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Artimis Whooves

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Status Updates posted by Artimis Whooves

  1. I finally got my own computer! :love: 

    1. The_Gobo


      Whoo hoo!
      Congrats! :V

  2. I watched a ytp and then decided to listen to a remix of the mlp theme. Halfway through it, I forgot it was a remix and thought it was another ytp...

  3. I just found this awesome remix: 


  4. Is it possible to change the title above my name?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Artimis Whooves

      Artimis Whooves

      Yes, but i'll check again.

      I just looked, I still don't see the option for it...

    3. Venomous



      After speaking with another staff members, the option to alter said title has probably not yet been added/encoded into its new layout. Thus, your best bet would be to contact an administrator to see if they can alter your title, as they are generally the ones who can change it aside from members themselves.

      (I apologize for the various spelling errors. My tablet is acting up!)

    4. Artimis Whooves

      Artimis Whooves

      Okay, thanks!I think I'll just wait until it gets added in.

  5. Why are there photography directors on animated shows?

    1. The_Gobo


      Because 'visual artist' is a title that gets paid less o3o


  6. I just did the math, Trixie makes up 15.384615384615385% of my pony collection.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Artimis Whooves

      Artimis Whooves

      It's not enough though... :blink:


      I think I have an addiction...

    3. Trottermare Galamane

      Trottermare Galamane

      At least tell me you have a cheerilee statue?

    4. Artimis Whooves

      Artimis Whooves

      Not yet, trying to get at least one of everypony though! Most of the mlp figures I get are from blind bags/ fashems capsules.

  7. I just bought a music making program called rhythm core alpha 2, Hopefully I can get good with this software!

    1. The_Gobo


      Woo hoo!
      Incoming Music!

    2. Trottermare Galamane

      Trottermare Galamane

      if you can learn to drop the bass right you will own it ¦) or at least get a laugh out of the rest of the fish ‡D

  8. I just found this awesome video:


  9. I just got my first tattoo yesterday, what do you guys think?


  10. I haven't heard this in a long time and it just randomly popped up in my youtube suggestions,,,


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Artimis Whooves

      Artimis Whooves

      Yea, I don't really like digital downloads for songs, I'd rather use that memory for something important.

    3. Messy Mane

      Messy Mane

      same here XD i grew up with dvd,vhs,cd,etc..

    4. Scrubbed user

      Scrubbed user

      A radio station I listen to plays that occasionally. I should add it to my Spotify playlist.

  11. Hopefully this'll brighten somebody's day:


    1. Storm Shine

      Storm Shine

      I love it XD

    2. The_Gobo


      Didn't laugh, but it was well worth a good smile XD


  12. I tried to type "Get gud skrub" and and spell check changed it to "git gud skrub". What is spellcheck trying to do?

    Screenshot 2017-04-05 at 10.57.25 PM.png

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The_Gobo


      'git' is a word. Not sure why it's trying to add it there though, that's odd o3o


    3. Artimis Whooves
    4. The_Gobo


      Aye, it's British slang. Meaning approx' 'idiot' 'dummy' or something similar


  13. Does anybody now when they're going to announce the new staff from when they were asking for applications? or did they do it already and I missed it?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The_Gobo


      How now brown cow?
      or did you mean know?
      Because I don't :V


    3. Artimis Whooves

      Artimis Whooves

      Oops, I meant know...

    4. The_Gobo
  14. I just found this, it's really cool!




    1. The_Gobo


      Eh, still prefer the original.
      Just not feelin' the wubs


  15. Bath tubs are reverse boats

    1. Trottermare Galamane

      Trottermare Galamane

      so whats a bird bath then, is it a sky lake?
      "by Ravenpuff"

    2. The_Gobo


      Birbhorse does a bath =w=


  16. I just found this pretty cool song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00IUDZ4Fcl8

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. The_Gobo


      It was meant to be in response to how much bass was in your video o3o


    3. Artimis Whooves

      Artimis Whooves

      I get that. But that video was still weird...

    4. The_Gobo


      Well it's Russians :V
      Russians are weird sometimes lol


  17. Anybody know when they're gonna announce the new staff?

    1. The_Gobo


      No idea, didn't know that was also a thing


  18. Just ate a scorpion, kinda tasted like butter...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Artimis Whooves

      Artimis Whooves

      I do, it's just easier to find them as candy. I like them by themselves the best though.

    3. Messy Mane

      Messy Mane

      sounds yummy XD

    4. Artimis Whooves
  19. Hey, the brohoof button's back!

  20. Wow, I just got back online... This looks so weird!  Hopefully this will work out better than the old design though!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Artimis Whooves

      Artimis Whooves

      Cool, I'mma make mine

    3. Artimis Whooves

      Artimis Whooves

      What are the dimensions supposed to be?

    4. Messy Mane

      Messy Mane

      tbh idk XD mines was 498x331

  21. I finally added a new page to my website after putting it off for a month

    1. Show previous comments  31 more
    2. Artimis Whooves

      Artimis Whooves

      Yea, didn't you suggest that shade of green?

    3. Trottermare Galamane

      Trottermare Galamane

      yes I did pal ‡D it is the color of the light part of a jade stone ¦)

    4. Artimis Whooves
  22. Just bought pokemon blue last night and I'm finally playing it today! As a test I transferred my bulbasaur to pokemon sun and it had it's hidden ability, so awesome!

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