joy inside, a feeling he couldn't exactly describe. "It is something we can all say because what I said was not something I thought of, but merely the words that came from my heart, call my words just some belief, but I call it a connection that we all share, something that defines our race as a whole, not by the motives of wars and self-proclaimed hatred, but by a connection of devotion that we share in the will to let life remain the way its supposed to be," Edgard said.
  9. Hmmm, I can't say I have, except for that one time when I came across a market stance where I complimented the looks of a cardbo-*cuts off* ANYWAYS! Now don't mention anything about my waifu! Have you ever had that moment where your best friend would become the same person that you would fall in love with? *insert Cadence emoticon here*
  10. "If you tell me about this *plan* I might consider, but it had better be good, I want to save everypony from the incoming threat, so if you tell your plan, I will tell you to know what I know, how does that sound?" The corpse asked as she tilted her head a bit. "Tough it had better be for the benefit of our species population, rather than your own benefit only..." "Of course, take all the time you need," Caerson said. "In the meantime, I am going to try and find Twilight." ---------------------------------------------------------- "They are doing this because Cyril turns out to be an industrilization world, when I first got there I never knew until someone from my group pointed it, and it then became apparent to me why they are this desperate. Cyril has become their largest industrialization world in the sector that we are, producing the biggest starships and war engines, as well as many other things. So the reason they are doing this is that they don't want anyone to rise up and attempt inside attacks, they had already witnessed major uprisings from others planets, and so I presume they simply did not want to take the risk and just murder anyone who could potentially become a threat to them." Jack explained. "And for the fact that on Cyril they don't have conversion centres, but instead the different strains and soldiers are being shipped from other planets straight into Cyril. But I guess you would want to know who is responsible for this? I can tell you, it is a person named Ormagon, otherwise known as the Tyrant of Cyril, he leads a big army called the Kalabites, but this army is unique from the more usual armies that contained half sentient soldiers, this army is filled with real soldiers, those who are not infected, and have been known to exist even before Valtrek's return." "And well... They are responsible for the event that came to known as the Great Scouring, in where they swept a massive campaign across the planet to kill all its inhabitants, and at first, you might think we could hold a stand, but not even close... Because they used the most brutal and infuriating kind of ways in warfare, they used chemical warfare, releasing a form of gas upon the victims that would cause them to die without any form of resistance, as well as using vehicles like Tanks, Helicopters, everything, because they still possess those for some reason while most of us no longer do. But how could a measily group of survivors with some weapons stand againts an entire army like that? We couldn't." "That is probably the reason why we... Yeah.." Jack explained.
  11. "I wish I could die, but the term corpse is not even valid, I am more now an enslaved spirit that is trapped in its former body, I don't even know if I am myself anymore or if I am now some sort of reject clone." The corpse said with a sigh. "But I am having trouble understanding your entire motive, make a proper statement of your power? It will hold little value when everything has become ash and cinders, it is why I don't understand any of you... Why all you are trying to keep up this crumbling little kingdom... Equestria is one of the biggest food sources for a hungry entity that is waiting for its followers to descend and drag everything you care about into its massive jaws. Because even if I told you or anypony else everything, what would it matter? I know how all you act.." The corpse said with a scowl. "The moment I will reveal the treath, you will all get so caught up in your own confidence, thinking we are strong enough and should just start fighting it without a second thought of even considering if there are better options, or even trying to find out something about said threat for that matter! Well, I have a newsflash for the lot of you... the luck will run out this time, no longer will Ponykind be able to rely on its own presumptions and thinking it knows best because you want to know a little secret?" "You have all been manipulated from the start... Someone is rigging things that shove situations in the favour of Equestria, or that is what