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Dynamo Pad

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Everything posted by Dynamo Pad

  1. @Calico Dynamo nodded at her reassurance as he returned the hug. "I'm just glad that everything turned out okay and that everything worked out. It's always good to have a rival because you know you'll meet them again. That, or you might meet them for the first time and feel that special connection." He nods at her remark as he could see how they could relate to each other. "Those are just critics, who don't know good music when they've seen it. I may not have heard a lot of music in my time, but I could listen to your songs and think they are awesome. It's always good to change things up, whenever you have a sudden spark of inspiration." He says as he returns the nuzzle. "I'm really glad that you and I are, or were rivals. No matter what, I'll always see you as my special someone and my rival. I'm glad that I'm a part of your's and Dusk's life, as well as having both of you in my life." He was caught off guard as Dusk went up to him and hugged him tight. He looked down and picked Dusk up as he hugged the blue unicorn some more. He felt bad that he was making the young colt cry, but he smiled softly at Dusk's kind words. "Oh, son. Please don't cry." He hugged the young colt close to him as he placed a hand behind his head. "I feel really special to have you and your mother in my life. Especially having Button, Night, Princess Luna and others that I've met. I've gone through a lot over the years, but knowing you're all here just shows how special I am. I feel rather lucky to be here right now. I wouldn't have it any other way." He pulled back from the hug to wipe Dusk's tears away with his thumb. "Now no more tears, okay? Where's that great smile that I like to see?" He ticked Dusk, until he was able to see a smile. Dynamo looks to Luna and gave her a grateful smile. He held out a hoof and waves said hoof to the Princess of the Night. "Thank you and please. You don't have to bow to me, Princess Luna. I see you as both my teacher and my friend, so there's no need to bow." He says as she explains what he would learn in her training. "I'm beginning to wonder what kind of magic I'll be learning. I know the standard light spell and levitation spell, but that's about it. My mother taught me the basics, but I could never get down the shield or laser spells." He says, while listing off everything he could do. Dynamo was surprised slightly that he would assist Luna in her dream walking abilities. "I've never had to dream walk before, but it sounds like a lot of fun. I'll help others out in any way that I can. I could even imagine that some dreams would have gaming levels in them." Button nods in agreement, before chuckling slightly. "I bet Princess Luna anticipated this and tried to see who could master that game."
  2. @Catpone Cerberus "That's good to hear. I wouldn't want to do anything that would make you feel bored. I want to include you in things and make you feel happy, sweetheart." He smiled as they made it up to the 8th episode in the first season. He looked towards the window to see that the sun was going down. He saw the episode was about to start and immediately hit the pause button. He stretched and got off of the couch, before making his way into the kitchen. "I'm taking your advice and having dinner, so I won't be hungry later on." He chuckled as he turned back to glance at his girlfriend. "Is there anything you would want me to make, Sunny?" He asks, but blushes as he heard her remark. "I'm glad to hear that you think about me like that. I can honestly say the same thing. It's never a boring or dull moment when I spend time with you, Sunlight."
  3. As the match got underway, Vergil moved in to attack Canteen first. Dynamo was surprised as the attack came to an abrupt halt, while Canteen asked Vergil to stop to use his inhaler. 'Why in the world did he even stop his attack. He should have continued and given himself an advantage. It's understandable that there should be honor. However, it seems like this tournament doesn't like honor or respect. Is this Canteen guy acting like he's some kind of comic book character?' He thought as the green dragon went to attack Aiden. Dynamo was slightly surprised, yet amazed that the green dragon created a force weapon from his fire breath. He watched as he actually scored a direct hit on Aiden. "So, it seems that they can be damaged. It's nice to see that aren't invincible." His eyebrows furrowed as he had a bad sense of foreboding. 'Why did it feel like Aiden was hit intentionally by that attack? Was he trying to see what his opponent could do?' He thought as Aiden made it back to the ring, before fighting the green dragon in close quarters. The blue unicorn watched as the attacks were non stop, while the ground shook from their relentless assault. It seemed as if neither side wanted to give an inch in this fight. His eyes widened slightly, before his eyes narrowed at Aiden's response. "So, he was just warming up in that whole fight? He could even break that dragon's arms? I wonder how much strength this guy even has." Dynamo looked back to the fight between Vergil and Canteen. He was surprised as Vergil's attacks weren't quick enough to land a hit against Canteen. Each attack was precise, yet nothing was working. He winced slightly as he could see and hear Canteen land a hit and broke Vergil's jaw. "How can someone be that quick? I didn't even blink and he just dodged or teleported. He may be random, but he has the power to back up his claim. I didn't think he'd go that far in breaking Vergil's jaw like that." He was stunned by the brutality, but knew this is what the tournament was all about. He couldn't help, but wonder if his magic would be enough to take on Canteen.
