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Not Yellow Diamond

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Posts posted by Not Yellow Diamond

  1. @,

    Look, it's been too long since I've actually been here, and it looks like you changed your name. I only know certain DMs.

    By the power invested in me, I decree you on probation! From now on, I demand to be called sir! I also demand to be treated pretty, like one of those dogs Paris Hilton carries around in her purse. Any step out of line, and you're toast like Fractured's soul, and possibly his uh... "largest organ." Yeah...

  2. A yellow stallion with a jet black mane trotted through the Bangcolt streets, the quintessence of smug stretched ear to ear on his face. Rumbling emitted from his stomach, and he groaned. "A bit fifty hayburger be my saving grace," he mumbled. 


    He was greeted with a bell's chime as he entered Bangcolt's finest: Haydonald's. The smell of raunchy, frozen meat tempted his stomach and repulsed his taste buds. He closed his eyes and took a deep whiff, "mediocrity, where have you been today?" He didn't keep his eyes closed for long as they flashed open at the sound of a Steve Hoofschemi type character being a dick to two foals minding their business. 


    He inched up to him and politely tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey, bud. I know you're trying to be cool and all, you know, being an asshole to likely homeless children, but could you uh, I don't know, bully some other kids? My stomach's got a hankering for high cholestrol and late night epiphanies about my weight so... if you could just, uh, step to the side or something, and maybe let these kids order and move things along a bit--yeah, that would be great." 

  3. As much as I'd like to respond to what you said, Guts has a point.


    What Ginger decides to do with your criticism has yet to be seen.  In the end, however, I made my point, you made yours, and I'll be the first to deescalate.  All that I ask is that you tone down your abrasiveness in the future.


    Thank you, and I hope the two of us can put this behind us and move on.

    No arguments here. 

  4. I'm sorry that you went through that, but my point still stands.


    It's not about coddling, it's about encouragement.  People don't grow from having their ideas ground into the dirt.  She's an aspiring writer and artist, and sure, as an artist, you should learn to take criticism, but there's a difference between constructive and destructive criticism.  The former will give an artist the information they need to perfect their skills, while keeping them interested.  The former, on the other hand, gives them nothing to work with and simply instills the idea that their idea is worthless.


    Just because you experienced similar or worse doesn't mean it's right to do the same thing to someone else.  People have different experiences, and not everyone has a thick skin like you.


    I'd be impressed if she wasn't shattered after reading what you wrote.  I'd ask you to actually take the time to mention her in an apology with added constructive criticism that's of use to her, but it's apparent you really don't care.



    And yet you had the time to write out a multi-paragraph essay on why her OC is the worst thing you've ever seen.  Disgusting.

    Am I in the wrong? Yes. Am I wrong? No. Am I issuing an apology? Yeah. Via PM. If you didn't know... so check your facts. Is it destructive criticism? No. Is it blunt and tactless and uncharacterisitc of me? Yes. Do I have a reason for acting like this? Yeah sure. Does it really matter? No. I'm in the wrong. I know. No excuse could possibly warrant my behavior. Despite how shitty my most recent online experiences have been? Do you, however, despite being right, need to mind you own business? Nah. You have my respect, and I thank you for calling me out on this. Are you in some regards wrong? Yeah. I think my letter isn't too harsh. I think you're kind of soft, but nevertheless, it's not my job to think about what I think or feel, it's about others, which is what I should have done in the first place, versus letting recent experiences influence my decisions. So, thanks. I don't fully agree with you, but you're, for the most part. Right. Am I disgusting? You fill in the blank. I'd think so, or at the very leat, right now, I am.

  5. I choose not to assume.

    Well. I'm not much older than her. I'll say that. So... if she requests for me to coddle, I shall, but I've recieved harsher... and I'm not much older, plus the critcisms I've recieved weren't near as kind. So... I don't see this as something "too harsh." That's just the way I see it. I'm practically her age, so I'd assume similar realms of maturity. I can change it. But, unfortunately, not to sound rude, but I can't be bothered to, now. I have a life, and all I can say, is I encourage her to make another. I encourage her to reapply. And I think she can improve if she tries. I was once there. I'm now where I am, and I'm still not very good. I believe in her so... not much else I can add. It's a rejection letter, not a letter of encouragement. I do not have the time. My apologies, and to Ginger as well if I came across as overtly hard. 

  6. @@Tacoma


    I'm not going to say I disagree with your ultimate judgement of the character, but don't you think you could have put it in a more constructive manner?  Ginger's only 14 (At least, according to her profile), and I doubt very many people in this thread had the skills to develop a rich, diverse character at her age.


    Once more, I agree with you denying her character, but perhaps you might be willing to rephrase your reasoning in a way that might not make her never want to create another OC again?

    I can. But I will ask. How old do you think I am?

  7. Can I use my OC Nameless Blossom? Please also keep in mind school started so I won't always be able to respond.


    No. You may not. 


    Besides the potentially cool character asset which is the tail, this OC does not stand out... well, in no way positive. 


    I'll summarize this as quick as possible, as I'm very busy, and I see no one has answered. 


    Despite having the potential this OC is super bland. Boring. Basic. Whatever you want to call it, it's not even remotely interesting because the personality and backstory are so vague and vanilla. The most you put was "in specific" and thereafter you didn't put anything specific. "Gets upset" is not very specific. This thing has less personality than Vanessa Hudgens has height. And if you don't know what I mean by that, here's a different analogy, it's as flavorless as cardboard. 


