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The Shyest One

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Everything posted by The Shyest One

  1. 'How tf am I going to make a chest piece for Ahuizotl?' /cosplay thoughts
  2. I'm okay, I've been sick for about over a month and just trying to get better for BabsCon.
  3. Banned because that's what senpais do, sometimes.
  4. Its rather strong, yes. Tpam knows what a capybara is without looking it up.
  5. Its a really good movie that's can make references and be subtle about it. Its game cabinet irl also looks good. Also, Zangief isn't a bad guy. Preferred gaming console?
  6. Wreck-It Ralph 2! Have you seen the first one?
  7. Eh, mi Español es mas o menos. (Because I took 2 years of it in school) tpam has a pet!
  8. Actually put in my 2 weeks notice yesterday. What's your favorite fruit?
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