  4. @Calico Dynamo was in awe of what Luna was telling him. He looked over to Night, who was explaining that Luna being a gamer was a secret. He nodded almost immediately and gave Luna a serious look. "You have my word that I won't say a thing to anybody. There's not a lot of people that I talk to, to be honest. Regardless, they'd think I'd be talking about an old mare's tale." He smiled softly at the mentioning of the tournament he went to a few months back. In truth, this wasn't his first time seeing the Princess of the Night. However, this was his actual first time meeting her in person. "Thank you for helping me on that day. I don't know what I would have done without your guidance." He bowed humbly to show his thanks and appreciation. He looked up and nods at her explanation. He knew how some rivalries could end up good, or could go badly without warning. "I've had my share of bad rivalries. Even if the one you face is rude or disrespectful. You still can't help, but respect how well they play in a game. If I am able to help, then I will help show the right way to have a good rivalry. A rivalry should always end in friendship and respect, in my opinion." Button nodded in agreement to some of Broken's remark. "It's true. I would see her in certain days of the week. Always on the same arcade machine and wanting to beat the high score. Sometimes she would make a small mistake and then start over with new determination." Dynamo's ears fell as he felt bad for making Broken feel that way. "I'm sorry that happened to you, Broken. I wasn't trying to make you lose sleep or friends. I just play and try to have fun. I always want to try and push myself to new heights when I play. I never really saw it as breaking records." As she continued to explain today's events, Dynamo smiled fondly to the gray mare next to him. "I can say the same thing. At first, I thought you were someone who wanted to break a record to prove a point. However, when we played that new game together, I could tell that you loved gaming. You had a passion for something that you truly care about. I can say the same to Dusk. He has what it takes to be a gamer one day. Regardless if his cutie mark is gaming related or not. He has the heart and determination for the games he loves to play." He says as he looks to Broken and squeezes her hand once more. "You two have become really important and precious to me. I really do like you Broken, as well as Dusk. In a way, I can see him as a son to me." Dynamo chuckled at Luna's remark. "I guess it's just because I've been told that I'm not special." He frowns softly, while looking towards the ground. "Back when I was younger, a lot of ponies had ganged up with my bullies. They all said that I'd never become anything special. That I'm not destined for greatness." He sighs, before continuing. "Even when I tried to do something special, others just looked the other way, or told me that they'd never take me seriously. A few ponies at the arcade back home took me seriously, but I was afraid to trust them. We are still good friends, but I still couldn't help, but worry." He looked back up with a determined smile. "Over time, I've been trying to change and believe in myself some more. I don't want to feel negative about anything. I want to prove that I can do my best and become somebody that others can be proud of." Button flashed his friend a smile and gave him a thumbs up. "You'll do great, buddy. When I met you, I thought it was cool that you knew Mr. Pinball. He told me that you were something special when he met you. Ever since we worked together, I've been seeing what Mr. Pinball was talking about. You'll be great as her apprentice." Dynamo smiled as the two fist bumped each other. "Thanks, Button. That really means a lot." He says, before nodding at Luna's training schedule. "That's completely fine by me and understandable. Thank you for allowing me to go on my date with Broken. That does bring up a good question though." He says, before raising an eyebrow to Luna. "What will you be teaching me in? Am I to learn a new type of magic or something along those lines?"
