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Passion Page

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Status Updates posted by Passion Page

  1. Feeling pretty happy for once :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. That One Techpriest You Used To Know

      That One Techpriest You Used To Know

      But you only want to be happy 1% of the time! You are being happy twice as much as you should.

    3. Passion Page

      Passion Page

      why would i only wana be happy 1% of the time?

    4. (Deactivated)


      I'm glad to hear you're feeling good!

  2. i feel so much pain on the inside and it wont go away. It only gets worse and worse.......

    1. (Deactivated)


      Hang in there! We're here for you.

  3. i know ur supposed to be happy on the holidays n all.... but as they get closer i find myself growing more n more depressed...

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. longgone


      That's what I did, I'm much happier than I was half a year ago.

    3. Pulcinella


      Although I've never been truly depressed, I do tend to know some good advice.

    4. (Deactivated)


      Aww Meg, I'm sorry things have been sucking lately, I wish there was more I could do, but remember, YOU ARE LOVED, by God, by Ethan, by your friends, by the community we have here, and even by your family (even if it may be hard to believe sometimes).

      On the mention of suicide, please don't ever look to it as an option, all that would do is perpetuate sorrow and suffering onto others, and bring no true relief to yourself. If you really are in trouble, PLEASE CALL: 1-800-273-8255...

  4. life really sucks for me...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. dar tunsh

      dar tunsh

      I wish it was different...

    3. Passion Page

      Passion Page

      its just my brother. he is so mean and makes me so depressed



    4. (Deactivated)


      Sorry to hear that. Stay strong, things are bound to get better. :)

  5. ................................................................................

    1. PlNKlE PIE

      PlNKlE PIE


    2. thegoodhen



      I am gangsta.

    3. Passion Page
  6. I want to die

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Passion Page

      Passion Page

      I live in the middle of nowhere

    3. Twilight Circuits

      Twilight Circuits

      And yet, all your friends are still right here. :)

    4. Passion Page
  7. Sigh, I'm starting to feel lik I'm no good. I'm always sad or depressed and I'm sure I bring people down with that. Maybe they are better off without me ; n ;

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Passion Page

      Passion Page

      Y would I? It would just make them sad and bring them down with me, I'm tired of doing that :(

    3. StingeMuffin


      Yes, but you need to vent how you feel in some way. Bottling it up will very likely only make you feel worse. I think it matters less who you talk to than actually talking about it. You could even make a topic in the Life Advice forums. :)

    4. Passion Page

      Passion Page

      I guess I could, thanks...

  8. i feel tired sick and sad....

  9. sigh, ik how i feel lol XP

  10. i have a very wonderful boyfriend who loves me unconditionally =>

  11. i have the best boyfriend ever =>

  12. sigh, is all the hurt i feel really worth it? =,<

    1. Dimitri Hammer

      Dimitri Hammer

      Still feeling bad comrade?

    2. dar tunsh

      dar tunsh

      I'm still praying for you. On a different note, I should be done with the workbook thing by Saturday if not tomorrow.

    3. Passion Page

      Passion Page

      ok,=) we may have to wait to talk about it though cus im gana be gone on saturday and idk when ill be back home...

  13. Sigh, feeling pretty sad

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Riclo


      wut happen?

    3. Passion Page

      Passion Page

      Yeah, I'm ok... Just stuff is starting to get to me again...

    4. Dimitri Hammer

      Dimitri Hammer

      Happens to me all the time. Just got to try and look at the better things in life,

  14. i had a great day today!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Riclo


      I've spent the whole day on these forums pretty much :/

    3. (Deactivated)
    4. Passion Page

      Passion Page

      sorry for the late rply... i didn't know u guys commented lol,, but anyway i spent the whole day working with my dad remodeling our kitchen then i made dinner for my family then cleaned the kitchen =)


  16. so yea, still sick woo-hoo my fever is gone but my head hurts so bad i nearly pass out when i stand up and its making me nauseated, lucky me...

    1. termenchecks


      The head thing sucks but the passing out thin is awesome, i've been havimg that all day

    2. Passion Page

      Passion Page

      lol, we still differ on that point XP

  17. Sigh, still feel very sick, still have a bad fever and get dizzy but I ate a few crackers so that's good... Nap time, ttyl...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Passion Page

      Passion Page

      Idk what I have... It came out of nowhere last night.... I got rlly dizzy and light headed, then I got a fever and I got nauseated...

    3. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      That sounds like the flu to me. It could be something else but that's how I always felt when I got it, and it came on quick. What a drag. Make some tea or something and get some rest.

    4. Passion Page

      Passion Page

      I've been restin up :) thanks for caring ^_^

  18. sigh, finely an end to a rough day.

  19. feeling very sick and miserable, high fever, lightheaded like im going to pass out and a very upset stomach.

    1. Show previous comments  39 more
    2. Dimitri Hammer

      Dimitri Hammer

      It sounds the same kind of but it's spelled a little differently. Меган

    3. Dimitri Hammer

      Dimitri Hammer

      I actually need to run to the city for some things real fast comrade. I'll talk to you later, and If I get home late and you're not on it was nice talking with you comrade!

    4. Passion Page

      Passion Page

      you to, be safe =)

  20. agh, i feel so sick and dizzy...

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Passion Page

      Passion Page

      i wasn't given to a foster home, i was adopted when i was born...

    3. termenchecks
    4. Passion Page

      Passion Page

      since i moved back to the state i was born in iv been hanging out with my biological younger sister who has a brain tumor and iv been learning a lil about what runs in the family... but i still get worried...

  21. life can be so depressing...

  22. i love Clannad! =D

    1. dar tunsh
    2. Passion Page

      Passion Page

      lol, its an anime baby, don't worry ^_^

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