he wants you all to think... But I can already guess how it will all end up..." She said. "You will all ignore the real situation at hoof, and trying to do things on your own accord, but you know what is even more stupid? None of you have even TRIED to uncover things yourself, no... Some stupid alien has to bring you all up to date and tell you things that even a filly could figure out! it's for the fact that none of you even tried... Even the last time someone had found an important piece of information? Ha, ignored! And look where it has brought us... Most of us have been reduced to nothing but dead and converted monsters, atleast I still have control over my own body!" She said with a mocking laugh. "But I guess it doesn't apply to you does it? After all, you have been trying to seek out your own greed and ambition rather than help your own race when you injected yourself with that virus, it goes to show why we don't stand a chance because we have to suffer the consequences due to the incompetence of our so-called leaders, who where not even willing to figure out themselves on how these aliens have become so powerful." "When I got resurrected I not only got my body back, but I also got a preset of new memories, and I realised now just how much is at stake, how much our race could prosper and for the most important fact, LIVE, but the current plan? Salvage some broken kingdom? Face it, Equestria won't be able to remain an independent society, nothing will, not after what is to come... So give me a GOOD reason why I should tell you what I know because I doubt any of you will even do anything useful with the information." She said as she showed her very sharp teeth, which must have formed when the infection had taken hold of the body before the 2 DNA even started merging together. "That actually sounds good... But there is a problem to this, you mentioned it being used againts infected, but a one-shot per recharge would give up all of its usage if the weapon has fired, because infected tend to be in big numbers, you would rather use something that has the potential to fire alot before becoming unusable for a while rather than use a one time weapon for that moment." Caerson explained. "Your idea to use plasma is smart, but we should rather tone down its strength a bit in order to make it capable of firing alot more times. And then accuracy, rate of fire and mobility will come into play, if you where to create a plasma-related weapon, you would want something that would have a slower firing rate for better accuracy but at the same time have the potential to fire alot before it overheats, because a single plasma projectile is already very strong on its own." Caerson suggested. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- "Yeah, it definitely is!" Jack said to Evelyn with a smile, he then heard Celestia's question. "That is an interesting question, and one I will be glad to answer." "Cyril's climate tends to be on average temperature, similar to that of Equestria's, or atleast it used to be. It would range from pretty hot temperatures to cold winters at times, where the seasons played a big part in those. And there were alot of clouds at times, with lots of rain. However..." Jack said as he paused a bit. "Your assumption of Cyril being cold and snowy is very accurate Celestia, because I have a pretty disturbing thing to tell about it. Ever since Cyril had gotten overrun, our enemies started building lots of things, most notably the massive conversion tower that is the key location of the entire planet. But you wouldn't believe what they have done." "After Cyril had gotten overrun, they have been trying to eliminate all survivors present there, and what seems to make them stand out from their other counterparts, they don't bring their victims to conversion centers, but rather destroy their enemies straight up, no mercy or hesitance." "They seem to be very desperate about this factor, because of how big of a planet Cyril is, it would be almost impossible to find all survivors, granted they have managed to wipe out most by now presumably, they still would have a hard time. So they did the scummiest way ever, the tower that I had talked about before, keeps sending a massive beam into the sky, and I guess you can already understand what it does." "That tower over there is slowly freezing the entire planet, making it colder then what a normal body could survive with. Since they are having trouble killing the more hidden survivors, they are using this temperature method as a way to FREEZE all their enemies to death, letting nature do the job rather than themselves. It was one of the reasons why my group had been so so desperate to destroy that tower because it had been a one time chance we had, it was either do it and be horribly outmatch, or do nothing and freeze to death after a couple of years." Jack explained.