  5. Hey, @DJ_Vinyl.Scratch_3! Welcome to the forums and I hope you enjoy your stay on the forums!
  6. @Catpone Cerberus As the siblings nodded that they were ready to start the anime marathon, Dynamo hit the play button as the intro began to play. While the episodes were playing, Dynamo would occasionally explain what was happening. Either going into context of what each character could do, or if the anime had left information out. He didn't really hear anything from Jade, but Sunlight had replied whenever there was a question or comment. As time had passed, Dynamo had felt that Sunlight had leaned closer to him. He smiled softly and inconspicuously wrapped an arm around her. His ears perked as he heard Jade needed to leave and wished them a good day. He nodded and waved back to his friend. "If you need anything, then just let me know. I'll see you later, Jade." He hoped that Jade wasn't getting bored of watching the anime. He could understand as the first season was a bit slow in the story. However, it did pick up over time throughout the seasons. "How do you like the anime so far, Sunny? I know you've never seen anime before, but I hope that you're enjoying yourself." He says, while looking down to the orange unicorn sitting next to him.
  7. Dynamo nodded at Jade's remark as he watched the other team make their appearance in the ring. He raised an eyebrow as only two members of Team Crimos had shown up. He had a sense of deja vu as the leader of team Crimos entered the ring. The blue unicorn watched as Canteen was still in his pajamas and was acting strange. 'It's as if he's acting like a child. What is this guy's deal, anyway?' He thought as he mentioned of ending some grandma. He glanced over to Tricis and had to assume that Canteen was referring to her. 'Does this guy have some issue with the coach? I'm just concerned on how this guy wants to battle. He doesn't even seem worried at all.' Dynamo looked to Jade and gave her a look of concern. "This really does seem familiar. Remember in yesterday's match with Team Rokata? They only had a few members, but they destroyed their opponents." He sighed as he felt a sudden chill run down his spine. "I guess we'll be getting a repeat performance." Dynamo didn't say anything at first as Tricis talked about Canteen's team. "Whatever the case may be, it feels as if those two don't care about the difference in numbers. It seems like they'll make up for it with strategy, teamwork and power." He looked to Tricis with a look of surprise as she talked about someone else putting an end to her. "Why would someone want to take your life, coach? If it's not this Canteen guy, then who? Is there a reason and is there a way to avoid this?" He wasn't expecting an answer since it seemed like private information. The blue unicorn could only wonder what he had gotten himself into, but ignored it for now. For now, he watched as the match was about to begin.
  8. @Calico Dynamo stood up from his bow as he listened to what Luna had to say to him. His jaw dropped from the news of being chosen to be Luna's protege. He was honestly stunned silent. He shook his head and finally found his voice. "I-I just don't understand. I mean, don't get me wrong. I'm flattered that I'm chosen to be your apprentice. It's just...why me? I don't really feel as though I have that much talent. I'm still learning to control and find my magic." He remembered his mother had taught him the basics after gaining his cutie mark, but that was about it. He didn't even know what other kinds of spells and unique magic he could wield. "Isn't there anyone else that's better at games than I am?" He asked in wonder to the Princess. He was being humble as he knew he was decent, but probably not at the level that she claimed. "Not only that, but I didn't know you were a gamer, Princess Luna. I've heard rumors and stories, but I didn't know it was true." Button grinned sheepishly and waves his hand to the blue unicorn. "Yeah, about that. I just found out a little while ago from Night." Dynamo turned to Button to give him a deadpanned expression. "You could have told me this sooner!?" Button chuckled and gave him an apologetic look. "I wanted to, but it seemed you were busy spending some quality time with your special someone." He winked as Dynamo pouted at Button, before chuckling. "Fair enough, but this is surprising." As Luna explained the other reason of why she chose him, Dynamo felt Broken's hand in his. He looked to her as she explained how she felt about him. He smiled and squeezes her hand gently. "I was never the best with relationships, but I guess it's because I try to find the best in others. When that happened, a lot of ponies tried to take advantage of me. I would only be in a relationship with someone who related to me on one thing or another and one, who loved me for me. When I saw Broken, she seemed like a great rival, but I saw her as both a mare and a gamer. I even care for her son and he's a sweet and kind child. I know he'll be a great and amazing pony in the future under the right guidance of his mother and father." He winked to Broken to emphasize what he meant in that statement. "I couldn't honestly think of anyone in my life except for them and those that mean a lot to me." He says as he turns his attention to Luna. "To answer your question, Princess. I accept your offer to be your gaming apprentice, but I still would like to know. From all the things I said earlier. Why would I be the one chosen to be your apprentice?"
