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Passion Page

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Status Updates posted by Passion Page

  1. Well a lot has happened since the last time i was on here. my OC is no longer Passion Page, my new OC is Loving Stich. I am no longer dating Draw Toonz, after three years together i broke up with him for lots of reasons last november, I have a new boyfriend though and he is wonderful and so thoughtful, he has an OC that i made him but he isn't on the forums, his OC is Loving Bolt. Im sadly living back home in nebraska going to school to get my GED then as soon as i get that and hold a job...

  2. I'm tired of being hurt by people, I'm tired of being alone, I'm tired of saying its ok when it really isn't. I'm tired of my life right now.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Modphase


      Oh so nothing long term. I misunderstood that.

    3. Passion Page

      Passion Page

      No nothing long term. Just rlly been a bad week and tomorrow my sister is coming to visit so things are going to get worse.

    4. Modphase


      Aww :/ Welp, good luck.

  3. Well depression is seeping back into my life again

    1. SCS


      Don't allow it to. Do your best to be positive and optimistic always. We all face obstacles in our lives, and we can all overcome them in one way or another. There is always hope.

  4. i have nothing to say today...

  5. la de da la de de its so magical you and me!

  6. I don't want to be here anymore, I am so sick of all the crap I deal with. I just want to leave!

  7. Hehehe. My nose mouth and tongue are numb!

  8. I feel so lonely :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Circadian


      Hey everybody, let's be lonely together!

    3. (Deactivated)


      Hey, sorry I haven't been on in a while, I've been meaning to get on,but schools been insane lately, anyway, I'm here for you if you need to talk.

    4. Passion Page

      Passion Page

      It's more like I'm lonely because I haven't seen my boyfriend in about six months, I rlly miss him. I'm always happy when I'm with him...

  9. I'm so lucky to have a guy who loves me for me :)

    1. Viscra Maelstrom

      Viscra Maelstrom

      oh yes, do i know that feel.

  10. ....

    1. Acoustic Cloud
    2. Vicke


      Dots. Dots are never good.


      Whats up?

    3. Passion Page

      Passion Page

      meh, brother issues and my sister came to visit and got me sick with the flu right after i got over a cold

  11. My brother is an ass

    1. Wingnut


      Oh no, what did he do?

    2. Passion Page

      Passion Page

      He is just an ass almost everything he does or says is mean like just now he said I should get lost in a forest and die...

  12. In the pit with no way out a knife in hand, my wrist dark as night, the fight is no more and death comes sweet comfort.

  13. i hate being sick =(

    1. (Deactivated)


      Aww, I hope you feel better soon!


    2. Passion Page

      Passion Page

      thanks, every time i feel better it comes back and hits me lol

    3. (Deactivated)


      That stinks. :/

  14. its not fair that i cant be with the one i love because of money =(

    1. (Deactivated)


      I know, it's really not fair, but hang in there, someday, it will get better.

      Also, Merry Christmas, you deserve one. :)

  15. im sorry for the swearing that is about to happen, i try not to swear but i just cant take it anymore! i have the biggest asshole for a younger brother, he is always bossing me around telling me what to do, i have to listen to him bad mouth my boyfriend my friends and me. he is always calling me awful names, telling me to go to hell and wishing i would fall in a hole and die and thats on a good day. on a bad day i get that and he hits me, bruises me and twists my arm till it feels like it...

    1. Passion Page

      Passion Page

      bruises me and twists my arm till it feels like is gana brake, i just want to leave and get out of this HELL!

    2. (Deactivated)


      He really is an ass. Just because he has pent up anger, doesn't mean he gets to take it out on you! Just keep looking toward the future, when you won't have to be around him anymore.

      P.S. I'm glad you're getting your feeling out, it's a good to vent every once in a while.

  16. im felling very happy today =) part of me wonders how long it will last but right now i dont care! =D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. (Deactivated)


      :D I am truly glad to hear it! You deserve to be happy!
    3. Passion Page

      Passion Page

      thanks everybody =) i had a small tift with my brother last night, he punched me in the arm but that's it so it didn't get to bad and im still feeling happy XD

    4. (Deactivated)


      Hey, if he wants to be miserable, that's his business, I'm glad you're not letting him get to you. Keep it up!

  17. Sometimes it seems like things will never get better...

  18. Tears rolling down my face, a knife in hand red marks on my wrists, I wish it would end. Tears rolling down my face a knife in hand wondering if my life should end, nobody understands the hell I'm in.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Otter


      Well... Just don't go killing yourself, alright?

    3. Circadian


      ^ What he said. I heard it can be bad for your health.

    4. Otter


      Yeah, I tried it twice. The knife just hurt too much, and the trigger was too hard to pull.

  19. i feel so lucky to have a boyfriend who accepts me and loves me just the way i am. i love him so much <3

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