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Eternal Night

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Everything posted by Eternal Night

  1. Monster a go-go, my obsession with terrible films hasn't killed me yet but it sure came close with this one.... I think I have issues.
  2. Postal 2, which that reminds me. Do any of you guys wanna sign my petition
  3. (Sorry for the massive hold up, family friend just had a baby in case you didn't see my post.) As Fortunato made his way towards the club recruitment booths the crowds of confused and disoriented students only seemed to get larger and larger. It was utter tragedy, Fortunato was certain disaster areas were better managed than this. Still he had to try and if and the other students, crowd or no crowd. His boss is already quite upset at how poorly the ceremony went, Celestia only knew what would happen if he failed now. After hearing a few students bickering off in the distance he turned to notice a unicorn wearing the group 11 badge on his chest. Noticing this he stampeded through the crowd hurdling a nearby display table and pushing past another student knocking her to the ground. When he finally caught up to the student he was totally out of breath. He tapped lightly on the students shoulder and smiled as best as he could while trying catch his breath. Only for it to come off in the creepiest fashion it possibly could. "E-E-excuse me," he muttered in between gasps. "But I've been looking all over for someone like you..." His unintentionally stalkerish smile widened as the unexpecting unicorn turned to face him.
  4. @@Firehearted, "Man was that really necessary?" I said dusting myself off a little. "You know how I feel about you manhandling me like that, we've had to of had this conversation a thousand times now." I knew those words fell on deaf ears as usual, Atlas did whatever he wanted. He was such a one track minded kinda guy nothing I could say would really change the way he acted. I took a seat on a nearby bench off to the side of the exercise yard, there were very few ponies out and about as most were still eating breakfast. I wondered what was up with that guard to throw us out like that, though I guess worrying about it now doesn't make much difference he's probably just having a bad day. "Anyway, I'd like to have a conversation with that girl too. I have a feeling good things would come from making friends with her. Most of the prisoners here are scared of her, having her as a friend would do wonders for us I think." Having her as an ally would make life in here extremely easier among other things. The only values that the scum in her respected was fear, I couldn't even begin to imagine the power we'd have if Atlas, her, and I all formed an alliance. Just the fantasy alone is enough for me to wanna risk letting another into my thin circle of trust.
  5. @@Firehearted, "Ah come on Atlas," I jokingly whined. "I think you owe me one after saving you from becoming that raven's dinner." Knowing Atlas he's got something good cooked up, I know that look in his eye all to well. Whatever he wanted from that pony would be interesting to find out to say the least. Besides he knows he couldn't stop me from finding out if I really wanted to know, he knows the full extent of my abilities a too well. Perhaps a little too well... Well time has shown that he's true to his word, and admittedly I would say I trusted him as much as I could. Still there was something off about him, something I could never fully understand about him. Though if I was going to survive in here I'd need his help, there was only so much I could do alone in here, it'd be nice to have a friend again.
  6. "Its a pleasure to meet you Ms.Fukamoto," I'm Dr.Fortunato head of magic research. he said with a smile. "Er, sorry, I didn't mean for that to sound weird. You were on my roster for my tour group 11. Its how I knew your last name.." "Great way to be awkward off the bat" he thought to himself. "The student we are looking for was supposed to be in the same group, but well this whole ceremony is kind of a mess right now..." Fortunato laughs nervously, realizing its partly his fault why things are so screwed up. "I'm looking for a Ms.Scarlet Rose there have been, well actually there have been complications with both of your rooms so running into you kind of works out." He takes out a form and hand it over to Dawn. "Unfortunately the single dorms you requested were actually already reserved by some upperclassmen so we're going to have to ask you share a room with Ms.Scarlet. That form right there has the details of where your stuff was moved to, as well as your new location." "You'll be staying in research labs living quarters for awhile till things get sorted out." Fortunato studied his roster for a bit. "Actually it seems this whole group has been moved to the research labs, I guess we better find the rest of the tour group. Rather odd, but there has been a heavy increase in the freshmen class here so I assume housing has its hands full as is." Fortunato jotted down a couple names on a sheet of paper. @@supersonicfan91, @@Yoshikupo, "If you see either of these two tell them the meet me at the research labs at 5pm and I'll explain everything, I'm sure the tour has already took you by them or they will eventually." "Oh and one more thing, that D-Pad fellow is a minor so you'll have to let him know to notify his folks if you find him before me. I'm going to look around for the others, see you in the evening." With that entirely one sided conversation Fortunato trotted off towards the club sign up booths, figuring at least one of them would be looking at clubs before offical sign-ups next week.
  7. EVE: Online, lots of crazy stuff is going down in the region i live in. Lots of really big fleet battles and such, it's a wild time.
  8. All this overtime is going to kill me, I thought I was supposed to be on spring break...