  9. @Unicorncob Dynamo watched as Team Cleave had made their appearance. He raised an eyebrow in surprise and curiosity on the ones that made up the team. He had to admit that this team was made up of interesting creatures. 'I wouldn't have expect diamond dogs and dragons to be on the same team together, but I'm not one to judge. It's also interesting to see some dragons working alongside the others. I guess since Ember is the Dragon Lord, the relationship between dragons and ponies have gotten better.' He thought as the unicorn mare climbed into the ring. He frowned slightly as she spoke, while looking somewhat frail. "I can understand how they are named Team Cleave. I just wonder if this mare's frailness is real, or if it's a facade to underestimate her opponents." He spoke his thoughts out loud, while looking over to Jade and Tricis to see what they thought.
  10. @Kitty_Cat Dynamo nods in agreement, while Kitty returned her team to their pokeballs. "It's always fun to discuss game theories and possible video games with a friend. Now I'm even more excited to see what generation 8 has to offer. I know they've released a Pokemon called Meltan. I don't know what it is, but it does look cool, in my opinion." He looks down at the pokeballs he held in his hooves. Inside these capsules were the Pokemon that he raised from all the games he played. He took a deep breath and smiled. "Come on out, everyone!" He tossed the pokeballs up into the air as they all materialized before Kitty and himself. The six Pokemon on Dynamo's team were revealed to be: Infernape, Alolan Ninetales, Hawlucha, a Dusk Form Lycanroc, a shiny Metagross and a Flygon. As they all appeared, Dynamo was in awe and shocked that his team was real. He took a hesitant step forward, while reaching a hoof out towards them. "Y-You guys?" Each of his team turned to see the blue unicorn and smiled. He was greeted by each of them as they all tackled him to the ground. Dynamo winced from the slightly pain of hitting the ground, but he smiled and laughed as he was hugged by his team. "I can't believe you're all here! I know I've seen you all when playing the game, but this beats playing the game by a long shot." He felt tears were welling up in his eyes, but he didn't care. He was just so happy to finally see his team in real life. His team allowed him to stand back up as they looked towards Kitty. Once Dynamo stood up, he smiled as he turned towards Kitty. "What do you think of my team, Kitty? These are some of the greatest friends I could ask for." He grinned as his team grouped up together to do a sort of pose. (Commission made by @StormBlaze)
  11. As he left the room with Tricis and Jade, Dynamo thought he had faintly heard Frostflame's outburst. His ears dropped slightly as he shook his head. 'If only you knew. I may not know you or anyone else, but I care for your life, Frostflame. I try to give anyone the benefit of the doubt and try to be a friend. Only if they are mean spirited is when I say otherwise.' He thought as he remembered the look that Draco had on his face. He furrowed his eyebrows and closed his eyes briefly, before opening his eyes and looking forward. 'Maybe in time he'll understand. It's good to keep your friends close and enemies closer, but I just want friends who can accept me for who I am.' He knew he made a good impression, but he guess that it didn't matter to some. He would just have to keep fighting and do the best he could, no matter what. It took them some time, but Dynamo and the others had finally made it back to the arena. His ears perked as he could hear the voice of Topaz, who was announcing the final match for the first round. He looked around and was able to find a few available seats for Tricis, Jade and himself. As he sat down, the blue unicorn looked to the left side as one of the teams emerged. "I guess you were right when you said some of the matches were mismatched, coach. I just wonder how this fight will play out." He says as he awaited for the second team to appear in the stadium.
