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Trilla Forced

Blank Flank
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    Weird is a side effect of AWESOME XD

My Little Pony

  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
    Earth Pony

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  1. First question: I was born an alicorn, though my parents are both unicorns... Second question: I draw a lot! I also help my friends draw if they want me to.
  2. Just had a heavenly doughnut

    1. Love//Hack


      Doughnuts are the best. :D

    2. Trilla Forced

      Trilla Forced

      Yes they are :3

    3. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      ooh I like doughnuts =)

  3. School ends in 2 days~! YEY

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      ooh YAY =)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=))=))=)=) What is the cutiemark =)=)?

    3. Trilla Forced

      Trilla Forced

      Cutie mark is a pencil with a swirl coming from the pencil and two little stars on opposite sides of the pencil

    4. 碇 シンジン
  4. Oooo! That's a hard one! I would have to go with either pink or red
  5. Hello there my friends! I am Lite Draw! I am an alicorn but not a princess, and unlike other alicorns, I don't have a kingdom quite yet. I hope to make a few friends with this. You can ask anything you want!
  6. Hi there friend~! How would you react if Mandopony got into the show?
  7. Hey everyone, sorry I haven't been so active...

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. Trilla Forced

      Trilla Forced

      Yes though I'm not very smart XD

    3. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      aww<3 I'm sure you are quite smart =)=)=)=)=)=)=)=) when is the test=)=)?

    4. Trilla Forced
  8. Pokemon! It's where you catch creatures and use them for battles!
  9. Hey everypony! I'm the hero, American Star! My nickname is America and you might know my human version, Alfred F. Jones. Just ask me anything!
  10. Hey everypony! I'm Quick Strike, green pegasus with a black mane and don't you forget it! I'm a colt with a fiery spirit!
  11. First question from WoofWoof~: He can be a bit of an idiot but he's very sweet. Second question from MissPurpleBookworm: Yes, Twilight is a very nice pony and she is my favorite
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