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Probably Lee

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Status Updates posted by Probably Lee

  1. I was woken up with a suprise "Hey, guess what, we randomly decided we are going to go get a kitten tomorrow!" Im strangely unexcited and rather neutral about it :|

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Probably Lee

      Probably Lee

      Aw that sucks, sorry you do. Is it very serious? I think for a few years cats gave me a runny nose

    3. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      my eyes go ichy and its harder to breath and my nose itchu too

    4. Probably Lee

      Probably Lee

      That sucks. I hope it does go away! *Hug*


  2. *Ad turns on* "Hey, fallout. WAIT FALLOUT?!? *Looks down and sees "Fallout 4 Trailer"* OMYGODYAS!!!!!!!11!!1!!!"

  3. When you get in a good mood, but have no way to express it. Kinda sucks when you have nothing to do with it.

  4. I had a dream where a thief broke in and stole all of our silverware :|

    1. Mars Orbit

      Mars Orbit

      I had a dream I fought a ghost inside an active volcano

    2. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      I had a dream that gypsy stole my tv

    3. Probably Lee
  5. Can't wait to get my grubby little hands on the handsome collection :3

  6. I need a new podcast to listen to :| I have been listening to Drunks and Dragons, Stuff you Should Know, JustKiddingNews and Bronyville. I also used to listen to the Dead Workers Party's stuff. Any suggestions?

  7. My parents are worried about my sleeping habits.

    1. Admiral Regulus

      Admiral Regulus

      My sleep inhabitants are worried about my parents.

    2. EmiliaBoneca


      My are sleep worried habits pareERROR

  8. School ends tomorrow :D

  9. So im doing a speech on bronies at school ;3

  10. Finally finished walking dead. have had the last two episodes to watch since they came out.

    1. Dewdlz


      I need to watch that show.

  11. Apparently im a Lawful Neutral Human Bard/Sorcerer (1st/1st Level) Ability Scores: Strength- 13 Dexterity- 12 Constitution- 13 Intelligence- 15 Wisdom- 11 Charisma- 13

    1. Probably Lee

      Probably Lee

      Take this friggin huge test here - http://easydamus.com/character.html



  12. I just woke up. its 9 pm

  13. every 3-5 status updates involve me needing sleep XD

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Probably Lee

      Probably Lee

      I should try being nocturnal for a week :o

    3. Mars Orbit

      Mars Orbit

      It's much harder than it sounds

    4. Probably Lee

      Probably Lee

      I'm sure it will be XD The thing that would bug me the most would be nobody else being awake. Plus, if i'm doing this in summer time, the days will be long. Thankfully i can easily force myself to sleep if i'm in a comfortable situation. I might try this :.

  14. I just learned that my best friend has tryphobia. She just learned it too :|

    1. catnet


      I'm not very familiar with what tryphobia is about, but I'm sorry to hear it; hopefully it won't cause too many problems for her. :( *hugs*

    2. Probably Lee

      Probably Lee

      Its a fear of holy things with irregular patterns, like strawberries, tire treads, or bee hives. It isn't too bad, but i think it may be one of the larger reasons behind her panic attacks. She is happy she knows what it is though :) Thanks

    3. Probably Lee

      Probably Lee

      She would also be pleased that senpai noticed her.

  15. I just learned that my best friend has tryphobia. She just learned it too :|

  16. Ugh, i need sleep v.v

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      *gives sleep*



    2. Probably Lee

      Probably Lee

      Thanks :D

      *Does not go to sleep for next few days*

  17. Im Christian now :|
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