  12. @Catpone Cerberus Dynamo hummed in thought as the siblings gave him the option to choose the anime. "I know there are some anime that have real life history involved. Although, sometimes it's changed, so as to be original, or something along those lines. One could imagine that the books you read have been in some shows." He informed them, before nodding on his choice. "I would have to go with My Hero Academia. It's fairly new and it's a pretty interesting anime, in my opinion. It's all about super heroes and how one kid wants to be the greatest hero. So, he goes to a school that involves with learning to become a hero." He mentions, but leaves out a bunch of important factors, so as to not give any spoilers. "The show just finished airing it's third season and season 4 was just announced. Plus, that anime was the game that we played when we first met each other. In a way, it would help give you an idea on how the characters have all those crazy powers." He chuckles as he takes the DVD out of the case and goes to the DVD player. After installing the disc, Dynamo moves back over to the couch and takes a seat. Making sure he was comfortable, he levitates the remote, so it rested next to him and Sunlight. After hitting play, he looks to the two siblings with a smile. "Are you guys ready to see what anime is all about? If so, then welcome to my world." He says, while chuckling slightly.
  13. @Kitty_Cat Dynamo couldn't help, but nod in agreement. "Thank you. I remember the company to the game had been doing downloadable giveaway to legendary's. They even did giveaways for Mew and the others, but they categorized them by legend and mythical. I was confused by that, but I mostly chalk them all up to legendary's." He says as Kitty had explained why her Pichu had a pinkish tint to it. "I think that's pretty cool how some Pokemon have those aura's. I know Lucario are a prime example when it comes to auras. I hope they can explain the theory as to why that is pretty soon." He looked around to make sure that nobody was listening, before learning closely to Kitty's ear. "Between you and me, I could imagine this discovery would help start up with the creation of generation 8." He leans back and chuckles at the possible theory. "You're welcome and I shall go check. I'll be right back." He says as he made his way back towards the Pokemon center. He made his way towards the computer and installed his game to see if his team was there. Sure enough, they were all there and were the same from when he played the game in Ponyville. He grinned as he got his team out of his computer, while the pokeballs containing his team had materialized in his hooves. He levitated the pokeballs onto his belt and made his way out of the Pokemon Center. He noticed Kitty was waiting for him, so he quickly walked up towards her. "I got my team and you were right. They were in the computer and I finally got my team. Are you ready to meet my friends?" He asks with a grin.
  14. @Calico Dynamo chuckles with a smile as he returns the tight hug. "I would lean more towards the relationship with Yusei and Akiza. I mean, I like Yugi and Tea together, but there wasn't that much romance. Krillin and Android 18 I can agree with. Especially how they portrayed the romance done by Team Four Star. Now that was funny, yet really sweet." He says with a nod. "I can agree that some romances in anime are over the top, but the romance is cute and true. Although, that does bring up a good question. What kind of romance anime have you seen and/or like? Judging by the anime that you're listing off, you are also a fan of anime." He blushes as he felt Broken had kissed his cheek. He smiles and looks to Dusk. "Everything will be okay, Dusk. I promise to keep your mother safe from anyone on our date tomorrow. It'll also help you spend time and get to know uncle Button." Button held back a laugh as he knew someone was going to freak out, but decided to keep a calm composure. He was also looking forward to seeing the Princess of the Night. Especially learning that she was also a gamer. As the door opened to reveal Princess Luna, Button made his way over to the door and smiles with a bow. "Good evening, Princess Luna. It's truly an honor to meet you." He says as Luna had entered the home. Dynamo's ears perked as Night had addressed him. He looked to Broken and Dusk and nods. "I'll be right back." He says, before getting out of his seat and exits the kitchen. He entered the living room as he wondered why he was being called. "Is everything okay, Night? Who wants to see me this late in the evening?" He asks, but his question was answered as he saw Princess Luna standing before him. "Princess Luna!? W-What are you doing here? Don't get me wrong. It's nice to meet one of the royal princess, but I'm just a little confused." He says as he bows before the Princess of the Night.