  9. -Afternoon (Please see my OOC post that will be up in a moment.) Fortunato sighed in relief as the campus tour finally ended. The tour lasted a little longer than he had hoped, and was admittedly more stressful than last years. The attendance rate was extremely high this year as the amount of scholarships increased dramatically and along with it, the number of problems. The ceremony was utterly unprepared for this number of students and as such they began to scatter about. A lot of students actually got completely seperated from the tour itself. It was an utter disaster to say the least.. and it only made his current job all the much harder. @, Fortunato after sleeping through almost the entirity of the ceremony was tasked to find a student by the name of Scarelet Rose. He had to inform her that her room accommodations had been entirely screwed up, and that she needed to move her stuff to the correct dorm. She was originally supposed to be in his tour group "group 11" (his favorite number) but after that huge mess every pony was just scattered around doing their own thing. Not knowing what the mare looked like, he tried to find others in his group that could probably tell him. He wandered around aimlessly until he came across an odd made wearing a thick cloak with group tag "11" pinned to her chest in the midst of what seemed like a still ongoing tour group. Fortunato thought it was odd that this mare was wearing a cloak in the middle of summer, and found it odder still that there was a tour group still going on long after it was scheduled to end. @@Drago Ryder, He tapped the mare on the shoulder. "Excuse, but I'm looking for someone. You think you could help me?"
  10. @@Firehearted, "Yea you can that again, I've been subsistening off this slop for 3 months now," I say shuttering while trying to my meal down. "Its nice to see a friendly face around here though. Its been rather lonely keeping myself away from these brutes." @@Pripyat Pony, I point to a green and black mained mare. "You see her? Her names Jinx or Jay or whatever, I don't know she seems to change her mind everyday. Rumor has it she took a whole bunch if hostages or what not during some crazy heist. My advice, stay away from her if you can." I take another bite, my eyes tearing up as I tried not to gag.
  11. Fortunato sat in boredom as the commencement ceremony dragged on, and on. It was the same thing every fall, an hour of "motivational" speeches followed by the nonsense that was university policies. It was an utterly pointless event, the staff knew it, the people involved in the ceremony knew it, and the students especially could care less. "Why do they even force me to come to these things..." He sighed to himself. "Is it really necessary for teaching staff to have to come to these things?" Forunato's eyes wandered around the room trying to alleviate some of his boredom. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed a younger student playing a game on a handheld, instantaneously jealous of that kids foresight. "Man that was a great idea, why didn't I think of that?" Not that it really mattered much now, the ceremony wasn't going to drag on for too much longer anyway. Soon he was going to have to chaperone a bunch freshmen around campus and hand out their schedules. It was an odd thing for a larger institution like this to do, but this was one of the many things that made this university standout from the rest. Fortunato kicked back in his seat a but and shut his eyes, by the time he woke up hopefully the ceremony would be over.
  12. (Link to the OCC) http://mlpforums.com/topic/123457-persona-shadows-of-the-crystal-mirror/ Sun. Aug 16 -Morning (sorry forgot the date the first time) Canterlot University, widely known as the most prestigious center of higher learning in all of Equestria. From its pristine centers of learning to the beautiful and iconic campus there is arguably no better place to further ones education. You along with hundreds of other freshmen are eager to persue your dreams. After checking in and moving into your dorms, you along with the rest of the freshmen class begin flocking to the historic auditorium near the center of campus for orientation.
  13. @@Firehearted, I do a quick double take, there was no way that could be... It really was, I'd recognize that ridiculous fez anywhere. "Ha, you think I would." I chuckled "I didn't think I'd see you again for awhile!!!" I forced down a little of this awful food then looked back at Atlas. "I've been doing alright, serving my time quietly. Its amazing just how much trouble you can get in for simply ripping a tag off a mattress." I joked. Out all the ponies I've met in my travels, Atlas was certainly the oddest. Still, even with that and after that crazy adventure on that god forsaken rock I was glad to see him. A familiar face is always a good thing around here, plus it was starting to get rather boring being on my lonesome in here. "How have you been, and more importantly how did YOU out of everyone end up here? Don't tell me that network of yours fell apart, I was kinda hoping of a job once I get out of here."
  14. I sat alone at a table in the corner eating my breakfast as I watched the daily spectical that was breakfast at one of the most infamous prisons in Manehatten. It was amazing watching both the most infamous crooks and all the petty criminals unfortunate enough to get locked up here act in the most barbaric and inhumane manner. A ponywatcher such as myself usually relish in spectating these self-inflicted atrocities. However given the nature of the arrest that lead me togetting thrown in here myself, it kind of utterly kills the experience for me to say the least. During the past few months I've spent here, I've learned just how low some ponies would stoop just to get by in here. Heck I've seen a pony one time almost kill someone over an I've cream sandwich brought in from the outside, I mean who does that? I'm just glad I've been able to keep my sanity for so long, flying just under the radar to avoid any unnecessary conflict. After my last little adventure I really wasn't keen for anymore excitement.. I figure as long as I lay low and keep my nose clean, I'll be out of here in no time for good behavior.