  12. The corpse kept running but noticed that Treasured rather fast. 'Curse this... I am getting nowhere with this, I have to finish this now.' The corpse thought with dismay. She then stopped running and turned around to face her pursuer. "What do you even want with me? Aren't you supposed to be Alicorn hunting or something? Tch... Not that it matters, as it seems that treating an innocent mare like some sort of caged animal is not beyond any of you." She growled. "Alright, just give a moment," Caerson said as he walked away to retrieve the weapon, he turned with some sort of pretty big casing, which seemed to be the container that the weapon was locked in, he then entered the code that would unlock the container and then grabbed the weapon from it. "This weapon powered by these crystals on the side, the energy source is.... something I rather not name... But to give you a brief explanation of what this weapon can do. Imagine if a Unicorn would try to teleport, but by some terrible accident the teleportation would go wrong and said unicorn would be lost in space and time. This weapon is capable of creating a tear in reality, in other words, you could trap not just one person, but an entire room full of people in the space continuum. Though I doubt they survive because this weapon creates such a force that they.. suffer a crushing death just by the sheer pressure that it causes when someone gets hit or sucked inside the tear." Caerson explained as the crystals were glowing with a fierce and bright dark red colour, and the colours themselves seemed to be flowing in it. "Of course this weapon was never meant to do that, but due to the unstable and unpredictable energies that are powering this weapon, the result turned out to be this way, something that I want to fix before it could fall into the wrong hands." ------------------------------------------------------ Jack smiled at her response, and when they landed, Jack looked at the others. "May I have everyone's attention, I am going to start a little storytelling, but I am doing it the form of a Q&A session, for those who want to ask questions or just listen to the storytelling itself, please gather around," Jack told everyone. And like Jack had predicted, alot of people started gathering close to Jack and Evelyn because Jack knew from earlier experiences that storytelling was actually one of the things that many seemed to like, especially those who had experienced alot in their lives. Tough usually it where the elder or older people that would tell stories, which was a bit of a special case that a 13-year-old boy would be doing it like this. Most notable Edgar had looked up from the conversation that he was having with his friend and had also gathered around, seeming very interested in hearing this. Tough Jack hoped that Luna and Celestia would also come.
  13. Hey, how are you doing?

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. MickeyAdaptus


      Sadly not, i have turned 18 since only around 5 or 6 months ago, and due to my misophonia i  am pretty much uncapable to do most types of work, if i would to work somewhere, i would start to breakdown from the constant troath sounds that people would make, its those sounds that tend to trigger my misophonia, and you can probabbly imagine how often people tend to make these sounds.

      So working for me is kinda no longer an option i am afraid xD (It got to such a point that my mother managed to get me this special  case in where i get paid monthly on itself so i can pay my bills for when i will move out and start living on my own) 


      And i have to admit, all these things that comes with being adult seem to be a bit new to me, working, living on my own, all those things are concept i have never really started considering much unless people point it out to me, probabbly because i have always been so used to isolating myself in my room xD.

    3. MickeyAdaptus


      Tough i might still have to think about it in the future, i mean, not working at all might not be exactly true in my case later on, but still... I don't really see myself being able to work somewhere and be able to keep myself under control for more then 4 hours, its just pretty unclear for me at this point

    4. ShadOBabe


      Wow, that sounds hard. I can relate to that last point. I’m almost 10 years older than you, but I’m only just getting started on the whole adulting thing. Partially due to my own disabilities, and partially due to my insecurities, I am having a hard time getting out there and taking care of myself.

  14. Looks really good man! I have been developing some really small RPG games myself over the last years but you seem to be making something far better then I could ever hope to make xD.
  15. "No thanks! I cannot afford imprisonment!" The corpse shouted back as she kept running. 'If they think I am defenceless, then they are sorely mistaken, I will attack anyone who will stand in my way if I have to!' She thought. Caerson thought for a second. "Yeah, you could, but like you said, you don't really know what i am talking about, so the chance will be big that you might not really know how this weapon is made," Caerson admitted. "But believe it or not, the princess of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle happens to become my pupil of a sort in engineering, I have thought her everything I know, but boy is she a fast learner!" Caerson said with a hint of pride. "I bet she can explain to you about how this thing works because i would need to do some serious management on it before i could open up the weapon in the first place, sounds alright to you?" Caerson asked him. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I think the first option is the best, and I bet Luna, Celestia, and those other people might have questions as well, but when we do start it, you will get to ask your questions first!" Jack said to her with a smile, as he climbed from her wing back into the saddle. "Well atleast I hope they have questions as well, you guys usually don't really ask about my past unless I bring it up," Jack mentioned.