  15. @Unicorncob @Snow Frostflame @reader8363 @dragon4111 Dynamo watched in silence as Frostflame and Draco argued with each other. He felt it was necessary to break up the argument, but he felt that would do more harm than good. He decided to wait things out, until they calmed down. He breathed a sigh of relief as Tricis had spoken up to dissolve the argument. His eyes widened slightly at the mentioning of getting training. 'Did she just read my mind?' He thought as he turned his attention over to the coach. "Uh, coach? You said you were going to help us control our powers. Is there any training plans you had in mind for each of us?" He asks as he wondered what kind of training he would get. He hoped that whatever the training was, he would make up for his earlier match. He wanted to contribute to the team and this would be the first step. The blue unicorn hadn't said a word as Tricis devised a suitable punishment for Snowflame and Draco. 'Hopefully this spar won't last that long. We all need to work together and be at the stadium.' He thought as he hoped that this spar would end calmly. "I'll join in going to the arena. Maybe we can find Rose and tell her what's the plan for today and tomorrow." He stretched, before making his way towards the door. He soon stopped as he turned back to Jade. He wanted to ask Frostflame and Draco, but decided against it. He knew the two of them would be at odds with each other and knew they needed to cool off. "Did you want to go see the next match, Jade? If so, then do you need some help getting to the stadium?" He asks as he was still concerned for her well being. He knew she could take care of herself, but that didn't stop the blue unicorn for caring about a friend.
  16. Dynamo felt a chill running down his spine from Draco's response. He noticed the cold grin and chose not to say anything. 'What's his problem? It's like he pulled a complete 180 and is acting the way he's been since we got back.' He remembered he thought he had heard something from Frostflame, while they talked about Draco. 'I guess I'll have to keep an eye on this guy. Something just doesn't sit right.' He nods as he looked to Draco. "I'll keep that idea in mind. If I have to resort to doing something like that, then I'll use some magic to stun the opponent." He heard the door to their hotel room slam shut and he looked up to see what had just happened. He soon noticed that Rose wasn't with them and wondered why did she leave in a hurry. Dynamo was brought out of his train of thought as Shining grabbed their attention. As he listened to the name of the team's owner, the blue unicorn raised an eyebrow. "Big Shot? Why does that name sound familiar?" He asks as Shining Armor continued to explain the team owner. "It makes sense that he would hire some of the best criminals for a team like that. Given that he's the second highest shareholder and having a lot of connections." He says as Tricis explained the other matches that were going on. "I'd be up to go and watch the other matches. It gives us an idea on who we might fight later on. That, and we get to see how each team works." He shrugged his shoulders as he got out of his chair. "Maybe we can think up a few strategies, so we'll be prepared." The blue unicorn looked to Jade and his eyes widened in surprise. "I guess my train of thought earlier wasn't too far off. Although, that does bring up the question. Who's the one that wants to get rid of us?" He closed his eyes, while placing a hoof to his chin to think of the teams they've seen so far. He opened his eyes and turned his attention back to the others. "Do you think it's someone, who's a big shareholder? It's just like Shining Armor had said. Someone with a huge sum of money would bribe the committee to get us to lose. Do you think it would be this Big Shot fellow?" He asks while turning to Shining Armor and Tricis.
  17. Dynamo looked through the files as Shining Armor explained each pony on the team. He held back a laugh at the mentioning of targeting Prince Blueblood. He knew that Blueblood was next in line to the throne, but he was surprised that someone was out to get Blueblood. Each one of them sounded simple from what their crimes were about. "Cumulus sounds like an interesting case. I can see why some ponies would call this guy a hero. However, that shouldn't take away with what he did." As Jade had made that statement of the team consisting of mostly Pegasus ponies, Dynamo had to agree with her on that. "I wonder if there's any significance towards that. Maybe the team owner or someone was looking for the best of the best?" Dynamo looked to Draco as he went over his plan to the team. "That makes sense when you put it that way. Although, these guys seem very handy when it comes to their field of work and expertise. They didn't get their reputation for nothing. They might be skilled with a weapon or have something going for them." He raised a hoof in defense and gave Draco an apologetic look. "I think your idea is a good plan. I just think that if we tried that, then they'll be onto us if we go for that plan a second time. We just need something that can give us an advantage." He placed a hoof to his chin to think of something that could help them out.
