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Probably Lee

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Status Updates posted by Probably Lee

  1. A friend of mine just thought i was coming out of the closet to her. XD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Probably Lee

      Probably Lee

      I texted her "Man, it would be awesome to be bi!" she was like, "... Is this your way of coming out of the closet? You have my full support." Which is silly because she should know that i would really be like " YEAH IM GAY BITCHES" >:D

    3. Probably Lee

      Probably Lee

      First i was like XD then i was like D:<

    4. Monsoon
  2. Having a fantastic day.

    1. Steelstallion


      I try to have those as much as possible. :) And due to my efforts, most of them go pretty well ^_^

    2. Probably Lee

      Probably Lee

      I have no idea why i am even. My day should have been ruined a long time ago, or right when i woke up >U<

  3. Man, how can things go from good to bad so fast.

    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. Probably Lee

      Probably Lee

      Yeah, im not too sure she would be even interested in watching though. Thanks for the advice, I gtg. It really helped.

    3. Taviscratch


      Also, you might come across as a complete weirdo if you suggest watching it XD There are a bunch of self harm forums on the internet, not to mention an entire Tumblr community.

    4. Taviscratch


      What was I thinking recommending an erotic movie to a 13 year old? Anyway, I'll PM you a quote from it which I think is apt and which my friend said was the turning point when the film started speaking to her.

  4. I just woke up at 10 pm. I fell asleep at 5. I have n idea what to do

  5. My girlfriend dropped some heavy shit on me today about pschological problems.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Nuke87654


      So long as you're able to handle it and it doesn't become severe enough, I wish you luck on this.

    3. Nuke87654


      So long as you're able to handle it and are safe. I wish you luck on it.

    4. Probably Lee
  6. Can you comment that my friend Ahanna is awesome!?!

  7. FInally have Smash Bros 4 :D

  8. have to ride in a car 8 hours to place in the middle of a spelling bee, all the while with an annoying girl, and my sister.

  9. I am stressing out, trying to understand all this d&d stuff. :| Harder than i thought it would be

  10. Wow my new vegas character has formed into a gay bomb-toting alcholic. Kind of awesome.

  11. Time to go to SLEEP in bed, not die this time.

  12. I just got a bunch of D&D stuff as a gift. Im excited to try it.

    1. Rebel the Wolfgirl

      Rebel the Wolfgirl

      If you ever wanna play send me a message on my profile feed.

    2. Yummychickenblue


      DnD aounds pretty fun i wanna tey it. Too bad you live across the country from me.

  13. Im gonna go and die on my bed now

    1. Ryzu


      or you could sleep on it, it's a lot more enjoyable.

    2. Probably Lee

      Probably Lee

      Ill keep that in mind next life :o

  14. I just finished season 1. Im just a little back

  15. Gah, okay, i got to close my laptop so i can finish my work

  16. Time to go to school and do allz the homework! For some reason there is a ton this week,

  17. I slept 12 hours tonight, and im still tired

    1. Steelstallion


      You know the more you sleep, the more tired you feel when you wake up.

    2. Ryzu


      Take a melatonin and you'll feel well rested even with like 6 hours of sleep

    3. Probably Lee

      Probably Lee

      Nah man, i normally get 12 hours of sleep and feel normal, this is sleep debt X_x

  18. I... Need... Sleep...

    1. JonasDarkmane
    2. Probably Lee

      Probably Lee

      But... Its only 5... and i know i will wake up at like 6 am

    3. Ryzu


      I went to sleep anyways oh and I didn't fall asleep at school so either you or scourge won the bet

  19. Oh god i shouldn't have stayed all night. Kill me

    1. Buzz



  20. Sleep deprivation here I come!

  21. Bak too skool.

    1. Steelstallion


      Same. *okie dokie lokie face*

    2. JonasDarkmane
  22. Wait, did the sky on the background just change? cewl. never noticed that

  23. Who knew i could learn so much in 8 hours of sleeplessness

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