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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Surprise

  1. Moments when something got me laughing so much that I... *is now dead*

    1. Show previous comments  31 more
    2. Surprise


      Yeah. That's so true

    3. S.F.


      For a life that is too serious, has no fun - and I definitely don't want a fun-less life!

    4. Surprise


      Same here both

  2. That moment when I suddenly felt like I'm getting lied to by many. I guess I deserved it -_-

  3. Something something I don't know. A lot of emptyness in my head

    1. Show previous comments  29 more
    2. Surprise


      Rainbow power

    3. Lucha



      Poking-your-eyes-out-colors one love

    4. Surprise


      My eyes X_X <3

  4. My days are kinda tiring me out lately

  5. Waking up in mornings always feel so tiring without sunlight

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Surprise


      Yeah. I guess only time will tell we'll see either of them xD

    3. S.F.


      We can only hope :D

    4. Surprise


      I feel we don't even need to hope and that just my feeling lol

  6. -_-"

    1. Show previous comments  29 more
    2. Surprise


      *looking at you* D:

    3. Vulcan


      *stares into the distance* o_o

    4. Surprise


      You're pretty far over there xD

  7. 6/10 Daily Contract in about 2 hours. I might pass out before I even complete it

  8. I hope all are doing great today on Wednesday 8/3/16

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Surprise


      I hope you get well soon. Mines has been getting much better for past week now

    3. Kyo Sunbringer

      Kyo Sunbringer

      I'm doing swell, thank you.

    4. Surprise


      Awesome and same here for me

  9. is thinking much much more about today

  10. Status: Playing zombies to vent out my anger. Disgusting old friend really darken my heart nd it gets more and more hard to trust anyone if it'll happen to anyone here

    1. Sunset light

      Sunset light

      Just follow the flow of your heart steady strong and ready

    2. Surprise


      I'll try bring the sunlight back in my heart. Hopefully people in my lobby don't ragequit or anything like that

  11. I gave an old friend a chance and today he blew it by start with his crap on me. It cause of him that I really feel like I can't trust no friends anymore. I'm sick of it

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Monsoon


      Well just do what you think will work out for you :3

    3. Surprise


      I will. Thanks xD

    4. Monsoon


      No problem anytime :-)

  12. To all who reading this. If you are interested of the flashy rainbow gif in my avatar, feel free to tell me. I'll hold a PM available for all who want to request me to make a flashy rainbow for their pics. I won't create a thread as it kinda follows the recolor rules I guess

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Starbright Sparkle

      Starbright Sparkle

      ok ill upload my oc on imgurl and link it to ya (:

    3. Surprise


      Thanks. Tomorrow I'll make the time to make it into rainbow gif

    4. Starbright Sparkle

      Starbright Sparkle

      thats fine take your time im patient ^^

  13. A reminder to myself. I need to make a rainbow gif version of my avatar by tomorrow

  14. I wish I can float in the sky and towards the sunset. Everyday I wish I have that

    1. Rikifive


      Oooooh exactly...

    2. Surprise


      Yeah, even though I'm a sunrise, literally

  15. When someone unfriend you just because I'm having a bad day unrelated to them. I cannot understand these people one damn bit

  16. Serious question. Is there like no way to ask if anyone has a PS4 that we can play together?

  17. Only best friend I had for few years gotten sick of me. I don't know what's the meaning of best friends or friends anymore

  18. Any people out there would mind helping me get back into MLP? I haven't been up to date with the new stuffs since a long time. In addition would anyone help get me bit more social? As well as if any one out there would like to be my friend to chat with? Just yesterday I lost my last friend I had

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Surprise


      I believe we can. I wonder will others think that of me too? I have it in mind I hope one day I have many great friends that supports me as I will support them.


      I've been on Steam for years and I been on the wrong place to start. I'm happy I remember this website to give it a try

    3. Surprise


      Same. They're like so many fakes and backstabbers I encounter that it barely any good ones left. I'm glad I met you

    4. Surprise


      I believe we will be. After all I have no one left on Steam side and seeing how much of a jerk he being makes me want to seek for you guys to be around with

  19. I knew it. Not even my last friend I have at Steam likes me anymore. I'm destine to always be alone or surrounded by fake friends

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Surprise


      I occasionally come and go on here. Kinda like I'm lurking for a minute or two before logging off. I don't have any messages on here to reply to as well so it's like no one needed me anyway

    3. TheRockARooster


      Well, I'm gonna go and try to get some sleep now, my friend.

      Take care and all the best.

    4. Surprise


      Well okay. Goodnight and thanks. I'm going feel complete crap though

  20. Random Rainbow

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. Surprise


      Animals are pretty awesome

    3. Monsoon
    4. Surprise


      It really does feel ages since I'm this random. I really miss this, this true me

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