    Now, to continue on, what information you put is not only boring, but super obvious. "She's pretty friendly to everypony until somepony does something bad to her." Isn't everyone? "She is very stubborn when it comes to what she thinks is right?" Ditto. "She also, despite her calm nature, can get violent when angered." Okay, honestly, what... these aren't character traits, these are instincts instilled in by God himself. Does not everyone get slightly more aggessive or reclusive when upset? What you should do is try and create traits that are indiviual, and unique to your character. Read Ice Blizzard or any of Corona's profile's. Matter of fact, read any OC's personality that is in here, and you'll see what is a good example. Hell, steal some and make it yours. It's okay, as long as you know what you're doing. 


    Next, I want to talk about the writing. Your writing is near incomprehensible. And one of the rules to roleplaying is you must use presentable grammar. I would not consider that grammar. I'd consider that a valiant attempt, but nevertheless, it isn't grammar. If you want a chance to be accepted, you must--at the minimum--use complete, coherent, basically punctuated and capitalized sentences. I'm not saying you have to know comma splices, or hell even spell correctly, for a month we had someone in here use text talk and put "u" for "you" and "2" for "two." 


    So until you can improve upon your grammar and sentence structure, I wouldn't apply again, because the answer is no. And I believe you can improve, truly, because you used completely proper grammar when you asked if you could join. But on the character profile that vanished quicker than a... uh... crap, that's racist... um, Michael Jordan around a defender. Now only slightly racist. So, I do believe you can improve, and reapply and get accepted. But first thing's first, fix the grammar. Second thing, improve the character profile. As it currently stands, I give it a 1.5/10. I will not lie, it's one of the worst I've seen for the reason being there was no character and from what character there was, it was either generic instinctual crap or so unoriginal and stereotypical I was mentally listing where else I've seen these characters. 


    Simply put, or tl;dr. No. You weren't accepted. And you have a lot to improve on before you should reapply. 

    • Brohoof 1
  8. @@Tacoma,


    Are you still interested in playing Cadance? It's been a few days and I haven't heard anything from you...


    @@Derplight Sperkle, @@Taialin, @, @@GeneralDirection, @@Yoshi89, @@DwhitetheGamer, @@Randimaxis,


    As for everyone else, I am working on my post, but I'm not really happy with some parts with it, and will be rewriting them. I hope to have it up sometime in the next few days.

    Yes, but being honest, the character sheet itself is somewhat of an inconvenience with me right now. And I have a lot of things going on right now, meaning... I don't have a lot of time to sit down and work on it, and again, being honest, it feels a "extra." No complaints, and I understand why it's there, it's just it's an extra step for me at this time, and I do have other things to do. A character sheet is just an extra step and one I'm chipping away at slowly but surely. 

    • Brohoof 1
  9. @@DwhitetheGamer,


    I'll PM you in a bit.

    I'll take a hand at Cadence. I play her in an... unconventional way,  but still, I'm confident I can play her. I know I can. I'll put it that way. And If I play her, I like playing her with her couplet, actually, I prefer it. It allows me to hold some continuity in what I do. If not, I might walk. 


    And to say this: No commitmens and no promises. I am testing the waters in this RP--if I may be permitted--and I'm saying it upfront, I'm not sure how motivated I am to play her, or how interested I am in being here, but I'd be willing to give it a shot, of course, if you permit. I can't promise to stay and be a permanent Cadence player--especially with the semester coming up--but I can give it a shot, all I'm saying. So, yeah. 

    • Brohoof 2
  10. @@Fractured,


    Night Tracer remained still as Talon concentrated. Silence. Night was getting uncomfortable; Talon's claws were clutching a little to hard for comfort, and Night was getting restless. His wings ached. He smirked, then closed his eyes, resting his head back on his pillow. 


    Suddenly, his wings spread out like parachutes, swatting Talon off him and over the side of the bed. His wings stiffened, and as quickly as they did, they softened. With a bird-like shuffle he fluttered his wings, and they returned to their resting state as he nestled deeper into his pillow. "Oops," he said dryly, opening his eyes, meeting Luna's, "must have looked at you for too long." He grinned devlishly, then shut his eyes once more, smirk still plastered across his maw. 

  11. @@Fractured,


    Night's weary marbles rolled to the corner of his eyes, then rested back on the wall. He blinked, and yawned. "Well do whatever it is you're going to do." he said, and closed his eyes again. Then he chuckled. "So is that a no on the skin boots? I used to skin reptiles all the time up North." 

  12. @@Fractured


    Night Tracer ruflled underneath his covers. His forehead tensed, and he groaned, hearing soft whsipers around him, one he could barely make out, the other was foreign. He cracked a crusty eye lid open so he could see a thin slit of the outside world, then he closed his eyes again. "Stop it," he grumbled unconsciously, "they'll find--" he stopped, and turned over to his side. 


    He nuzzled the pillow, then sighed, his eyes popping open. "What's with the reptile?" he asked, his blurry orbs unmoving from the far wall, "we makin' skin boots or something?" 

  13. @


    Rainbow Dash's head slammed onto the bar counter with a thud. "Ugh...!" 


    Applejack looked down at her, and cocked a brow as she cleaned out a cider mug. "Sugarcube. Ah don't know what else ah can do ta

    help--and before ya ask. No ya can't have another shot." Rainbow Dash groaned, and banged her hooves on the counter. Applejack casually rolled her eyes and returned to her half-clean out mug. "Have ya tried talkin' to him?"


    Rainbow peered at Applejack out of the corner of her eye, unremoving her forehead from the counter. "No." She sighed. "It's against protocol."


    "Ah'm sorry, Rainbows." She grinned. 


    "Ehck. Don't call me that," she said, her tongue slipping out her mouth in disgust. 


    "Oh well. At least Zephyr's available." 


    Rainbow raised from her slumped stance and glared at the orange mare. "Not helping." 

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