  16. The corpse was running now through the hallways, and fast at that. 'Where is the blasted exit?! This castle looks almost completely the same in every hallway, but at the bright side, this seems alot easier the imagined, either I have become significantly stronger than before or all of these guards are too incompetent, only about 2 guards have tried to stop me so far... A good thing for me that is.' She thought. "As of yet? Nothing much really, I have been taking a small break, since somebody else has been working a cure, though I have been planning an expedition, one that might have be to delayed as of recent developments." Caerson said as he scratches his chin. "Tough at the same time I still need to revamp that one weapon I had made a while ago since it's too powerful to a point where it is able to... create a tear in reality, a weapon that is far too dangerous to be used in its current state, by all rights I should just destroy it, the technology used in that thing shouldn't be made for public eyes, as this weapon has demonstrated," Caerson admitted. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Alright, though it might be better if you ask some questions about it and I answer them since we would be sitting here for days if I would have to tell *everything* about it," Jack said with a chuckle. "Just ask me what you want to know about it and I will answer it." Jack then looked into the distance where the others where. "Tough don't you want the others to hear this as well? I am sure they will want to hear this, not just Celestia and Luna, but more of the folks in this group as well, sharing stories is one of the things that most seem to love. Besides, it is a way for us all to spend more time togheter.." Jack mentioned.
  17. Caerson thought about the concept of how they made these type of things in Equestria, it amazed him to no end on how they where able to manufacture and invent things without the use of things like cars, computers, anything of that, but instead focused on the use of magic, and other type of things. Seeing Treasured wings was one of those examples. 'This is fascinating, imagine just how many lives could be saved if survivors didn't have to depend on the salvage tech that they are stuck with, but instead use this easier to produce type of tech, its easier to maintain when it comes to the resources, but still very efficient at the same time.' Caerson thought. The concept of Treasured being one of the bad guys wasn't something that Caerson really had much of an opinion by, he didn't really see anyone as *good* or *evil*, but rather looked at ones intentions, he had known many who had done some rather questionable things, and he couldn't deny he had done things himself that might or might not be considered bad, after all, could they really help it? They where all victims to a common threat, and he couldn't help but feel bad about the fact of how his very people where reduced to a life of scavenging and acting as a bunch of rogues's in order to even live, something that Equestria didn't really seem to have, atleast not yet that is, because nobody knew what the future held in store for them. "Shining, I will stay here and keep an eye out, you go help to catch her because if she gets away, ponies are going to suffer from something worse then death, and I know you intend to protect your citizen with your every fibre in your body, so, please... Go." Caerson told Shining Armour because it was easy to read from Caerson's face that something really bad might happen should that corpse happen to escape, considering the powers that it possessed. The 4 guards in the room where looking at Shining Armour, waiting for a response, whether he would join in or not. However, Caerson gave some fast orders. "You, go inform Cadence, and you, go inform every commander that you can find, whether it is Royal Guard, Night Guard, Dragon, Changeling, Griffon, it doesn't matter what commander it is, as long as it is on our side!" Caerson ordered 2 of the guards. The corpse was running through the hallways when she ran into one of the patrolling castle guards. "You! Stop right there!" The guard shouted, but the mare didn't seem to be stopping at all, but kept running, straight towards the guard. In response to this, the Guard drew his blade and slashed at the corpse, the blade slicing across the body, in which the guard presumed it must have done a good amount of damage, but presuming that caused him to make a fatal mistake, as the corpse did experience the pain, but simply slashing at the corpse like that wouldn't do much. And so the corpse bucked the guard hard during the moment of surprise after the slash had been death, sending it crashing againts a wall, it was lucky that the guard had been wearing armour, because while the corpse had no access to her unicorn magic, the other type of power that was flown from within her seemed to not be entirely nullified, but rather heavily suppressed, since it this type of power was not of the same realm. So while it did heavily suppress it, it didn't stop her from using more simple forms of this power like telepathy, the sensing of nearby magical signatures and some other rather basic things that these power allowed her to do. But she couldn't do that much with it yet, as she hadn't learned yet how all of these powers worked just yet. ---------------------------------------------------------------- "Say... Haven't I really told you or anyone more in-depth about my stories of Cyril have? I mean, I have only told you guys small things about it, or just parts of the stories, but never beyond those things on it. If you could get the others over here then i could do a little Q&A about it, do you think that sounds fun? If we are going to sit here for a while we might as well do something fun?" Jack asked Evelyn with a smile, as he was actually eager in trying this, it was one of the things he had never really done with any of them before.
