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Status Updates posted by Happyandrenewed999

  1. Ponies, I'm back. I had some personal problems. But I am okay now :)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Happyandrenewed999


      I'm almost there. Thanks, Ash :)

    3. MickeyAdaptus
    4. Happyandrenewed999


      Thanks, Mickey. I am glad to be back! Second home! :D

  2. Sorry, Skype friends. I am no longer on Skype, now. Still can chat here, obviously ^_^

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. strongwilled_pegasus


      well okay, thanks for the update.

    3. Happyandrenewed999


      Same here. There's voice and video calling, elsewhere. Also, Skype annoys me x

    4. Happyandrenewed999


      Thanks, Ash. And you're welcome strongwilled_pegasus

  3. I'll be on and off MLP forums for a while. PP. I hope all you ponies are doing good <3

  4. Busy, busy, busy! I hope you're all good. I should be back on MLP forums at about 4am. Probs.

    1. Happyandrenewed999


      D: hoping! I am sorry I neglected this forum a while back. I'll never leave this place. SO many awesome people/ponies.

    2. strongwilled_pegasus


      busy is always good, :)

    3. Happyandrenewed999
  5. Love this one. From 'Lesson Zero'

  6. Well, back to Cloudsdale for me. Off to go and sleep on my cloud. Night, pony friends x

  7. Whew, just gotta do my cutie mark, glasses, brohoof. Then I'm done!

  8. Creating a new pony me.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Happyandrenewed999


      Totes! Thanks. It'll be up here as soon as! :)

    3. Vera Veil

      Vera Veil

      Nice :) I would do the same, but I don't exactly have access to a computer at the moment

    4. Happyandrenewed999


      I just lost it. I saved my pony code, thank gosh. My computer is so slow it refreshes tabs that are open. I left it for too long. I'm multitasking. This sucks. I just got the colour right, too!

  9. Everyone seems to be talking about pizza, today! XD

    1. Photon Jet

      Photon Jet

      Well, pizza is a wonderful thing after all.

    2. Happyandrenewed999


      It certainly is! I love it :)

  10. So, I fell asleep. Again. At like 5am till 8am. Dreamt of 8-bit table tennis... pulling an alldayer and going to bed early, tonight. Busy busy day! Also getting extreme déj? vu while writing this...

  11. Very sensitive right now. Need some TLC. I do so much for other people/ponies that I sometimes forget about my own feelings.

  12. I need to 'raise my barn'. PS: You're all amazing.

  13. I tried to give Pokemon Go a go (xD) but unfortunately. It doesn't like Samsung Tablets.

  14. Exhausted! >.<

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Time for relaxation. :D

    2. Happyandrenewed999


      I'm relaxing, right now. It's been a busy day :P

  15. Thank you for the friend add! PM me anytime. I'm an easy going and friendly person! :)

  16. Thank you for the friend add! I'm an easy going and friendly person. Feel free to PM me anytime.

  17. I have to write with my mouth since I'm not an Alicorn or Unicorn.

  18. I swear I used to have more brohoofs. Where have they gone. Is it cos I wasn't on here for a while? :\

    1. Monsoon


      I don't know although they aren't that important to me anyway

    2. Happyandrenewed999


      Ah, well. And I don't care either. Was just wondering. :)

  19. Hey, guys. I am working on a sci-fi story. Any tips and also does anyone want the honor of being a character? You can use your real name or whatever name you choose.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Happyandrenewed999


      That is fine ^_^ but thanks for the advice if I will be doing pony fiction.

    3. Batbrony


      Of course, happy to help!

    4. Happyandrenewed999
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