Okay so the goal of this thread is to share and discover good albums. That is albums where the majority of the songs are just as good as the top hit. For me, there is always that next album I'm wanting. What about you?
Method of purchase? Be it by compact disc, vinyl, mp3, etc. Not free.
Must be an entire album that you plan to buy next.
Artist? Album? Genre? Favourite song?
Post a link to Youtube, Amazon, or the like, so we can listen to it, if any.
Optional – Tell a short story about this album or artist. This could be about anything. This is your chance to mention other albums you bought from the same artist.
Lets say you already own every album you ever wanted from a particular band. I don't see why not, so go ahead and share.
Supertones, Supertones Strike Back, #8 Unite.
Christian Rock, Rap/Hip-Hop, Jazz, trumpets.
I always prefer compact-disc.
Supertones is the artist that best describes my childhood. My Dad played the Supertones all the time super loud and super clear on his sweet JBL speaker setup. This is the Artist that I remember best from my childhood. It's about time I buy a new disc from them since we only had one Supertones album. Can any pony name this other Supertones album? Hint given in this paragraph. Fun, a riddle.