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Usual Crypty

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Everything posted by Usual Crypty

  1. Hello again and welcome to the party ^x^ I can assure you, you chose the right place. Fave fun ^e^
  2. I just want to let you know that your pfp is extremely adorable ^•^

    Welcome to the forum and have a nice Spooktober ^e^

    1. hyperspritz


      aw thank you!! I drew it myself right before joining :3

      happy scary <3

    2. Usual Crypty

      Usual Crypty

      I didn't event doubt you drew it ^•^ It looks pretty unique. I know you wrote you are going to lurk in your profile but I hope to see more of your art on the forum ^e^

  3. I love you, Misty, and will be missing you. *Sob* UPD: The Nightmare Night is the Night when I can put my mask off and reveal true face of mine! Muahahaha! Have a horrible Spooktober everypony
  4. Well. I feel like, after some disturbance last weekend, my emotional sea is finally calmed down enough to raise a sail again ^•^ Have a nice day/good night ponies. I love you. ^w^
  5. Oh, many times! Gadget Hackwrench is just example. When lady is smartass and creative at the same time, I can't stay calm ^///^
  6. I'm feeling slightly bored. I'll probably watch some cartoons an will go to sleep. ^•^
  7. @Rethajni, it isn't bad. That people aren't successful, they just rude. You just need other people who understand. Let's be honest, you need someone at lest to share your worlds. Even introvert needs friends to be happy. I can tell you this as an introvert and daydreamer. We evolved millions years as social species and can't wipe this fact within one life. Universe has some limitations we can not overcome. Like death, sleep, food, and sure we all need to deal with "Real World" either. This material world is a foundation you are building your own worlds above. We can not change it but we can learn more about it to be prepared to it's threats. But also it contains many beautiful things which could become an inspiration for your own universe. I wish you to find a harmony with material world so it could be your helper, not a foe. And friends to share your own universe. And stay yourself, @Rethajni, it's important.
  8. Sweet new avatar, Azure ^•^

  9. Devoted to all my friends. Don't forget to have fun in this mess =P


  10. I'm feeling good and defined. After venting to a friend I escaped a loop of uncertainty regained contact with reality. ^•^
  11. That's cool that you know what can uplift you ^•^
  12. Usually people are mentioning that they are feeling more comfortable if you use tone tags to talk them. I have seen several mentions of tone tags in the Internet but really used them in conversation only once, so I consider them pretty rare.
  13. Like I got a brand new pair of wings ^•^
  14. Oooh, my favorite is Jazzzzz! I can exploit her pony muzzle expression so badly 9e9
  15. Sure, I remember it now, yours is a silver fox mask
  16. I bet this mysterious gentleman shall be extremely flattered and having a blush under his fancy mask when he will be reading this. I can not see it could be different. @ComanderZhabikKlavik isn't it your mask?
  17. (Just noticed) Haha! That's brilliant. I'll remember this.
  18. Happy birthday, Samurai Sama!!1


    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      @Creepy Scribbles

      Thank you, Scribbles-san! :grin:
      ...How do you do that? :wau:

    2. Usual Crypty

      Usual Crypty

      How do I do what? Emojis?

      Stealing is magic!

      (ノ>ω<)ノ :。・:*:・゚’★,。・:*:・゚’☆


    3. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Well, I guess the saying is true. Fake it to make it. :ButtercupLaugh:

  19. Nowadays every any content creator is a hero. I pay respect to @Saphire Systrine. *Salutes*
  20. Yo can not compare till you try both. I have tried all milks in the universe! And chocolate is tastest... But! I'll fight "one milk to rule them all" dictatorship wherever I go.
  21. Congratulations @Cash In! Let's celebrate the freedom to chose any milk flavour you like! That was irresponsible. Time travelling isn't a joke!
  22. Oh, I have something to share, yes. Younger pet rat of my wife is terrible snorer. Have you ever heard how rat does snore?! I feel sorry for him and laughing so badly so feeling guilt at the same time. Nasal drops are helping for a while.
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