  18. "I am an Engineer yes," Caerson said with a nod. Caerson then looked at the design with interest, giving a bit of a closer look to see how the insides of the wings where made. "Though I must say those that those look well made, especially for the fact that this was done without the type of technology that I have been learned to use, but rather in a way that your species seems to utilize, which makes such things easier to maintain. Is it true that these wings operate on a form of magic generators or something? I do understand how the mechanisms and such work in these things but not what powers it." Caerson said as he inspected it further. He didn't really respond to Treasures words as he felt like Shining Armour would be better to respond to it, and after all, Caerson didn't really feel like he should be involved in the matter of having a say in the more political matters, while he did give advice and helped out everyone, he didn't feel like that he should involve himself in politics where it was now the job of Shining Armour, Cadence, and also Twilight to judge such matters, especially now that Celestia and Luna where absent. Tough Caerson did still have interest in every word that Treasured had spoken, especially the story he mentioned about what happenend, it seemed rather familiar to him in many ways, it was a repeating cycle for him to hear about those stories about people had gotten into first contact with the virus. The corpse, however, was not so content with this situation, not only was she going to be ignored now because of Treasured's arrival, she was now pretty much a prisoner, with not even capable of dying to be put out of her misery, which she would have preferred over her current fate. But she wasn't just going to sit around. 'Those fools forgot to even chain me to something, and this distraction sure is going to prove usefull, they are going to wish I was still a corpse...' She thought with venom. Before anyone could even react, she jumped straight through the window, shattering the glass. For anypony, it would have been suicide to jump out of a window that was on one of the highest floors of the Canterlot Castle, but to her, it was actually a benefit because she wasn't really going to die from falling anyways. She was falling for few seconds until she used her chains as a swinging tool, letting the chains get caught on the nearest ledge and use it to swing straight into the window under it, crashing through it as some castle servants couldn't believe their eyes, a rotting corpse with purple glowing eyes and purple smoke coming out of it was running straight past them, as the maid screams could almost echo through the entire castle from what they had seen, and also perhaps the smell of it.
  19. Caerson was a little puzzled about the situation, nobody had told him of Treasured before, so it was a surprise when Treasure had walked in and said some particular things. But he it was rather easy for him to figure out that Treasured was someone who was againts Celestia and Luna and wanted to rule the Kingdom of Equestria. Tough when he mentioned his will to harm Alicorns, he realised he might have something againts Twilight in particular, and even if it might not be the case, he wouldn't really take chances. "Twilight, could you go to the kitchen real fast and get some salt for Zecora? She needs it for her cure, I was supposed to get it but it might be better if you get some for here, just teleport there and head to Zecora alright?" Caerson whispered in Twilight's ear quietly, as he was worried for Twilight's safety, he had grown very attached to her, Twilight was his best friend at this very point, and he couldn't deny that she had changed him alot, changed in a good way, he felt like he had regained something that he had lost long ago. The corpse was now laying on the ground with the chains and the magic inhibitor still on her. She had grown even angrier after Shining Armour's response, the things he mentioned, the losses, everything that they had to endure she understood, but it was the way he was handling things, the way he had not even considered about what Montarion could even do, how he seemed so casual about that fact. 'He thinks I am ignorant? That is coming from the same pony who isn't even taking into consideration that they have been manipulated from the very start, and even for the fact they have allowed that manipulator to do as he pleased, from the very start, it shows how gullible everypony is here... How can I expect them to save everyone here if they don't even do the research themselves... No, somebody has to constantly tell them what is going on, and that is going to be dead to all of us.' The corpse thought with anger. 'And now Treasured himself shows up right at their doorstep... And then that wretched engineer, that lowlife alien thinks he can help, but his kind is the reason we are suffering! I am surrounded by idiots and buffoons, not knowing how to properly deal with a situation. But I am not going to sit here and let them destroy everything that Equestria has striven for, I am going to take matters into my own hooves... It is only 2 weeks before the meteor arrives, I WON'T let ponykind be the victim of extinction, mark my words!' She thought with determination and anger.
