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Summer Breeze

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Status Replies posted by Summer Breeze

  1. Hey i just feel like meeting somepony new, anyone wanna Pm?

  2. Aaaagh... I'm sick today... :( Sore throat and everything... :c

  3. Ohhh, Am now a Cupcake xD

  4. Ohhh, Am now a Cupcake xD

  5. Ohhh, Am now a Cupcake xD

  6. Afternoon Erri'pony! How are y'all?

  7. Afternoon Erri'pony! How are y'all?

  8. Afternoon Erri'pony! How are y'all?

  9. Afternoon Erri'pony! How are y'all?

  10. When one of the hottest girls in your college matches with you on tinder .___. I think my heart skipped a beat

  11. my throat hurts soooo much, i think i'm gonna drink some more tea with honey

  12. heey ooBrony, its wonderfull to see that you are online! i really missed you and even if you are here only to check how it's going i still want to tell you that it's great to see you online!

  13. urgh, i think i am starting to feel sick, guess i shouldnt have eaten that much mussels xs

  14. Aaand it's snowing -.-

  15. Aaand it's snowing -.-

  16. nightmare night tonight >:3

  17. Best forum ever

  18. Best forum ever

  19. why can't my parents stop fighting?! it's happening more and more often lately, this morning it's because my brother spilled glue on the table and my mother sayd it was not so bad, my father sayd it was really bad and now they are arguing and send me to my room. can somepony pleas tell them to stop with this!!!

  20. why can't my parents stop fighting?! it's happening more and more often lately, this morning it's because my brother spilled glue on the table and my mother sayd it was not so bad, my father sayd it was really bad and now they are arguing and send me to my room. can somepony pleas tell them to stop with this!!!

  21. I've nightmares for two nights in a row now... It's not fun... :(

  22. Hmm, I have made it to the front page on "Overall Top Posters"..... New goal: Surpass Jeric! ...........It's on!

  23. i like everyone being a blank flank, that means everypony being equal :) and if everypony is a blankflank, nobody is a blank flank! i am thinking way to deep into this

  24. i like everyone being a blank flank, that means everypony being equal :) and if everypony is a blankflank, nobody is a blank flank! i am thinking way to deep into this

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