  18. Dynamo didn't really know what else to say except to sigh and nod in acknowledgement. He just wanted to look out for the well being of the team. He knew he was tired, so he hoped he would be ready for tomorrow. Seeing Rose and the others look tired only seemed logical in his thought process. He raised an eyebrow at Shining Armor's mention of getting a longer break. "So, I guess we just have to live with what we got? I guess this tournament has it's own rules, so anything can happen." He nodded in agreement to Tricis' mention of mismatched teams. Some teams looked strong, while some were diamonds in the rough. He could only hope that he and the others would be able to keep moving forward. He winced as Shining Armor told him to ease up on the questions. He couldn't help in wanting to know everything he could. He was tired, but he wanted to be prepared as much as he could. 'It doesn't help that I want to make up for my loss. Everyone else got a win, but I feel like I'm the weak link of the team.' He closed his eyes to try and drown out the doubt in his mind. He took a deep breath and sighed softly. 'Hopefully I can redeem myself tomorrow. It doesn't help that I can't ask Tricis for help. I doubt she would given what just happened moments ago.' He thought as he looked towards the ground. 'I don't even know if I'll be able to use that trick Ray used earlier. I guess I would have to wing it.' The blue unicorn looked back up as Shining Armor explained one of the members to the team. He felt a little sickened by this guy. He assumed it was because of what got him to where he is today. That, or the fact that he only did these experiments. "I hope I can clear from that guy. I don't need any experimentation on me. It doesn't help that my horn is curved and no like a regular unicorn's horn. This guy might have a field day tomorrow." He mumbled quietly to himself.
  19. The latest opening to the anime, Boruto: Naruto Next Generations.
  20. Dynamo's ears perked as he heard Draco was addressing him. "Yes, I have actually. My job is both working at a gaming arcade and traveling to compete in tournaments. Competing in tournaments has me traveling to far off locations. Most of the time, the competitions allow their competitors to rest and prepare for the next day. I only assumed that the tournament has been out to get us." He didn't want to argue, but he at least had to defend himself without causing a problem. 'He doesn't know me. While I don't know him either, he could at least try to get to know me. Only then, would he understand where I'm coming from.' He wanted to clench a fist, but chose not to. He didn't want to make Draco or anyone else think that he got to the blue unicorn.
  21. Dynamo glanced over to Jade and weakly nodded his head at her gratitude. "You're welcome, Jade." He was surprised slightly at his captain's response towards Shining Armor, but he couldn't blame her. Looking to everyone, it seemed as though everyone was exhausted from their fights. They would all be used to their fights in time, but it still wouldn't be any easier. Dynamo narrowed his eyes in annoyance as he heard that they were fighting again tomorrow. "Oh, come on. We just got through our matches and now we have another match so soon? None of the teams can get a day of rest, so we can prepare any strategies!? Not only that, but how are we supposed to get our strength back for tomorrow? I don't think a day of rest can help that much." He sighed in annoyance. Just then, a thought had crossed his mind. "Hey, Shining Armor? Here's something I want to know. Is this the work or the tournament committee, or is this how the tournament usually works?" He asks, but was shocked at the revelation of the other team had won already. "They won as soon as we made it back to the hotel? How tough are these guys? What are they trying to do? See if they can beat Team Rokata's fast victory the other day?" He asks, while wondering what kind of fighters this team was. He was given his answer as Shining Armor placed the scrolls on the center of the couches. Dynamo leaned forward to get a good look of the files for each team member. He grimaced slightly as he learned what the team was made up of. "These guys sound like a wholesome bunch. What kind of style do they have when they fight? That, or do they fight in a certain way? For example, do they have one on one fights, or do they fight differently from other teams?" He wondered as Shining Armor continued his explanation.
