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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Mikepokemon9

  1. Im in a Much better mood thanks to Silver Snow *huggles everypony* I hope your day is going good mine is now wasnt that good b4

    1. Jeremiah


      my mood went all kaput... because of a certain group... but not Kyoshi's

    2. Mikepokemon9


      yeah *hugs* sorry about that bud like i said just remove urself and nothing bad more can happen

  2. Morning everypony *huggles* I love you all so much and i will always and will keep saying it y'all are amazing and I will never forget that. Now who needs a hug *opens arms*

  3. ugh tonight didnt go smoothly as i thought it would of mood went from amazing to just bucking terrible *huggles everypony* I'm sorry about stuff and if I worried anypony, My mnd got the best of me tonigh.I love you all and I must leave y'all a picture http://prntscr.com/85k2rx <3

    1. Flutterstep


      I'm sorry to hear that :( *hugs* I hope you feel better soon :) :) :)

  4. Not matter how much I try or how much of a good mood im in stuff always happens and just makes me shatter *sigh* why do i bother *hugs* i love you all

    1. Nikola Xerdav

      Nikola Xerdav

      ~hugs~ i wish i had a buddy to rewatch MLP with, everyone is so busy :(

  5. I'll be back on forums later guys ill still be active on skype if u got me ^_^ *huggles*

    1. Jeremiah


      ok later Mike!

  6. Morning everypony, How is your day going so far? I hope great if not I'm here if you need to talk ^_^ *huggles everypony* Love y'all sooooo very much :)

  7. Good morning everypony even tho i didnt get any sleep :c ill be ok I think *huggles everypony* love y'all dearly never will forget anypony that has touched me in a way :D

  8. Good morning everypony (sorry I haven't been very active on replying to status n stuff) I hope your day/afternoon is going great, I got hugs all around for y'all *opens arms* now come get em :D

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Fluster
    3. cmthuggin21


      Good Morning mike! Good to hear that you are doing good. :D

    4. Mikepokemon9


      :D hi Fluster and Contra *huggles*
  9. Amazing for halloween hope to see it
  10. Can't wait to see all the good and awesome entries
  11. Good morning everypony, I woke up to 2 little ones jumping all over my bed .-. still kinda tired but meh *huggles everpony*

  12. Every night has to come to end, We all need sleep and I need some sleep myself *yawns and huggles everypony* I love you all <3

    1. TheLegoBrony


      *cuddles you night man

    2. Mikepokemon9



      I had a clutter of wires and I couldn't be bothered to fix it so I just pushed it all to ground deal with it in the morning

    3. CosmicSpark


      *huggles tight* Goodnight :) :) Dream of ponies tonight :) :)

  13. Good morning everypony I feel much better then i did earlier (once again I will never forget it either Thank you Cosmic for being there for me) I still love y'all a bunch and always will *huggles everypony)

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. CosmicSpark


      *huggles* you are both awesome :) :)

    3. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Huh, well thank you Cosmic. ^.^' I try to be. :)

    4. CosmicSpark


      YAY :) :) *huggles*

  14. Ugh to add more to what has happened lately i just woke up from a terrible nightmare (thank you cosmic for being there when i woke up or i dont know what i would of done *suprise huggles*) another reminder of good friends <3 you all im calmed down a lot now

    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. Mikepokemon9


      tell you what im super tired atm im gunna get some more sleep i feel that im probly not gunna get another dream when i wake up ill send u a picture (everypony says i look good but :c i still dont like how i look)

    3. TheLegoBrony


      okay sleep tight

    4. Mikepokemon9


      thanks *huggles*

  15. For anypony that is struggling with any type of depression, anxieity, or anything atm, don't give into it you got wonderful friends that careful u either through a computer screen or in real life, I've struggled with a few things myself my heart and hugs go out to anypony struggling right now as YOU and ANYPONY who feels bad right now deserve a big huge hug *hugs everypony*

    1. Show previous comments  35 more
    2. CosmicSpark


      *huggles mike*

    3. Monsoon
    4. Nikola Xerdav

      Nikola Xerdav

      ~hugs~ i haven't been to depressed this week, maybe all the EDM music i started listening to recently has been cheering me up, idk, lol.

  16. Night everypony *tired huggles* I love you all <3, I love everypony y'all make me feel so much better I need cuddles for sleep :D

    1. CheeryFox




      G'night. =)

  17. Ugh so much struggle in the last 2 hours I need to just chill and listen to music and talk to ponies *huggles*

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dark Horse

      Dark Horse

      Struggle sucks, it's a fact of life. :/ But that's what we're all here for, to have an escape for all that nonsense and just chill as ponies :D *huggles*

    3. Dsanders
    4. Mikepokemon9


      computer is lagging a little atm :/ *sigh* *huggles everypony*

  18. Weee Skype isnt working for me but everything else is gunna try restarting computer brb

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Goofyg27


      You mean skype is ending its service.

    3. Mikepokemon9


      cuz i thought it was my internet


      i was close to calling my ips and chewing them out but it was just skype's end

    4. Mikepokemon9


      nooooooooooooooooooo >_<


      Their servers were denying me for an odd reason or they were thinking i was offline or something im not sure im just glad its fixed now

  19. Good morning everypony, I'm feeling much better but didn't get much sleep *huggles everypony*

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. CosmicSpark


      *huggles everypony tight* We are all friends here, and we all care for one another :) :)

    3. Oven Mitts

      Oven Mitts

      We love you too!!!<3

    4. Flutterstep


      Hey there :D *huggles x 20%* :) :) :)

  20. I'm off to bed everypony I love you all*huggles and wipes tears away* ty Kyoshi and twilightfan28 for helping me through the night

  21. When you realize you have so many good things but when you lose one you remember how little you put yourself in front of other stuff

    1. TheLegoBrony
    2. Mikepokemon9


      the randomness of my brain atm time XD

    3. Mikepokemon9
  22. Favorite thing to eat Mac n Cheese with green pepper sauce ^_^ its so good

    1. Fluster


      Ack you made me want some! xD oh well to the hot dogs!

    2. Mikepokemon9
  23. Good morning everypony, I hope you day is going great, Huggles are for sell for the price of love ^_^

    1. Deae Rising Shine~

      Deae Rising Shine~


    2. Flutterstep


      *checks pockets* Naw... I don't have enough :( *walks away crying...* Just kidding! :D *huggles everyone*

    3. Mikepokemon9


      :D *huggles everypony back*
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