  15. @@Firehearted, (Yea I honestly have no idea what to do this post, used up all my creativity the last two.) I didn't hear a word that Atlas said, my heavy eyes were already slamming shut as a wave of incredible exhaustion overcame me. Nearly the moment I had rested my head against the bed of moss I had completely passed out. I dreamt of nothing that night as my body was treated to a pure restful sleep.
  16. Blast from the past, I can still feel the manly tears I cried while playing that game. Also I'm playing EUIV and while marketing in EVE: Online
  17. @, @@Firehearted, (Oh you...) With the beast disgustingly eating what seemed to be another pony in the distance, I began to guide Atlas away from the beast. Using my expert knowledge on stealth I guide the two us silently out of harms way without so much as a peep. All while surprisingly keeping up my invisibility spell, once I find a nice hiding spot in the woods. I decloak the two of us and immediately pop one of my meds as the typical migraine begins to settle in. I collapse a little under the exhaustion and hand Atlas my blade and my crossbow. "Stay silent and keep watch, I'm afraid i'm going to be useless for a little while till my medicine kicks in." I whispered silently, propping myself against a bed of moss. "If you see anything, stay out of sight, I don't think I need to tell you why we should avoid a fight right now." I take out a small bottle of cover scent and spray some on both me and Atlas. "There that should keep that anything from sniffing us out," I smile a little "Glad I kept this little bottle, helped me out more than once avoiding animal patrols. We're going to smell like dirt for awhile but we should be "safer" for now." As long as we kept totally quiet I was confident the raven or whatever the hell it was wouldn't find us, or at least until i gained some of my magic back, its going to be at least an hour or two before i'm back to some sort of spell casting condition. I had at least one more spell in me, but after that it'd be up to Atlas to handle things. I may have been rather jumpy to say the least here, but I don't care as long as I'd make it out alive. Hopefully things calm down soon I don't think I can take much more "excitement" like this.
  18. @@Firehearted, As the bird forcefully removed Atlas's gun, I re-actively casted off my flare spell, blinding both Atlas and the creature and buying us some time. I quickly grabbed my crossbow with one hoof and Atlas in the other and teleported both of us into some nearby shrubbery. While the creature was still dazed I casted my invisibility spell, it was certainly taxing on me, especially after teleporting the two of us, but I manage to cloak both of us perfectly. I'm certainly going to be feeling this in the morning.... I whisper to Atlas. "not a sound, and no sudden movements. I don't know how long I can keep this up so just stay put and hopefully the damn thing goes away..." I make sure to use my sound spell to divert the sound waves to make it seem like we were talking behind the bird, hopefully the bird takes the bait and flies off in the opposite direction. My head started throbbing, I was starting to feel the effects of my condition... This was going to be a long night....
  19. Morning showerer for the sane reason, even going to bed with it dry makes my hair stand all nightmarishly in the morning.
  20. @@Firehearted, (I think its midnight, not sure) "Hey you, get up! Get up!" I yelled at Atlas, shaking him for good measure. It all happened so quickly, one moment I was passed out, the next I hear some tree branches break followed by this huge black raven casually sitting on one of the branches. The raven stared at me with a gaze that flooded me with fear, I wanted to run but I couldn't leave Atlas behind. He was my ticket off this island after all, amongst other things. I keep shaking him, all while keeping an eye on the raven. The moment that thing makes a move, I want outta there.
  21. @@Firehearted, (I'll try and post at least once I'm already terrible at contributing lol) "Will do, good night..." With that Atlas was out like a light, rather quickly too seeing how he's sleeping on the bare ground. I stayed up a little while longer, watching the stars in pure amazement. I had forgotten just how fascinating the night sky was, it was like I had found a part of myself that I thought was missing this whole time. It was like my cutiemark actually had a purpose for once and wasn't just overly glorified decoration. I look down at my cutiemark, its newly formed stars barely peaking through the explosion of colorful gases made me wonder. How did my life get so messed up... A wave of melancholy over took me, but that's when I made a vow to myself. With the rediscovery of my forgotten passion I promised myself, when and if I got off this island I will persue my dream finally. With that thought aside I continued to watch the skies, my flank tingling as a bright star began to pierce through the nebula shining illuminously against the clouds of thick, vivid, gases. It felt as though this was the first of many steps in a long, long journey.
  22. gotta love when someone gets fired and you have to cover their shifts. Makes me wonder who's actually getting punished...

