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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky

Prince Midnight

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Status Updates posted by Prince Midnight

  1. i hate my car, i need a newer one

  2. saw my first meteor....or comet, not sure, but damn...that was beautiful

    1. SCS


      That's awesome.

  3. so theres another midnight moon....aw hell naw

    1. Jadefire


      So you saw that guy too? x3

  4. at least this banner is better than the previous one

    1. Smarts


      I agree wholeheartedly.

    2. Prince Midnight

      Prince Midnight

      least soarin is hot


    3. Jadefire


      I've already forgotten what the previous banner was.

  5. 399 dollars-320 for break repairs, 3 for check cashing, 25-27 for gas this week, 27 for gas next week.....somehow this dosent add up

  6. everypony, drop what your doing and google scotlands national animal right bucking now, then look at this picture http://th02.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2011/224/7/b/twilight_sparkle___best_pony_by_dentist73548-d46coo4.png

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Prince Midnight

      Prince Midnight

      did you look up scotlands offical national animal?

    3. ~StatesTheOblivious~


      Excuse me, sir. But I'm impervious to diabeetus.

    4. Prince Midnight

      Prince Midnight

      but....but....youve had diabeetus all along

  7. i don wanna

    1. Jadefire


      I'm sorry, but I'm afraid you're gonna have to eat your broccoli.

    2. Prince Midnight

      Prince Midnight

      i don wanna go to work


      wanna get some food?


  8. screw today, screw the internet screw my life

    1. Jadefire


      What's wrong?

    2. Spartan


      Im sure life could be much worse buddy. Think of it like this, you live in a safe country.. whereas others fear that today will be their last day

    3. Prince Midnight

      Prince Midnight

      spartan, whoop de doo


      bifrost, im going out

  9. farcry 3 is really fun, but mine seems to be glitched or broken

    1. Jadefire


      Just that Molotov glitch, or are there any others?

    2. Prince Midnight

      Prince Midnight

      this current mission im on, i restarted it 5 times but when it says i grabbed the log of all the soldiers planning against hoyt it dosent tell me i grabbed the manifest


  10. so i pick up my snake, and everythings going well, until he takes a big old crap right on my shirt -_-

  11. oh cracked.com, everything you say needs to be taken with a grain of salt....but i still love your antics

  12. far cry 3 is AWESOME :D

    1. Smarts


      I know. Quite fun to play :D

  13. My boyfriend and i have been together for 1 year and 5 months x3, and its thanks to this forum that we met, thanks feld0 :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jadefire


      You'll need to do something to celebrate your 1 year 5 month anniversery.


      I suggest throwing a pie at him.

    3. Jokuc
    4. Prince Midnight

      Prince Midnight

      jade....your a jerk >.>

  14. whats with all the pictures of the guy in the blue shirt?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Zerrodo


      He's like eighteen. He doesn't really look much older in the photo if you were to ask me.

    3. Prince Midnight

      Prince Midnight

      I was told he was like 15-16

    4. Jadefire


      He was 16-turning-17 when I joined about a year and a half ago. He recently turned 18.

  15. ahh grammar nazis, doncha love em.

    1. Drago Ryder

      Drago Ryder

      I was just kidding.

    2. Drago Ryder

      Drago Ryder

      I was just kidding.

    3. Crispy


      *Ah, grammar Nazis, don't you love them.

  16. hello my delightful foo....i mean subjects.

    1. Drago Ryder

      Drago Ryder

      You misspelled Cocoon. Anyway, kill it with love.

  17. i give up on trying to change my display name.....

    1. Nohbdy


      We've had many users complain about that. It's a known issue, but it shouldn't be permanent.

    2. Dsanders


      lol me too


  18. why is it that a bow and arrow can kill a tiger easilly, yet it takes two, TWO magazines from an AK-47 to do the same thing

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ghostly assassin

      Ghostly assassin

      My head is going to explode from all this knowledge. can I add you

    3. Ghostly assassin
    4. Flicker Sweet

      Flicker Sweet

      bullets decelerate fast when they hit flesh, thus making them less effective

      arrows however, penetrate deeper and don't ricochet off of bone

  19. Farcry 3 able to let me take my frustration out on innocent pirates :3 and i think it might be helping my depression a bit....is that screwed up?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jadefire


      Postal. Not Portal.

    3. ParsoOfEquestria


      yes, Postal. look it up if you're confused

    4. Ghostly assassin

      Ghostly assassin

      I don't have far cry3 but how awsome is it to a scale 0f 1 to 10

  20. i just changed the headlight on my car (with some help) your argument is invalid

    1. Jadefire


      Achievement Unlocked

  21. just saw pacific rim....now i have an interesting fanfic idea XD

  22. any bronies in or near reno nevada? should i move there, or should i try some more in utah

    1. Jadefire


      There are still more options here in Utah you haven't looked into yet. I'd say stay here, and save Reno for a last resort.

  23. i really dont want to move to reno, but...it seems like the only option at the moment, i cant afford an apartment in utah

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Prince Midnight

      Prince Midnight

      time to go back into my love for germany


    3. Jadefire


      Time to post pictures of the Holocaust, then?

    4. Prince Midnight
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