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Prince Midnight

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Status Updates posted by Prince Midnight

  1. I think im going to take markipliers advice and never search for Markimash shipping again

    1. Jadefire
    2. Prince Midnight

      Prince Midnight

      Markiplier x Yamimash (another youtuber)

  2. *streaches* nnf, been awhile, whats up?

  3. uhh....is the forums broken? it says im not part of this community anymore....

    1. DaReaper


      very borken today, just reload

    2. Prince Midnight

      Prince Midnight

      i reloaded a bunch of times, still says it XP

      guess ill just come back tommorrow

  4. Hello from my new tablet :D

  5. yay Nightmare Moon ^.^

    1. Jadefire


      Episode 3 was released. Let's just say the implication of the last few seconds of that episode is very ...intriguing.

    2. Prince Midnight

      Prince Midnight

      cant find it on youtube so ill have to watch it later


    3. Jadefire
  6. finally got off my ass and watched episode 1 and 2.....and holy shit, best episodes ever x3, not to mention im liking discord XD

  7. seriously? a nuclear deal with iran? thats just asking for trouble, im sorry, but every country that made that deal, you made a mistake.

    1. Jadefire


      I dunno, averting a nuclear war seems like a good thing.

  8. i should really invest in a jacket, i dont think my body likes the constant shifts in temperature

  9. let go a little early from work ^.^ at least i get to see my boyfriend before he goes to sleep

  10. Far over, the misty mountians cold,

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Prince Midnight
    3. Jadefire


      It flaming spread,

    4. Prince Midnight

      Prince Midnight

      The trees like torches, blazed with light.

  11. so, the congress has done something right.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Yamato


      And, uh, how exactly does that help the economy? How does it help to diminish cross-party tensions? Does it create a viable way for the country to begin diminishing it's debt? Does this help establish a viable long term energy plan? Furthermore, why hasn't a bill protecting against heterosexual discrimination been passed? Or a bill prohibiting discrimination towards whites, or men? It's only fair.

    3. Prince Midnight

      Prince Midnight

      i....that last sentence is the most retarded thing ive ever seen.


    4. Yamato


      Ain't satire grand?

  12. my grandfathers distrust of the federal government is getting on my nerves.

    1. MelancholicMemory


      Well, as they say "Congress is the opposite of Progress"

    2. Prince Midnight

      Prince Midnight

      i dont give a damn about congress, hes saying to preform a background check the FBI will be looking at my facebook.

    3. MelancholicMemory


      Actually, most businesses look at your Facebook when you apply for a job. Also, the FBI can peek there too, though I doubt they're watching you specifically right now. So yeah, Facebook is not private.

  13. Electrobolt:

    for you love x3
  14. So, i got a plesent call today, origonally i was supposed to get my airport ID on monday at 830am and start working the next day, well, someone cancled their appointment today and i get my badge today and start working tommorrow ^.^

    1. Jadefire


      Any idea when your first paycheck is?

  15. wish me luck, have a job interview today ^.^

    1. Lonely


      good luck bro

  16. had the worst nights sleep my entire life-_- and i have a job interview tommorrow ;-;

  17. Ion Cannon ready, you may fire when ready commander.

    1. Kaska


      ... Red Alert 3?

    2. Jadefire


      Unable to comply, building in progress.

  18. my stomach hurts, a livestream being rude, and some fucking douchebag almost runs me off the road, then yells at me at the gas station telling me i was driving too slow, which i was driving 5mph above the speed limit.

    1. Yamato


      Did you liberally apply the 9-iron of friendship to his fender? I would have.

    2. Misty Shadow

      Misty Shadow

      Sorry to hear all that.

    3. Prince Midnight

      Prince Midnight

      @dwayne no, but i threatened to call the police, and that got him to back down


  19. i just saw a BMW M6 on my way home at the dealership......why do i have the sudden urge to sell everything i own to try and buy it x3

    1. Fluttershyfan94


      Because it's a BMW M6.. I have seen a few at dealerships.. I just want to spend the rest of my life in one.

    2. Prince Midnight

      Prince Midnight

      heh, this dealership also had one of the mockups of the i8 and that thing....is so pretty....

    3. Fluttershyfan94


      Cool, still prefer having an M6.

  20. Surprisingly this model car is going together well.....i suppose

  21. getting the tires onto the wheel....is really hard >.>

  22. Ive decided to try my hand at making a model car......joyous.

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