  22. As they reached their hotel room, Dynamo pushed the door open and helped lead their captain into the room. He placed Jade into a sitting position on the bed, before making his way over to the chair. The blue unicorn seemed to have melted into the chair as he didn't feel like getting up. "I think I might just fall asleep in the chair." He muttered to himself as he recalled falling his chair multiple times back at home. He never meant to do that, but the chair was so comfy to sit and fall asleep in. He looked up to see Shining Armor had returned to their room as well. Once everyone was in the hotel room, Shining had barged through the door levitating a pile of scrolls. He raised an eyebrow as he was somewhat surprised they got their next team to fight. "We got our next team all set up? I'm surprised it's that soon. Wouldn't they usually wait to announce them after every team had fought?" He asked Shining as he tried to sit up in the chair. "What's the team name, Shining Armor? Do you know what the team specializes in?"
  23. @Calico Dynamo smiles as he ruffles Dusk's mane momentarily, before he went back to eating his dinner. He looks to Broken and gives her a knowing look with a smirk. "Sounds like we're all the same way. I get like that when it comes to eating chocolate and/or ice cream. Those treats are so good, but I try not to have too much chocolate. If that happens, then I get really sick. I'm not allergic to them, but chocolate can really give me a stomachache. I can never seem to learn my lesson. I try to limit myself on what I eat, but those desert treats are so good." He chuckled as he looked to both Broken and Dusk. "I guess I can understand how you both feel, kiddo." He wrinkles his nose slightly from the kiss, but he soon smiles and kisses Broken's forehead. "I look forward to getting to know you more, sweetheart. I have a really good feeling about us. I can tell you, Dusk and I will make a really great family." He chuckles in agreement as he returns the hug. "Manga and even anime seem to go over the top, but the love and romance they convey is the truth." Button chuckles and smiles softly. "Oh, I know, but it would be something to see if one of the ruler's to Equestria is his aunt." He says with a nod, before continuing. "I guess Princess Luna and Princess Celestia treat their guards like they are friends and family. It really shows that bond and unity within the royal family." He nods in agreement with Night's remark, while glancing out the window. "You're right about that. It's always great to meet someone you admire in person, instead of the dream world. It makes the experience all the more real." He squints his eyes as he thought he saw a figure outside. "Hey, Night? Is that Luna right outside?" He whispers, so as not to draw any attention from Dynamo and the others.
  24. @Kitty_Cat Dynamo watched as Kitty had tossed the pokeballs up into the air as her Pokemon had materialized. As each Pokemon had appeared, the blue unicorn was in awe of her team. Each member of her Pokemon team seemed both very strong and seemed to fit her well. "That's a pretty impressive lineup for your team. It's pretty neat that you have a legendary and mythical Pokemon." He says, while motioning towards both Raikou and Mew. "I hope I'm right on saying that. Sometimes Pokemon like Mew, Celebi and some others are classified as mythical Pokemon. Of course, I could be wrong on that. If so, then please correct me on that." He then glanced towards her Pichu, who had a strange pink tint to it. "Hey, Kitty? Is everything okay with your Pichu? Why does it have a pinkish tint to it?" He tried to make heads or tails of the reason, but his conclusion came up empty handed. "Even so, you have a really nice team. I hope I'm able to get my team, so I can show you what they look like."
  25. @Catpone Cerberus Dynamo could only just sit there and closed his eyes. 'So, it appears that they are going through a situation right now. Maybe...I should ask Sunlight when Jade leaves. I might have an idea, but I don't want to assume anything.' He thought to himself as he slowly and quietly got up from his sitting position. He used his magic to place a magic aura over the doorknob to his room. He pulled the door shut to indicate that he was exiting the room. He levitated the anime DVD's towards him, while he began to slide down the banister. He slid all the way down the steps and managed to land on the bottom step. "Yes! I can't believe I did it! Usually, I tend to either fall or bounce down the steps. Sometimes it's usually a bumpy landing." He chuckled, but was thankful as he walked over to the siblings. He placed the anime DVD's on the coffee table, while taking a seat on the couch. "Okay. So, I brought a few choices and I thought I could let you both decide. I'm not sure if you've ever watched any anime of sorts. That, and I don't know what kind of genre's that you both like. So, I decided to go with some variety. Is there anything from this collection that you're up to watching? If not, then I'll decide and see what you think of said series." He noted, while sitting back to see what they'd choose on.
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