  20. Caerson was thinking for a moment how he was going to explain these things since it was both pretty difficult subjects to talk about. "Well... The marked ones is an easier thing to explain, it is curse given by Valtrek to specific individuals, who end up slowly giving birth to entities in their bodies, who are born from the very emotions, thoughts, and feelings of said person, but serve a big purpose in the end. Your friend Jack used to have that curse from what I had heard." Caerson told them. "But the purple void part is hard to explain... Not only because of how complex it is, but also because I don't know a whole lot about it, though I do know some people who know more about the subject, though I will try my best to explain regardless." "The purple void is one of the many names given to the entity or, in some even call a *god*, which is worshipped by the infamous Blood Cult, tough many know this entity, the Devourer, simply for the fact that it consumes souls. Now... the Blood Cult itself is a pretty sour subject to talk about, but to give a good explanation, the blood cult is not just a cult or anything, it is an ENTIRE race. Of course, the Blood Cult is mostly populated by the Raukan that had left their planet just weeks before the event that we all know as the destruction of Raukan. But aside from those Raukan, it also populated by many other races, in fact... At this point, the entire cult seems to be a mixture of like 40 races." "To make it clear, the Blood Cult is not one massive alliance, but rather consist of a big amount of separate clans, which seems to be a call back to the ancient days of the Raukan empire, who also seemed to utilize separate clans before its unification. And keep in mind, a member of the Blood Cult can no longer be considered to be alive nor dead, but rather in a state outside of those 2, i think the best and logical term of a blood cult member would be a Perpetual, given how they are spirits which utilize bodies from either their original host or something else." "So from what I can gather here, she is blaming us for how she has become one of them, stating that the reason is because we let someone called *soul shaper* escape, which I can presume is a blood cult member that might have been here, though I can't know whether what is she is telling is the truth or not, I haven't been here for that long," Caerson explained. "Those are sadly the only things I know about them, where I come from there have barely been any sightings or rumours about the Blood Cult, while in some other places they seem to be more rampant." He said with a shrug. "All you have been allowing these things regardless of what you were aware of!" The corpse barked at Shining Armour with anger. "Where was the royal guard when those monsters started appearing? From what I have heard, most of them have been pulled back, to evacuate some backdoor village while all the bigger cities and other villages have left out! What is it about that?! Nobility gets treatment first?!" She shrieked. "You expected us to act as a bunch of conscripts because the very military that is supposed to protect us is absent? The only detachments of Royal Guard that were present where the ones that had been assigned as city guards long before, there is no excuse for the absence of the Royal Guard." "And don't you dare to try and justify these reasons, because there is no justification in leaving other cities to die while focusing all of the attention on places where ponies in high places happen to reside! You know what happened to those very cities? Death! They had fallen not long after the initial invasion had already begun, had you sent reinforcements, those cities would not have fallen the way they did!" "Face it, the Royal Guard doesn't know how to handle threats that it isn't familiar with, the changeling wars was one thing that may have been ended long ago, but things wouldn't have turn out the way they did if selfish greed of nobility hadn't been present, Hollow Shades is one of the many places that you all left to die... The Soulshaper has been rigging everything thus far and manipulating things that has been going on here. You know who I am talking about! That creature with that twisted smile, its crazy powers and manipulative nature... The so-called *Mythic Crunch* who disguised himself as a green earth pony, so don't play stupid with me!" "Not to mention Treasured has been able to benefit so much from this situation, with all the now unprotected cities, scattered ponies, and overall lack of protection, tell me Prince Shining, how does it feel that you have let down your entire race all so you could give extra benefit to those close to you? I bet your daughter wouldn't have left the way she did, or what might even happen to her..." The corpse said.

