My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Fluttershy How did you find MLP Forums?: Google
How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Hard to explain... I just love it!!!
Hello! As you can see, I already made my own pony representing myself. Call me Sapphire Star!
The reason why I called myself Sapphire Star was because I always have an interest in space and astronomy, and when I was a little filly I wanted to be an astronaut or a NASA scientist or astronomer. Turns out, I was terrible at one of the subjects that would lead me to the carreer -- MATH. MAAAAAAAAAATHHH! Afterwords, I discovered my talent in writing. Beforehand, even in the spacey days that I had, I was awesome at drawing, too. I discovered my true talent -- creativity. That's when I earned my Cutie Mark! (Sorry, I'm a bit obsessed with MLP that I think it's turning me into a pony.)
I enjoy playing video games on my freetime... (Especially Pokemon!)
Someday, I want to create the next Sci-fi, spacey, story that will inspire the WORLD!