    1. Scrubbed user

      Scrubbed user

      Last time someone was fired at my workplace, it was funny.

    2. Eternal Night

      Eternal Night

      What happened?

    3. Scrubbed user

      Scrubbed user

      He got shitfaced during lunch break. I think he may have tried to hide it, but failed miserably. I actually saw him ask a woman out, bordering on sexual harassment. Maybe I'm an evil bastard, but I just stood back and tried to contain my laughter. A couple of hours after he was let go, the bottle of Brisk that had whisky mixed into it was found. I took a whiff of it and it nearly knocked on my ass.

  23. @@Firehearted, (Got called into work this whole weekend sorry) "Wow, that was certainly a mouthful..." I said flabbergasted. "You had an interesting life to say the least." I guess his story kinda explains those episodes of his, he must have been through countless traumatic events. "I gotta say I envy you for being stationed in that icebox of yours. I ended up being stationed in Manehatten after basic, so I didn't even get to leave my hometown." That was a lie, I never did go to boot camp formaly. With my disability I wasn't even allowed to enlist normally, but everything is a little different when you have the right skill set. At the end of day, even the guard needs someone do to their dirty work. I was also only stationed in Manehatten to spy on the mob families and other criminal organizations. "I'm actually rather jealous, you get to do what I ways wanted. Travel the world. Meet interesting people." I sighed "I was so poor, I never really left Manehatten. The few times I did was with my mother... but that's neither here nor there." I smile gently to myself. "Seeing the night sky like this, sure does bring back some memories." I stared back up at the gorgeous sky and watched a shooting star streak through the night. I said nothing nothing more, and just sat there in the usual amazement I felt when I looked at the stars, the same feeling I had all those years ago when I just a colt.
  24. @@Firehearted, @, (Okay) "It's cool, I can be a bit of a night owl myself sometimes if you can tell." I what he meant by "his reasons" probably has something to do with that traumatized expression he had earlier. He was a rather strange guy to say the least.... "As for me, I'm really not all that interesting. I grew up living in the poorest districts of Manehatten with my father after my mom decided to walk out on us. My mother was an astronomer and was pretty much the breadwinner, once she left dad lost his job and we were forced to live off scrapes to survive. We were forced to fend for ourselves, it's a different world living in ghetto. I started stealing things when I was younger, just so my father didn't have to worry about feeding me and paying our bills. It was a hard life, and it wasn't much better even after I stopped living with dad..." I stopped speaking for a moment, why was I even telling this guy anything? I hardly even known him for a day, and yet here I am telling him my life's story. How do I know I can even trust him? Though I suppose if he actually has these so called connections or network whatever he's calling it, I'm going end up telling him this anyway. Besides he's bound to find out sooner or later who I really am, I'm surprised with all of his connections he hasn't been able to figure it out yet. I mean sure I'm a small fry, but I still had some pull in the criminal world. My magic was a dead give away too... "After school, I couldn't afford to go to a university but I didn't want to try and make a life for myself in Manehatten, and my father didn't either. I did a few odd jobs around the city for a little while, but eventually I ended up enlisting in the royal guard with a little help from a friend. For a little while in my life I was able to make an honest living and was able to live comfortably, that was until I got discharged..." That memory was still too fresh in my mind, I would do anything to just to forget that whole mess. I swear if I ever saw that girl again.... I realized I was beginning to show too much emotion at that and calmed down as much as I could. "Anyways, once I was booted out of the guard I broke, penniless, and couldn't find a job anywhere, so I went back to the only thing I knew how to. Dad was rather upset that I got booted out of the guard, I pretty much pissed away my only chance of making something of myself. But whats done is done, I can't really change that. After that I fell into the wrong crowd, started doing jobs for the Manehatten mob families." I flashed him the pins on my collar. "Everything eventually went straight to hell after that, and now after pretty much the most botched job ever all the mobs hate me and I'm on the run from seemingly all of Equestria by now. I'm actually surprised that knight on the boat didn't recognize me, there's countless of wanted posters out for my arrest by the time I left." I sigh. "That's really all there is to me, I make terrible life decisions and then blame all my problems on my good for nothing mother."
  25. @@Firehearted, "Yikes that certainly sounds horrifing!" I say in obviously joking manner. "Though in all seriousness I can keep a secret. Besides even if I blabbed no one would take a street urchin like me seriously anyway." I say in a reassuring manner. I spread the sleeping mat Atlas so kindly lent me out on the ground, and begin to settle down. The stars were already shinning brightly in the sky as I began to relax. My eyes immediately darted upwards to the sky to take in the sight, it had been years since I've been able gaze upon the night sky like this. The lights of Manehatten truly did a disservice to Luna's beautiful nights. "Its a beautiful night out isn't it?" I say without adverting my gaze. "I can't remember the last time I've seen this many stars." I smile softly to myself, only to hide the sorrow in my heart. "Anyway, what were you trying to tell me?"
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