    Intense Emperor worshipping in












  22. "Y-yes sir!" The 2 guards said with a fast salute as they ran out of the room to get the inhibitor. Caerson kept a close eye on the corpse and waited for the guards to return while the 2 remaining guards drew their weapons in case the creature would try to escape. The guards eventually returned with a magical inhibitor and the strongest cuffs that they could find, which would go on all 4 of the creature's hooves. "Alright, I will place the magical inhibitor around its horn while you 2 equip the cuffs on it." Caerson told the 2 guards. "Twilight and Shining, you 2 put the shield down the moment I give the signal, I and the guards can handle this." Caerson told the both of them. Tough it was obvious he didn't expect an answer in return and knew they would put the shield down. When the Caerson gave the signal and when the shield went down, the guards quickly put the shackles around the corpse's hooves, while Caerson quickly put the magical inhibitor around the corpse's horn. But when the effects of the magical inhibitor started working, something happenend, but not something bad, far from it. "Mari Da Lie-......." The corpse suddenly stopped its ranting in the weird language as he noticed something, and it became apparent what happenend, when the magical inhibitor started nullifying the magic of the corpse, it had also nullified the magic that had disabled his vocal cords, or atleast, something that prevented it from talking in an understandable language. "You... You monsters... Allowing one of the marked ones to be dwelling in your lands, leading these horrors to feast upon innocent lives and allowing them to grow stronger by all the conversions... And worst of all, you are all feeding the purple void, allowing the soul shaper to escape like that, dooming all of us in the process..." The corpse said slowly, the voice sounded female, the same voice as the mare originally had, but something was not right about it, she knew about things that she would have never known off in her previous life. But there important things mentioned, the marked ones were referring to the those who had been cursed by Valtrek, placing entities in the bodies of the cursed ones and eventually letting them transform into abominations, the same curse that Jack used to have, the very person that the mare was now referring to. The purple void was one of the many names that were given to the one thing that every member of the Blood Cult seemed to worship, but it was mostly known as the Devourer. And the last one was somewhat easy to figure out for those who remembered the last name of the person she was referring to, Montarion, the person that Jack had killed in the Temple, or so everyone had believed, because back then none of them knew yet of the factor that the body was more or less a costume to them, where the spirit was the real body. "All of you... Have done this to me... Allowed some of us, including me to... To turn into slaves of the purple void, and even death will no longer work to free us. I will never forgive any of you! We have been suffering while all of you have been having it good, but now it is time that you will feel our pain, and know what it means to suffer... You ignorant fools..." The mare hissed with a hint of venom in her voice. With the slavery part, she meant that her soul had been devoured by the purple void, and had been replaced with a replaced soul that had retained her former memories, turning her into a slave, with no way of freedom. The moment that Montarion had dropped those purple spores on the ground, it had reached some of the ponies, and those very ponies have suffered the same fates.
  23. Caerson looked at the ongoing situation with worry written on his face. Obviously, he didn't know what to do, he was no magic user and as far as he knew there was nothing he could do himself other than keep on guard. However, he did have a plan. "We might want to resort to a permanent situation since this will only work temporarily, do any of you happen to have those erm... Magic disable things that you put on someone's horn?" Caerson asked everyone. "In any case, don't kill that thing, that purple smoke isn't normal, and I can safely assume that this *corpse* isn't something that we believe it is. if anybody can get one of those horn disablers, and some very strong cuffs, then we should restrain this creature, and lock it up!" Caerson said with urgency. "I don't know exactly what this thing is yet, but something is not right.." He muttered, patiently waiting for anyone to respond. The Guards, however, where terrified, they were ready to act if given any orders or if the corpse would ever manage to get free. The corpse shrieked when it got impaled, and started to trash its hooves around wildly, but because of all the moving, it only got more and more pain. It became apparent that the creature seemed very desperate in trying to escape as it didn't stop panicking or rather throwing a massive tantrum in that sense, even despite the constant pain, but it didn't really matter since none of that would get it free in the first place.
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